Someone got the David Hogg crisis actor video?
Jewtube removed all traces of it and can't find it on Google as well.
Someone got the David Hogg crisis actor video?
Jewtube removed all traces of it and can't find it on Google as well.
no because it doesnt exist
The one where he flubs his lines?
The one where they are in the closet? Did it get scrubbed?
kek youre looking for it just so you can take it down
David Hogg Supercut -
Ill keep reuploading it.
over and over and over
Obviously scripted
Really strange. I have to believe that even the most conditioned MSM watcher can sense that it is bull. The problem is there is no mainstream outlet to vent these thoughts to form a general consensus against this sham. The media is in control of the perception of normal people. They make them feel their views are those of the minority, and so they shut up. I can see MSM continuing this shit even when they become completely unprofitable. This isn't about money. This is an agenda being pushed. It pisses me off because it is plain to see, and yet nobody is asking where this agenda came from or who is feeding it. I even think that many of the shills for the elite's agenda do not even recognize it. As a result if you bring it up you are called a conspiracy theorist. It is like the Frankfurt school and critical theory. The agenda is being focused by small, powerful collectives over time, but the footsoldiers of their evil goals have no idea, and chalk it up to an organic groundswell of "progress". What is the right word or concept for this kind of dilemma? If you could put a word to it it would become more powerful as a tool to convince others, because it is so hard to explain to others, and so hard to articulate it. You know it, it makes total sense, but it is hard to put into words. Fucking slithering snakes
It's Bloomberg, and he spends so much on his gungrabbing agenda that it's crazy. They cry about how much money the NRA spends? Bloomberg spends at least 10x as much. It's like the whole Trump/Clinton thing, where he spent pennies compared to the DNC and their superPACs.
That makes me mad too. The NRA is a powerful lobby, but just one out of hundreds, and it supports a fundamental American right.
Dled and uploaded to Jewtube, they can't stop the intrawebz
>They make them feel their views are those of the minority
social conditioning 101. it is only natural. they should offer themselves up piece by piece? no, they are in control here.
The problem I see is this. You might start to break the conditioning, but it gets built back up with the next day's internet and TV use. Even if you broke the conditioning, our society has become so fragmented along racial, social, cultural, religious, and class lines that without a mainstream source for all to focus on and consolidate, you just get stuck in stasis. The internet is a perfect example. It has fostered the already disintegrating cultural bonds that kept us a semi cohesive society. All the cultures, sub cultures, cliques and ideologies along all kinds of lines, and the internet has formed echo Chambers to stifle unification.
How can we not just break the conditioning, but unify those who are separated from one another and don't know how to act or where to go? We need a medium or method of unification around this awakening to the miserable state our civilization is in.
The one where he's eating shit out of a strange man's asshole because he's obviously a faggot?
Please post the full video from the closet, from the beginning, without pictures going over it
Don't think. Just kill Jews.
The NRA is controlled opposition kike garbage that has done nothing but collude with the government to violate the 2nd Amendment
It's called killing Jews. Unite
>Your kids will be next
What did he mean by this?
What's the proof he's a crisis actor? Yet to see actual proof.
put it on IPFS and post the hash here.
Alternatively: Post it on Zeronet.
We don't need proof, because we watch them scurry behind the scenes to SHUT IT DOWN.
just Sup Forums being Sup Forums.
Just because you are right 20% of the time, does not mean that you are not a conspiracy-theoretic wingnut with no credibility the remaining 80%.
This one? The closet one? Where he interviews the two girls at 9:32 am and it is obviously an active shooter drill and the 2 girls are talking about it, and how they need to do more because the second girl said she called her family member and said there was a shooting and the family member didn't believe her supposedly. It's as if Debbie Wasserman Schultz got together with the school system and planned a false flag and all the students were in on it. How many funerals are held on the same day. How many are closed casket? Why were all the "kids" that were interviewed laughing and not in shock or crying? Strange.
Here you go kike
What is this supposed to prove?
Well. They edited out all the pertinent info that was in this video that was related to hogg and the conflicting times. Good think I downloaded it before hand.
Lmao this
Heres one of the kids talking about how the officials told them they were going to be firing blanks.
That he is an attention seeker and doesn't really give a fuck about who died.
What kind of mental gymnastics do you use to come to that conclusion?
He was interviewed for a separate incident by the news 6 months prior. And? What's the relevance?
Where is it?!!?!??!??
Anyone have the links to the blonde chick? Also, the two girls with chockers that say they were told it was a drill.
