Why ‘Black Panther’ might also be a milestone in black-Jewish relations
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The nigs should be thanking the Jews for slavery
More proof jewish women belong to big black cock.
>two white Jews
Fire up the ovens.
It's a Blaxploitation film in a new wrapper.
Every Jewish princess deserves a King.
Seriously, though. Please meme the
>Every Jewish princess deserves a Black King
thing into reality. This could work.
Imagine if we could find an actual ancient black civ. It would fuck (((their))) fake history.
HEY OH HULLL UP! *lip smacking intensifies* U BE SAYING DIS IS WHAT WE HAD
>two white Jews
What did they mean by this?
Holy kek
Are there any BBC Pidgin articles about it yet?
He means they're fellow white people.
Totally out of touch. They think you're fake Jews, and that Israel belongs to them.
>superhero was the brainchild of writer Stan Lee (born Stanley Lieber) and artist Jack Kirby (born Jacob Kurtzberg)
Why do they not use their given names?
>Jews before an election
>Hey brother, get out and vote Democrat!
>Jews after an election
>Where's my rent money nigger?!
100% this
jews are panicking and trying to build alliances before DOTR
Because this is how Jews have subverted and taken over societies for so long.
By intermarrying & "gene stealing" Europeans and then pretending to be one of them while exploiting them, leading them toward national & financial, suicide and shaping their behavior in a way that benefits Jewish goals through political movements and media control.
If all Jews used Jewish names, people would quickly figure out the pattern of Jews pretending to be white while pushing anti-white, anti-Christian, leftist, etc. propaganda, so they had to change their names to keep your guards down. It used to be that most people realized that Jews were up to no good and they wouldn't trust someone with a Jewish name.
If everyone knew Jack Kirby was a Jew, they would think twice about the fact that he created Captain America and that comic of him punching Hitler as if that represents "real American values" and not the Jewish values of the kikes who run America. And they would think twice about letting comic books, Hollywood, and other Jew-run industries shape their values.
Maybe it will wake up the blacks 2 realize that JEWS were the driving force behind slavery and profited the most.
>fellow Wakandans, how do you expect to run your kangstate without a (((central bank)))?
I wonder what Malcolm X would think about this film.
He was a black separatist/ethnonationalist, but he also knew about Jewish tricks.
Most comics have been written by Jews for over 70 years to brainwash children into demonizing nationalism & European values and making every superhero have at least one villain with Nazi themes.
Stan (((Lee))) even admitted to timing the creation/release of The Black Panther comic character when he did to maximize blaxploitation profit (it was created the same year as the political party, the "black power" party that promoted white genocide at conferences and engaged in domestic terrorism).
Now Western civilization has been so rotten by cultural marxism that they don't have to be subtle anymore. Turn every hero into a Jewish gay female transnigger with one leg and promote black supremacy.
Are nigs so low IQ they need a fictional work to feel empowered?
Hahaha i hadnt seen this one lawdy me
If this is what they need to finally stop chimping out and study a science book for once, maybe its completely worth a bullshit movie lol
They would be easily identified and exposed
Joanna Angel is legit the jewiest jew in porn, I never could watch her scenes
The Jews need them to be empowered so they can be weaponized against whites. The nigs will be just do what they're told if they believe if it's in their self-interest.
This movie is being released in a crucial time when racial tensions are getting worse in the US & Europe, and the black government in South Africa is cheering on white genocide and land seizure. This is will foment their delusions that killing every last white man, woman and child in SA is how they will get their black paradise (that somehow hasn't materialized anywhere else) and that they should work toward that same goal in Western countries.
I hope this process continues with haste, inshallah, let there be no escape for the normie from the soul-crushing drone of Amerikwan politics, may it invade and despoil everything they love: football, music, reality T.V., their jobs everything
Jews attempting to salvage some more support. Pathetic.
My thoughts as well
The ego of blacks is stopping them for disgtinguishing jewish people to white people.
While their main nationalists have noticed a signifact difference.
wait, you're telling me that the creator of black panther isn't even black? bahahahahahaha, niggers are really the most pathetic race, without exception.
It's all about making the black man think "it's good for me so down with the white man". That part was easy. What took so long is drilling white guilt for it needed a few generations of defiling education and entertainment so whether or not blacks would tell the difference doesn't matter anymore.
Truth lost its meaning, the need to hide behind "equality" and all that has long since passed. We are deep in the next phase and unless one side gives up or just sits there quietly and take it, this is gonna end in blood
No doubt
The jews are too old and need some fresh blood.
Jewish women need to stop being racist and sleep with blacks
Make sure her kang is circumcised though. You know Jewish women always want 20% off
>white Jews
what did they mean by this?
niggers are easy for them to control, thats why they want a population of them.
