
Terrorist Bashar Al-Assad and his terroristic forces keep bombing and killing innocent civilians including children on purpose.
It's the fifth day in a row when that bloodthirsty tyrant Assad commits such atrocities and war crimes.
He needs to be stopped, get overthorwn and put on trial for all the crimes against humanity he and his army commited

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fuck off israeli shill

>stating facts, providing proofs and calling for sensible actions
>y-you are an israeli shill

shouldn't have harbored terrorists then

Sigh. More dusty kids to tug and the heart strings.

It's getting tiresome.

Fuck off Kike.

Yet it's not the israelis who keep murdering children but Assad ;)

But stopping Assad would require a war against Syria, certainly causing more death than what is happening now in Ghouta. I say it is better to sacrifice Ghouta. There will be less death in the end. Think Hiroshima.

Eat shit kike

>and his forces keep bombing and killing innocent civilians including children on purpose.
You just described America.


My state media rins this shit still, like a daily loop for 2 fucking years. Fuck off shitty children

I curse you for being a propagandist

Maybe if US hadn't helped fund and arm the opposition, they wouldn't be so fucking obnoxious to kill? To be fair, those children would have likely just grown up to be radical Sunni jihadists as well. Collateral damage is just helping to prevent the need for future defense.

Fuck off cia

how do I go about adopting one of these poor children


It rustles me that these sand niggers superficially resemble us. It makes me want to feel bad for them and I don't like it


CIA post quality increasing tremendously

>is reported
Who reported it? Why not use mobile phones in this age to record it with location and all?

>SyAAF dropped leaflets on East Ghouta announcing that the SAA established a humanitarian crossing points for the civilians, giving them the chance of getting out from the clashes zone. Here's the map with translated instructions along with the original leaflet

Spotted the Chechen mudshit subhuman.

tell them to stop fighting.. jeez, this isn't rocket science.


Putin needs to disappear your subversive kike ass.

Where is her husband?


Assad wants to become America.

>fight for the losing team
>whine about there being consequences

Well, looks like liberalism has taken seed in Syria too.

Fighting for ISIS, where else?

When will israel allow the refugees and save these precious children? Must they swim the sea and drown for the media?

At least change.

kys faggot, are you going to spam about the next 'chemical attack' next? or more gas chambers? GOOD GOY


Why dont the parents take their kids out of Ghouta when the russians and Syrian forces have made corridoors for women and children?

Fuck right out of here. Assad is my favorite world leader.

>muh syrian
After the refugee crisis turned into a migrant crisis that then turned into a rapefugee crisis which has turned into a mockery, I've stopped giving a shit about the plight of Syrians.

Get fucking mustard gassed, you fucking shitskins.

>Best chance for a stable middle-eastern government
>Argument to remove them from power
How about no.

Fuck off shlomo

Blaming Syria when it was the Jews. Neck yourself faggot.

>Terrorist Bashar Al-Assad
Stopped reading there. Have a (You), CIA friendo.

Muslums in Russia are pro-Assad though.

In the eyes of the roach, the pestcontroler is the terrorist.

Death comes from both sides. Evil is nonexistent when all are same.

News from Syria come exclusively from anti-Assad rebel forces, which are heavily supported by Israel and the CIA. Even though Assad has practically already won, you will never hear any impartial and objective news on the conflict, especially from leftist propaganda outlets like the BBC.

>Anything non-nato aligned/russian aligned risks collateral damage
>America literally bombs a fucking hospital with a drone, something you'd likely see your target with before shooting, compared to syrian artillery and russian dumb bombs
Oh, civilians die in war. Doesn't matter.

After East Ghouta, Northern Homs is next. Prepare your anuses Moderate Beheaders, no amount of gasbaby memes can save you now

>After East Ghouta, Northern Homs is next.
So after killing all the children in Ghouta Assad is going to do the same in Homs?
Let's hope that that criminal bastard Assad gets stopped before he manages to move forward.


It's war, and the Syrian Armed Forces don't have enough resources to build and use hi-tech ware in their bombing raids, hence more dead civilians. If you and your American friends want to prevent more civilian deaths from "barrel bombs", make sure to sell hi-tech weapons to Assad at a discount. In the past a barrel bomb drop would've been business as usual in a war context and not a "crime against humanity". So put your money where your mouth is and provide Assad with money and/or better weapons. Also stop funding the Sunni rebels. They are not good people and never were, they were always about oppressive theocracy.