What does the left want exactly?

What does the left want exactly?

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Probably for their kids to not get shot.

Just a guess tho

military personnel are not allowed to carry firearms on military bases since George Bush Sr.

the fuck is this guy talking about?


Sums it up perfectly

Then why don't they stop shooting children? Daily reminder that every single mass shooter or school shooter of voting age has been a democrat you leaf piece of shit

I just see the most retardedest shit coming from these fucks and the sheeple that follow them I can't take it anymore

You realize that the reason the fort hood shooting even fucking happened IS BECAUSE THERE'S A GOD DAMN RULE ABOUT BEING ARMED ON A BASE


All this retard bitchnigga did was highlight that shootings only happen is disarmed zones.

It's like that was an exception that is an extremely uncommon occurrence or something.

Do they think banning guns will reduce public incidents below the frequency of mass shootings on military bases? That's what, 20 over 70+ years?

If anything, their reference would promote that prevalence of firearms reduces incidents.

Maybe they should stop killing their own kids then

Power, these pathetic left wing creatures lust after power with their every breath.


You don't have guns and ammo just sitting around on military bases. The only armed people are the ones on the gates and MPs.

Also, what a fucking retarded rule wtf.

Maybe pursue alternative means of safety then?
Better enforcement of existing laws.

Gun safety and reduced incidents isn't mutually exclusive with private ownership of guns.

To make the USSR great again.


But we see that they would rather seize guns, than to place measures in place to protect the children effectively.

Gun control first, children second, of course.

For real, and then Obama called it work place related violence, just kill me now Aussie bro

that tweeter is a twat.. military couldn't carry on base because of feelz.


Too many misinformed people in our society such a shame

Stupid people like the person in OPs picture perpetuate stupidity and it just keeps spreading from each person they infect, us here know that military personal aren't allowed to be armed but not one of these tards does cause they don't actually care.
They talk about suburban retards when they themselves have very little real world knowledge or experience

if soldiers could walk around base armed i doubt the muslim terrorist would've shot anybody since he'd be as outnumbered as a black hawk down. if anything it just shows how dangerous gun-free zones are because you have to wait for armed people to show up. IF they show up and aren't ordered to stand down and watch, like what happens when you have mayors and sheriffs playing politics.

nah , they would expel all niggers and spics if that's what they wanted

uh no, thanks to the CLINTONS military can't carry on base unless they are law enforcement or ordinance men on mission.
and there aren't tons of law enforcement standing around everywhere on base, and bases are fucking big so there is response time.

Fuck off you shit eating nigger

>dat pic
The area where the Ft. Hood shooting happened was a gun-free zone, lol.
They had to call in the cops, who were the only ones authorized to carry weapons there.

If it hadn't been a gun-free zone, the shooting would've been over very quickly.
But of course the shooter wouldn't have picked it as a target then, so yeah.

They want to be domesticated

They want their children to be the one that shoots rather than being the one that gets shot

Stop trying to criticize a spectrum of "left" when you can't even reflect on how the "right" went wrong.

All you kids are retarded.

wasnt that a "gun free zone"?

>schools are gun free zones
>keep getting shot up anyway
>first responders don't arrive in time to prevent the shooting, only to collect the bodies
>most school shooters are under 21 and have a documented history of mental illness
>usually its not their own gun
>it wouldn't matter if it was an AR15 or something much weaker, they'd still be able to kill in a gun free zone without facing any resistance

how is having armed security on site not a good solution here?

Suicidal? Link?

Where did the "right" go wrong? All of these mass shooters are from the left.

Only gate guards can carry on military bases stateside.