This user knows how to hit the target. The target is Jews and their solidarity. Encourage Jews to intermarry with niggers and watch them squirm. We Name The Jew if we want to win this fight.
*blocks your path*
>thoth is with us
*rubs hands profusely*
Alright I'm done for today.
Holy fuck this thread. I had no idea there were so many figures, even black ones at that, who knew of the eternal jew
This actually makes me feel bad for niggers.
Imagine having stupid cunts like these embarrass your race every day, just open a history book or look at zimbabwe and you'll see how retarded this is
They've been doing it for thousands of years, so it's not that surprising.
Think of any famous person before WW2, any famous intellectual, and you can probably find records of them shittalking Jews at some point.
Spread this image, fuckkk.
Great post leaf, rare. The Avengers are literally named after the Jewish vigilantes who hunted "Nazi war criminals" under the Avengers moniker, on record. Jews have laid a sticky film of media and entertainment over American history, then smoothed out the bubbles with academic socialist professors.
Are the Jews done using Fags to destroy America ? Are they going back to blacks
Based Woke Blacks won't fall for it
This. Jews will end racism by mixing with all races.
Jews have been in bed with blacks since creation
>Most comics have been written by Jews for over 70 years to brainwash children into demonizing nationalism
Gets creepier when one takes horror comics into context. I used to wonder why EC Comics was so rebelled against by white censors, as I dig Creepshow movies etc, then I read the history of EC, which is essentially another Jews vs WASP "underdog" story like Howard Stern. Again, it's not that I don't like Lovecraft and horror, but Jewish horror has politicized machinations yet they're so subtle that only educated whites understand the chessboard. How does one counter this? It's impossible. Jews are protected by the 1st Amendment, and Whites by the 2nd, and both exploit these for maximum effect. It's almost biological, like something in nature. I compare Jewish comics to a friend who hands you drugs or beer, but secretly prays for your decline. Does this make beer/weed inherently awful, no. But here again, we see how white authorities have warned us about these, seeing the bigger picture, and knowing that Communist threats are undying and real.
>today we have Jewish gay female trans supperheroes with one leg
This reminds me of the upcoming Rock movie called Skyscraper, where he has one leg. Again, not inherently bad, almost admirable as a character twist, but it foreshadows the next three big "civil rights" pushes by Jews: disabled, pedos, and finally, human-animal hybrid monstrosities, that a number of "Sci-fi" movies are conditioning kids for. What's the endgame? Chip away all of white male Americans' rights, and disperse them under the Communist m.o. until Jewish power supersedes White population numbers.
Was this written by jews as well?
To be fair, this would work you fag.
I went to the movies yesterday at 5, peeked into one of the BP screenings, it had 20 moviegoers, about 60% black. I goes to the counter guy, ask him, hey I thought BP was doing well, he said "really well, biggest Marvel movie ever," but the screening isn't halfway full. He said, "No, it's just that black audiences run late because they like to smoke up in the parking lot or at home first."
>tfw you see people show up to a theater 20/30 minutes into the film
"It really is the film that has everything – which is probably why it slipped past Star Wars: The Last Jedi earnings to make $242 million in four days, with the biggest Monday at the box office of all time (in the US), earning $40.2 million."
From the article. I wonder why everyones Monday was so freed up? HMMM
Holy fucking Fuck i just watched the first 10-15 min of this crap and i have no words lol
niggers live a mixed live of high tech and 5000b.c. ? last scene i saw was a somali turban bitch smashing something
also literally
>we wuz gods with magic
dear black people why do you let jews literally shit on your history ????
i mean...having a superhero movie is one thing but this shit is just crap
i'd really welcome'd it if lets say spike lee did a movie about black panthers, or a superhero movie or a mix of both with humor and action.
honestly; this shit is ridiculous and ashaming !
also....there are tons of contents and concepts to make a proper whatever genre movie based on africans or african americans....
why this crap ??
it surprises me that black people don't suspect something fishy like this when all the big companys promoting this matterfact they give zero fucks about racism, blacks....beside africa as a whole lol
>When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said "Let us pray." We closed our eyes. When we opened them, we had the Bible and they had the land.
this is exactly what is happening,
they put glittering shit on your table and take your stuff before you realize it
>black-jewish relations
why hide it. just tell whole world you jews promote niggers to get white girls blacked and destroy their genes with generation if niglets. everybody know it already anyway.
They're gradually hiding it less. This is because they're panicky af right now and they've been huffing their own farts so long they've confused media dominance with actual power.
maybe. but i love when jewish propaganda hits reality. like last time when jews bitching about poland death camps. and than dislike ratio is totaly negative and comments are full of people redpilling and hating jews. still. if any white people should survive, we must start real campaign against them.