I'm just wondering how it's possible for people to be atheists/materialists when the vast majority of thinking people throughout history have concluded a belief in at LEAST synchronicity, and a large majority have gone further significantly.

Post here if your political views are informed by an acknowledgement of the transcendent absolute.

Other urls found in this thread:


Explain this, atheists. Explain the fact that we're discussing the affairs of mankind on the internet as sentient beings while our moon is both the exact size and exactly distant from both the Earth and Sun to produce total solar eclipses.

>muh chance
>muh trillions upon trillions of necessarily linked coincidences


I believe in ghosts


t. godfag
your god exits, but he is a jewish demon

The amount of 7's gets attached to Trump posts before he won was pretty coincidental.

People in the past were stupid and afraid of a world they couldn't understand so they had to come up with fairy tales to give their lives order and purpose. Now that we have science and knowledge we can finally move on from those days of faith slavery.

No, I believe in reincarnation, a human soul, and the progression of that soul to higher and higher spheres of existance and understanding. I believe there are lifeforms as far above mankind as mankind is above and beyond bacteria, for example.

t. Reddit







Sizeable if fact.


What actually causes this, though? Did we actually resummon an ancient, powerful egregore, or is it just weird quantum shit, or both?





The High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (高エネルギー加速器研究機構 Kō Enerugī Kasokuki Kenkyū Kikō), known as KEK, is a Japanese organization whose purpose is to operate the largest particle physics laboratory in Japan, situated in Tsukuba, Ibaraki prefecture. It was established in 1997.[1] The term "KEK" is also used to refer to the laboratory itself, which employs approximately 695 employees.[2] KEK's main function is to provide the particle accelerators and other infrastructure needed for high-energy physics, material science, structural biology, radiation science, computing science, nuclear transmutation and so on. Numerous experiments have been constructed at KEK by the internal and international collaborations that have made use of them. Makoto Kobayashi, emeritus professor at KEK, is known globally for his work on CP-violation, and was awarded the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physics.

Thanks for this guys; it's nice to get some more synchronistic ammunition to pull out against mouth-breathing atheists/materialists.

Daily reminder (liberals hate this):

>Free Will exists
>There is a divine purpose to your life beyond your body/mind
>You have a Soul
>Your Soul is eternal; your Soul is 'you'; You can not be injured, destroyed, or defeated
>The Universe is ordered, and there is objective morality, and objective beauty



The universe is mental and can be literally influenced by thoughts, which are as real as anything else.

it was a 50/50 prediction you stupid moron
and with thousands of ppl on Sup Forums posting
>trump will win
every single hour of the day it isn't freaking surprising that one of them will eventually get a bunch of repeating 7's
if you actually believe that it wasn't a coincidence than you unironically have subhuman IQ
you know the monkey king in china predicted Trump would win
a long with many other things
I guess that monkey is magic too you dumb autist

>muh coincidence
Everything is always coincidence to you people. even though that's fundamentally and significantly less likely. What I don't get is why you guys have this absurdly anthropocentric view of the universe, if you also believe that everything is random chance. Like, why should it be that humans even have the capacity to reason out the universe? Why should it be that we're closer in understanding the grand foces than a barnacle? Serious question, because all of you redditers seem to think that anything that could potentially be real, but also beyond the human mind, is an impossibility, or totally fake.

you, sir, are retarded

Read more.

>even though that's fundamentally and significantly less likely.
no it isn't it's extremely likely
how about you actually read what I said you simpleton
you want ppl to take you seriously and consider your arguments but you refuse to consider there's?
that's called being closed minded and is a great indicator of stupidity
so either read what I said and try to use that lump on your shoulders or just accept you're an idiot

Just let it go bud, you can’t argue with that sort of poster.
Just let their thread die as they echo their own insane thoughts back to themselves.

I had an experience with mushrooms in June 2015. During the most intense part of the trip, I remember coming to the conclusion that God is simply the natural tendency for order to emerge from chaos. That was a few days before Trump's campaign announcement, and then several months later, this board came across Kek, who personifies order arising from chaos. I still to this day wonder if I somehow "influenced" things that night.

I take it as a personal challenge to convince people of their stupidity
don't worry I enjoy doing it

>it's extremely likely
>trillions upon trillions upon trillions to the tenth power of coincidences that all needed to happen at the exact right time, consecutivelly, and in perfect order
>is more likely than a transcendent force ordering the universe, or even something as basic as simulation theory
>literally something so unlikely that you'd need more 0's than you could count in a trillion lifetimes just to create a number big enough to describe how unlikely it is... is extremely likely

Ho boy.


