ITT we discuss conspiracy theories you believe to be true

ITT we discuss conspiracy theories you believe to be true.

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cnn is fake news

Israel did 9/11

Israel killed Kennedy

Israel did Vegas

Israel controls every MSM news outlet

Israel blackmails our politicians

Israel is evil.


The Holocaust never happened and the Jews did 9/11.

Stephen Hawking is braindead and he is being used as a mouthpiece to denounce Trump

>Jews are behind the problems of the West
This counts as a conspiracy theory by mainstream standards although it is a fact and there is much proof

shut up illegal

I personally believe that basically, everything in pizzagate is real. There is too much evidence pointing to it.

Hitler was a Jewish operative

Plans to get rid of white people... but this isn't a conspiracy theory anymore because the media and the left cant shut up about how perfect everything would be if all white people were dead.
I mean jesus Christ you would think they tone this rhetoric down after losing the election but its exactly the opposite and its infecting education too.


The Titanic was an insurance fraud scheme gone wrong

The tooth hairy aint real...

Gone wrong? It seemed to work out pretty well

Oh man I got a severe case of hairy tooth last time I visited Thailand. Damn tropical diseases.

A better question for Sup Forums would be "Which frequently discussed conspiracy theories DON'T you subscribe to".

I completely agree with that the media and left for that matter are trying to black wash the whole world with the agenda.

- killed JFK and MLK
- control global flow of guns/humans/narcotics
- have reverse engineered ufo tech

Occult groups / secret societies have found how to prolong life or become immortal. first with blood rites, then actual blood transfusion, now with cloning.

Nephilim/titans were aliens, possibly inter-dimensional. Instant (as in faster-than-light) telepathy is possible through quantum entanglement. This is how ufos are piloted. Deepstate/CIA knows all this and are going to make real life Guild Navigators. This is the ultimate goal MKULTRA and is why (((they))) are giving us conditioned exposure like with upcoming Wrinkle in Time movie.

"Zyzz assassinated in Thailand (ladyboys)"
this one made me spit my Becks out

This. It's well worth investigating, it's a weird, sinister fucking rabbit hole.

why couldn't it have just been drugs?
like all the codewords, hell comet ping pong could have even been used as a drop spot (they use public place as human shields)

Jonbenet Ramsay's brother is Jonbenet Ramsay. It's why he can't stop smiling.


I like that one infograph of the man who was leasing the world trade centers and took out massive insurance on it

Only to find out that it’s lined with Asbetos and he the buildings bombed intentionally

I also believe Obama and macron are puppets

Also believe the holocaust is radically exaggerated much like the Nanking massacre was

I would love to tell you but freedom of speech doesnt exist in my shithole country. I don't want to go to prison

Anything about bitcoin?

What Mel said...

Jews are scared of bitcoin.

What was the reason behind jfk? Legit asking to know

I don't think so.. Can't they just buy 90% of the supply and crash it to 0?

Not when the supply isn't centralized and continuously growing.

If you have enough money to pull of a stunt like 9/11, why not just sell the building at a loss and move on? The insane wealth and black money involved for a fraud job makes no sense.

Definitely all the world leaders are puppets (some know it, some don't). They also are pulling the strings of others (it's a pyramid scheme for a reason).

When you control the media you can control the narrative. No one talks about how many ruskies died at the hands of jewish bolsheviks.

Jews invented bitcoin

Your country is the number one host to Jewish cock.

Also when is the entire gulf going to blow itself up

Also owning bitcoin and literally controlling the creation of money are two different things.
Cool story Moishe. Suck my dick.

>ITT we discuss conspiracy theories you believe to be true.
no one on Sup Forums actually believes in any conspiracies but they push their own personal opinionated agenda just like CNN. this is actually not a conspiracy but truth

>mass incarceration of black males as a capitalist agenda

>monetizing of "useful idiots", mockery of intellectualism, i.e.; "geek culture"

>racism promoted as a device to keep poor people fighting among themselves; Fun Fact: If you ain't rich, you're poor
"Aren't niggers the worst, goy?"

>plutocracy of the globally elite

I also want to add that Jews don't so much control Hollywood as much as they're the ones that count Hollywood's money, if you know what I'm saying. I should know: I was there and witnessed for myself. What the Jews are especially good at is getting other racial groups to do their dirty work for them; namely rich white men who are so aloof to the point of borderline retardation.

I'm sorry to suggest this, but the only way to dethrone the Jews is to decentralize currency and distribute aristocratic wealth back to the people. Think Denmark.

Da fuck, you say!

He hs a point tho, there's some theories that say that Btc was created by the NSA. It uses the SHA-256 created by them and apparently Satoshi Nakamoto means "Central Intelligence".

trump/alex jones are controlled opposition

Hollywood pushing liberal pc agenda for the sole purpose of marketing movies.

It's not exactly a conspiracy but I find people who keep themselves busy overcomplicating the world and coming up with new things to bitch about need to go out more.

Nigger i don't give a fuck. YOu're jewish and I already know.

That's pretty obvious more than anything, it's a delusion to think otherwise

italo bro, it's was /all/ the reasons.
anyone can get wacked, but for it to be someone that high on the pyramid he had to have truly fucked up.
>> was going to talk about roswell and ufos
>> was going to start socialism-lite (at a time when america was still mostly white, can't let the goys have a self-sustaining ethno state right?)
>> didn't make the "right" choice for the military industrial complex during cuban missile crises
>> jacky "...if i don't have sex every day i get a headache" kennedy was to blackmail what magneto is to lug nuts. him being gone was convenient.

also probably his whole family is a bloodline involved in deepstate power plays. look up all his relatives.


Because the amount of proof featuring actual kids is insane

With probability of beeing correct

>UFOs 0%
>Chemtrails 0%
>Flat Earth 0%
>School/Mass shootings are staged 0%
>Albert Pikes Letters 0%
>All out Holocaust-denial 0%
>Moonlanding 10%
>Rothschilds are still world richests 50%
>Childabuse more prevalent within the elite 50%
>The first 5 Conspiracies with 0 mentioned here are actively pushed by controlled opposition to discredit legit Conspiracy Thinking 70%
>ZOG in America and West 80%
>Diana was murderd 90%
>Israel/ZOG did 9-11 99%
>Holocaust-Industry (as protraid by N.Finkelstein) 100%

Bitcoin (and all other crypto) is nothing but a predetermined algorithm, just like the stock market.

>tens of trillions missing from the DoD
>secret space program

sheep use terms like ''conspiracy theories''.

i believe in pizzagate, charlottlesville was a false flag, i believe the increase it internet use and social media is deliberate and a psyop and that the fashion industry is a giant homosexual paedophile network

>Bitcoin (and all other crypto) is nothing but a predetermined algorithm, just like the stock market.