Same thing was happening at sandy hook wasn’t it?
Based mountain-jew
This comment is what it feels like to browse Sup Forums
BURN Sup Forums
sauce!? It looks like Tay Tay
>David Hogg can't act to save his life.
hogg was the second shooter
Fuck you, David Hogg.
17 is not enough.
No seriously sauce
Elena b
thanks Nederbro
Why did you post a 1 inch thumbnail?
He is being fed lines.
How many "interviewies" from the news channels get their own ear pieces?
Ok, is this the one claiming he's a crisis actor or is there another ?
It doesn't prove that he's an actor in this one.
Deceptions lies and disinformation deserve no respect in the Marketplace of Ideas.
You articulated it very well. Often the comments under news articles show that a lot of people are aware of this. I keep hoping for those scales to tip
I think this is what Q meant when he said we were stronger than we realized. I think we are the majority
Man i love these amerimutt memes
Pls post more
I downloaded every Hogg/ witness video that i watched. What video are you specifically referrring to, OP? I might have it.
>Israeli flag
>Degenerate pic of sexual goy torture
Nice b8, friend.
I'm OP you memeflag retard
>David can't act to save his life
...but that's the first thing we said, that's why we noticed he was an actor?
Why the fuck would I tell you, Shlomo?
You're lookin like a cholo
You suck dick like a homo
chum, o!
You're lookin like a low-mo'
you're suckin dick of homos
you're gay just like a homo
What's up though
You're fag fo
You suck all the dick like a ho
You eat shit like a homo
and Juliet, no?
you lookin like a homo
And you're fucking name is Shlomo!
Here's a YT mirror
holy shit, this some new level proxy skills. how you do that? are you is teh wizhard?
People get shot = fake news
People lose healthcare = fake news
People getting robbed = fake news
But climate change is totally a chinese hoax and a guy who doesn't even look 20 is a 26 year old actor who got plastic surgery or something.
How do you guys not realize you are sheep?
>a try post
Haven't seen this in awhile
Yellowstone is about to blow !
You do understand that normal people do not interpret this video the same way you do, right?
This dude just got his school shot up. Obviously he is affected by that.
But keep doing what you are doing btw. It helps my side!
Pls no
>Or, we're going to keep shooting up schools until we get what we want.
David Hogg (reading between the lines)
Eminem pls stop, you’re just a silly senile old man and irrelevant.
You are probably a fat loser, so he could theoretically just outrun you
Nigga his lines are obviously scripted. He's saying exactly what CNN wants him to, and that coupled with what Colton Haab claimed the other day is pretty damning.
Even if that is true that they told them the questions before the interview, what the fuck does that change?
I hope a blunt object does him in.
Nothing, it is a dead end thing, like the lesbian being from nyu.
Hoqq used to live in Cali and goes back to visit.
The yearbook pic was faked.
He probably is actual student but is still a shill.
I'M OP fuck that liar
They answers are scripted as well.
And that means 17 people did not get shot?
These people don't WANT to see that the MSM are state-propaganda, they don't care.
Either that or pic related
Did they?
Why do you assume they did?
How many times do they have to lie to you before you stop believing they won't like about dead kids?
How many videos PROVING it do you need?
The point is not how many people got shot. The point is never letting a good crisis go to waste. Regardless of whether it happened or not we've seen this behavior again and again. Its putting the cart before the horse. CNN and COMPANY, and their agenda, in front of WE THE PEOPLE.
There's a possibility of that for sure. Fake funerals aren't hard to arrange. Sandy Hook is a known hoax.
So you are are just mad that people who disagree with you are using this politically? As if the right doesn't use tragedies to further their politics lol
Until you can find proof that isn't a photoshopped image or some insane youtube video, I will believe the kids got shot.
I never said anything about the the left or right. It's irrelevant. They are either taking advantage of 17 fake deaths to push an agenda, or taking advantage of 17 deaths to push an agenda.
You mean you place your trust in untrustworthy authorities. Typical European.
Thank you, it's hard to get people to spend time researching this so the supercut makes things way easier.
This isn't just a political disagreement. It's a cold civil war waged by deranged (((leftists))) who want to dekulakise America.
You have to be really braindead not to realise that Sandy Hook was an hoax. A made for TV event staged to push an agenda.
YouTube killed my account minutes after posting it.
I still have it but it is not the time just yet.
It doesn’t exist. Hogg is a brave survivor who has endured personal attacks from Internet cowards for his bravery and selfless determination to speak out against violent gun clingers.