>when the vast majority of thinking people throughout history have concluded a belief in at LEAST synchronicity
>muh argumentum ad populum



It's only one of my arguments; the rest come from direct experiences in my life, including the examples within this thread. If you don't think it's a little startling how many of mankind's greatest thinkers, scientists, philosophers, writers, etc, have been drawn to alchemical pursuits, or spirituality, or even simply theorizing about the origins of the universe (beyond random chance, the mass idiocy of our current age), then you're not thinking very clearly or deeply. Maybe go read the Eddas, the Upanishads, the KJV, Schopenhauer, Joyce, Mann, etc.


read past
>it's extremely likely you dimwit
I literally explained why it's extremely likely
do you not n understand that thousands of Sup Forumslacks were posting trump will win every day all day for hours?
do you think it's impossible if you play the slots five million times that eventually you'll get lucky?
take a probability class you neanderthal

and if you can't understand my explanation than I give up because you're really just too dense

I'm also speaking of things like Earth maintaining a life supporting environment, and the development of conscious beings capable of debating politics on the internet. It's all too coincidental to have ever occurred by chance, and it is the result of an ordered universe. That's why synchronicity exists, and that's why 'coincidences' are so frequent and absurd.

It wasn't a 50/50 coin flip, though. It was Trump and us versus literally the entire rest of the world with any institutional power at all.




Now, I'm far from a christcuck, but this type of thing reveals the harmony of the code, so to speak. Unless you think this is all a coincidence with a likelihood of 1 out of one trillion to the tenth power.

So you agree that God has put Trudeau for your country for a reason?

not sure what you think you're implying here

Friendly reminder that this site is a psyop clearinhouse and these coinkidinks are modgets.

Also, personal experience made me confident that there is no god, life is a loop, and it's a distant possibility that the "soul" is just point of view which switches upon your death.


Life on earth created the life supporting environment and maintains it. Homeostasis my uneducated friend.

omg any video source on that?

Most people that I'm referring to do not posit a 'God' as a sentient man in the clouds, nor do I.

The United States had Obongo for eight years. Now look. Civilizational suffering is necessary for civilizational rebirth.


Gemaitria doesn't make sense to me. It's not sychronistic at all.

There is no 'God' in the sense that you're indicating here. There also isn't a 'purpose', so to speak.

How is it not synchronistic? It's assigning spiritually relevant numerical value to words and phrases which would have been utter nonsense when the gematria system was developed. Why are all the phrases about micro chips and bio-implants 666?

Who assigns the words?

no I'm talking about just based off of the prediction
if you predict one outcome out of only 2 possible outcomes and ignoring other factors just on the basis of the prediction alone it was 50/50

Satan, Moloch, and Lucifer are TITLES or designations, NOT names. YHWH, Jesus, and Kek are NAMES, NOT titles.

Satan means adversary, opponent, accuser, or enemy in Hebrew. Lucifer means lightbringer in Latin. Moloch means King. The being designated by the TITLE Satan varies depending on who is speaking. To the Jews, Jesus is Satan and is called such in the Old Testament. To Christians, YHWH is Satan, and is called such in the New Testament.

Lucifer is a title of Jesus/Kek, who are both emissaries of the True God above the demi-urge, sent into YHWH/Saturn's material prison to bring light to specific groups.

Moloch is a title for YHWH

Satan being resister for whichever side, so a resister of natural and resister of synthetic, also from Sanskrit Satanama, truth.

YHWH or "jehovha" is a self actualising meditation, obviously appropriated by the kike god and forgotten.

Lucifer as a good morning light name of Yeshua and Venus

This. God is a metaphysical phenomenon, which can be found in both nature and in places like this with an especially strong collective consciousness. This is partly why our enemies spam and derail as they do. By disrupting the flow of our collective consciousness, they hope to disrupt our ability to tap into the Transcendent.

huh? It's a code that's been in existence for longer than the words/phrases have existed.

Who makes up the words and assigns them to the numbers

magic exist, ask niggers

well I'm. not talking about any of that
I'm talking about your stupid assertion that some autist said that trump would win and got multiple 7's
with the amount of ppl posting and the fact that ppl can manipulate the numbers there was always a good chance of that happening
and I'm a Christian so ofc I don't believe the world and the universe happened by chance
especially life forming randomly
but I'm not an idiot so I don't assume divine intervention when a random number generator randomly generates a string of numbers

I'm not sure you understand what a code is. You can go to a gematria website right now, add in words (which are combinations of letters), and see wht numbers they correspond to.

Who makes up the words is a nonsensical question. I genuinely do not understand what you're asking here.

