R.I.P. Roshi



>no death by boobs

And he is not even ringed out yet.


He did surprisingly well. Dropped out one worthless chick and 2 guys far stronger than himself.
Even Beerus respects him now.

best episode in the entire arc

Nope. That would have been interesting. We can't have that.

still just another bitch ass ningen


Someone need to clip that part where Roshi is talking to her with like

>You know what time is it?


He's actually dead?

>Guy transforms into a gay ass birdman
>rushes in on roshi thinking he's gonna rekt him
>roshi slaps him so hard he flew to the other side

Good episode


Does anyone else think later on they're gonna do something with Universe 1, 5, 8 and 12?

Considering they're suppose to be so powerful that they're exempt from the tournament wouldn't Goku want to ask to challenge them after this?

No, that would have been interesting, and we can't have that. Instead we have Goku the walking defibrillator.


It would have been better from a narrative prospective if he actually died, I mean it's not like he won't be wouldn't be revived after the tournament but it would knock him out of the team while giving him a decent amount of respect, as he is now he's eventually going to get taken out by something to establish themselves as a threat, instead of that him sacrificing his very life to go beyond his limits and defeat an enemy would be a much better way to go.

>Interesting in DB
It's nothing but a minor inconvenience at this point

>show instantly becomes better when Roshi is portrayed as more than just a joke character

Let's take our time to appreciate best boy Ganos
>cute as fuck in human form
>cool as fuck in bird form
>is very young (they made so much accent on him being young that I suppose he is likely a child, so still has a lot of potential to grow)
>was infuriated by Roshi dropping off his comrades which indicates a good heart despite his dirty works as a spy
>learns and adapts in battle quickly (a trait shared with such powerful fighters as Goku, 17 and Hit)
>forced Roshi, who defeated two enemies almost effortlessly before, to commit a suicidal attack
Is he the best thing to come out of Tournament of Power?

All these universes were supposed to be more powerful than them.

>Roshi would have raped that woman had she not jumped off

I honestly wonder how the omni king would feel about a competitor sexually assaulting another during the tournament.

Every universe will get merged together with the winner's wish, including those 4. This will prevent Zeno from deleting anything since it will mean no more universes left.

Leave Roshi to me.

i honestly expected some motorboating/pafupafu action

The reason this episode was good was because all of Roshi's fights were Dragonball tier

1. A Gag Fight
2. A Fight between two users of creative techniques
3. A Fight where Roshi was vastly outclassed but won through a combination of skill, technique, and then raw power that only managed to punch through because of the former.

When confronted with a gimmick in the tournament, almost all the other fighters have answered through JUST HIT HARDER, while Roshi answered with actual creative fighting.

Like Roshi dodging Ganos at the start is HOW you portray someone getting read stylishly not just BWIPBWIPBWIPI'MBEHINDYOU, they portrayed that Roshi was just waiting for an opening.

Universal deletion.

Would you fuck him in either form?

She asked for it. Literally.
You use Sex Appeal as a weapon, you basically turn it into a battle of Sex, and that means a man's strength is taking by force. If she didn't want to get raped she should have fought fair and square.

good episode ruined by a bad ending. roshi should've died, awakening goku's next transformation.

that nigga roshi goat, tho
>literally forced bitch to ring out with his cock
>illegal technique
>powered up harder than a nigga that even he admitted had the potential to give holdbacku a problem
good stuff

>Its neat so I'll allow it.

Remember when Piccolo died and came back unceremoniously during the Freeza revival arc? That's exactly what would've happened again, death is meaningless in this show

>tfw goku actually showed some sad emotion for once
good scene that was

Is it me or this was one of the best episodes from this arc? Loved Goku and Krilin's reaction

>vastly outclassed
>One backhand is enough to send Ganos flying

>yfw goku is tank, healer and dps for his raid

Even Beerus respects Roshi now, good shit.

Fused Universe will be the only universe with a 'council' of Supreme Kias/GoDs and becomes the 'Bureaucratic Universe" of the remaining 5.

I thought his bird form was really weird and lame.
I was expecting him to last longer and be eliminated by someone a lot stronger, but I also thought the same thing about Nigrisshi

hyper roshi rape hentai when

>said to be at Goku-tier if left alone in amatter of minutes
And people call Frieza the mutant


best episode ever

Best episode of Super in a long time, although i still feel like i could have directed bits better myself
Toei are really amateur at getting emotion out of the audience these days. It did get me emotionally, i just know it could have gotten me a lot more

>remaining 5
No, only 1. That's the big twist. The 4 are not safe and are used to leverage the other's safety.

They mentioned several times this episode that Ganos "is still young" and "has a lot of potential". Will it lead to anything, I wonder, or was it just so won't feel that bad about him jobbing to fucking Roshi.


9/10 episode

>monster girls
>original DB action


sadly next episode will be beamspam shit again.

at this point i just want Roshi vs Rozie to happen.

Roshi's episode was unexpectedly great, they're doing a good job of fanservice for the old characters.


