Terrorist Bashar Al-Assad and his terroristic forces keep bombing and killing innocent civilians including children on purpose. It's the fifth day in a row when that bloodthirsty tyrant Assad commits such atrocities and war crimes. He needs to be stopped, get overthorwn and put on trial for all the crimes against humanity he and his army commited
>stating facts, providing proofs and calling for sensible actions >y-you are an israeli shill
Liam Baker
shouldn't have harbored terrorists then
Hunter Adams
Sigh. More dusty kids to tug and the heart strings.
It's getting tiresome.
Fuck off Kike.
Brayden Collins
Yet it's not the israelis who keep murdering children but Assad ;)
Hudson Turner
But stopping Assad would require a war against Syria, certainly causing more death than what is happening now in Ghouta. I say it is better to sacrifice Ghouta. There will be less death in the end. Think Hiroshima.
Michael Morris
Eat shit kike
Benjamin Hughes
>and his forces keep bombing and killing innocent civilians including children on purpose. You just described America.