You can't simply ignore factors which influence the probability of an outcome when attempting to evaluate the probability of said outcome.

idk seems like jewish talmud bullshit to me.

Oh okay. Well, agree to disagree. I'm strongly affected by things like deja-vu (even in my dreams last night), and I'm inclined to see synchronicity in the sheer number of 7's gets, and strange occurences surrounding the extremely unlikely election of Donald Trump.

Okay? I think you'd agree that it's a little strange that a prophecy developed 2000 years ago would predict such things as a one-world government, and a mark (bio chip/implant) without which individuals would be "unable to buy and sell", associate such things with the number 666, and then thousands of years later a number of words and phrases pertaining to exactly such things would show up as 666 when deciphered through Jewish gematria.

yes you can
there was two options
the vast majority of posters were saying either hillary or trump
so I guess to get a truly accurate estimation of probability you would have to tabulate all the posters and find the exact ratio of hillary to trump posts and then go from there
but I'm not trying to be accurate I'm just going from the 2 options and assuming they're both posted equally to get a simple answer
and that Is 50/50


What's really fascinating is, that the mind can think everything. You are not bound to truth, when you think. You can think "I'm a millionaire living in Australia in a luxury mansion" and tell this yourself everyday. Even if it's a lie. But why can I do this.
I can think "My ancestors were aliens from the planet Gurugaga Palinka and they will donate me one million dollar each second until the sun is blue." - Which means, I can literally make up everything. I can think everything.

So my question is, what makes a statement true over another? Truth can only be verified by the current state of reality (not perception). But what about statements about "what CAN happen"?

Aliens who look like gigantic tree will invade earth in 2 seconds and they will have sex with butterflies to create a mixed race of flying trees.

How can you proof, that this WILL not happen? You can only say that it most likely wont happen.

So where is the line between a lie and imagination? We learned to lie in order to survive better. A lie can decept your enemy in a society based on thoughts. But what is imagination? Is imagation evolved from lying?

I'd rather say that we can use imagination to plan things before we do them. We can literally imagine everything if we aren't trapped into thinking the same thoughts over and over everyday for our whole lives.

Also, please explain this (the photo attached):


Not a bad ramble.
> We can literally imagine everything if we aren't trapped into thinking the same thoughts over and over everyday for our whole lives.
Good point. Just look at the reaction of the typical plugged in normie when he or she is confronted with an imaginative idea beyond the highly rigid frame they've constructed for 'acceptable' beliefs. It's truly bizarre.


>anyone that can answer a question is correct
why the fuck do you keep posting these stupidly worded question and answer pictures leaf jesus christ

HOLY SHIT! That's amazng.

We're talking about what the actual probability was of him winning, not how many believed he would win on this board. I fully believe that MSM was right to have him at a 1% of winning, even though I personally believed he was going to win anyways. It was our collective willpower, along with Trump's, channeled through our egregore (Kek/God) which allowed him to gain that unexpected edge in the propaganda war which allowed us to win in the end. I knew it would come to pass from 2015, and it did! Praise Kek, praise God, and praise the order to follow the chaos!

Because they strike me as being very true.

>Free Will is a fact
>You can only attack yourself.
>The global political systems/news are manipulated and constructed purposely to prevent individuals from realizing themselves.
>Karma/Karmic law, and Reincarnation, exist

damn, thanks user!

>a prophecy developed 2000 years ago would predict such things as a one-world government, and a mark (bio chip/implant) without which individuals would be "unable to buy and sell"
What prophecy is that?

Come on dude...


Yeah its pretty crazy innit?

Book of Revelations my dude

Can you just quote it? I'm not going through the whole book.

No, sorry. You can get what you're looking for from a summar, however.

i second this. i want quotes of the actual lines. and they better be on point without room for interpretations or i'll call it bullshit.

This is pretty astounding ignorance.

I mean, that part about being unable to buy and sell seems pretty specific, the least you could do is post it.

Give me the quotes if you actually read it.

this is literally just christianity, and free will does NOT exist, every single thing you do is affected by external forces

Rev 13:17
>And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

You know Google has been a thing for like 18 years, right?

>everything you do is affected by external forces

That doesn't mean it's pre-ordained, or beyond your control. Free Will does exist, absolutely, and it's a requisite for both morality and goodness.

You're making the point not me, bro. Now I can just go read chapter 13.

From the way you phrased the question I know for a fact that it would be pointless, and I don't engage in pointless discussions. The book has existed for 1800 years or so; you can probably find out for yourself.

Even worse, that Leaf was a confirmed Robot.