>A good guy will NEVER permanently die post-DB.
And that's why this show will never have any real suspense or tension.

How will you cheer him up, Sup Forums?

why bring a fighter like her? Did Mikey Mouse really waste slot just to ring out U7's weakest?

Toeifans it appears we have ripoff powers

kinda sad Roshi did not jump off so he can keep molesting the chick.

ask the fish lady for some blunt

Why did krillin have to get knocked out so fast

be knocking out the rest of his team
he can't be a sad bitchboy if he doesn't exist

this is probably the saddest part of this saga... he could have been awesome...

What does it matter. Even if they can't be revived by the dragon balls for some reason they'd just move from earth to bumming it on King Kai's planet (Goku's friends). Would probably use the dragon balls to wish him up a bigger planet. Goku and Vegeta's families would go bum it out on the Supeme Kai's planet.

so goku's a paladin?

He should have spent the entire arc running away and just trying to survive while eliminating no one.

Is he, dare I say, one of us?
>boobs lover

Paladins are beautiful so...

he is the nega Sup Forums

Hmm, it seems that the next episode is actually another Universe 2 fight, despite people thinking that it was about the Universe 4 bugs.

Makes sense, considering the description was talking about a single fighter and not two. Plus the bugs don't have invisibility, V-Jump stated that they could hide underground.


People also thought it would be a Gohan/Piccolo team-up. From the preview it's a Goku/Tien/Vegeta team-up though. And where the fuck is Frieza? Cabba and Frost have also been absent.

I bet the order they go down will be different, problably 18, Piccolo, Roshi, Tien or something alone these lines.

he's just going to give her cute hugs
that's all
old man needs some affection from youngings

>digits don't lie

He's out and if that's the best Universe 4 can offer they are screwed. Problably the next to be erased too (it will be sad for the rat)

And what about when Champa is erased?

Seriously, wtf is the end game

Great episode. I hope we're gonna get a Tien episode soon but I got the feeling he will job in next weeks

So next episode seems to be a recuperate episode since everyone seems to get back together and be hiding in a rock formation?

As long as it's not killing them...

I need doujinshi of this

>roshi's dick increases its size and deflorates that poor little u3 slut while beerus cheers on him

Except if you Krillin or Yamcha or possibly Tien/Piccolo

That's goku cumming god ki into Roshi and absorbing it shortly after. How does it feel that Roshi is now a god and Gohan has achieved nothing?

>zeno gets his first erection

Roshi is unironically the most interesting character to watch fight and in general the best thing in Super. This nigga took out three members himself and is still in the tournament, granted he would be dead if not for Goku. Seriously why is Krillin such garbage? All that character build up and he just gets knocked out first instead of someone irrelevant like Tien or Gohan. It's not fair

Krillin was so so the problem is they built him up too much, Yamcha was getting bullied from the start but he had the funnest filler in the form of the baseball episode, the real decider is how they will handle Tien's episode

>it's neat

>Bulma was a slut in DB

This just in, water is wet. Also remember the time she showed her tits to a guy that was keeping her hostage because she thought he'd let her go. And all the other times in DB she showed her panties or boobs to get her way.

Reminder that Gohan and Vegeta are fucking useless.


Now i want god roshi later on in the tournament

Thats partially the point. Even if they "die" they don't actually die. Even knowing that they can't kill someone off which brings the point home even harder.

In a way it's the only saving grace of the arc though. Zeno is the only thing that could make death meaningful. Even King Yema can just decide to send you back if he thinks you deserve to live.

and you know why?
no powerup, no flashy hair but techniques, will power and tits

another great one user

bulma also tried to give her butt to a 5 years old Goku for a Dragon Ball...i mean

>next episode
>Blanka the sniper
>invisible shit is meant to matter
>literally everyone and their mother can detect energy
>androids have built in 'go fuck yourself' sensors
>even the guy who could manipulate his body's energy to make it hard to follow his moves could be deciphered
>episode description is an 'invisible' sniper
Fuck it
Give me more Roshi

The krillin thing really pisses me of aswell
Im still hoping theres a twist were the people on the bench join back in to fight the evil angels

Except Roshi is the kind of character they probably wouldn't wish back because he's so ancient he would probably want to stay dead

>lost his best warrior
>has to depend on suicide bomber bugs to save his universe
Quitela noose edit please

More like why is every universe filled with jobbers outside of u6 and u7 as a whole. U11 only has 3 worthwhile fighters.

Has Tien done anything?

It should have happened but not against a minor leaguer.

I thought she was just offering to show her panties to him, didn't think it was anal sex.

I bet the fucking Rat God's plan is one of these two, if not both:
A. that retarded small bug fighter is gonna walk in front of an attack and literally kill himself in exchange for taking out a stronger fighter like Hit or Toppo
B. the God himself is going to pull some 'hey Zeno, wouldn't it be more fun if a God was fighting all these strong fighters' plea in order to jump into the tournament himself, and Zeno approves it because he has hyperautism