You can’t argue against this
You can’t argue against this
Other urls found in this thread:
Kids died?
Moot point
Democrats: Good thing we did something about gun control when we were the majority in the house and senate during the first two years of the Obama administration.
Oh yeah they didn't.
Literally doesn't comprehend that the
word "think" is written in two contexts.
i can easily refute it:
it is a strawman
oh OOPs, it died
False Equivalence
Ok so if we ban guns then we should also ban faggots right?
Scenario 1:
>adults are doing the logical thinking to decide how to order their society in a way which effects kids in a positive manner
Scenario 2:
>kids are doing the (illogical) thinking - telling the adults how they should structure their society
This nig is too dumb to see how this is a false equivalence.
>give up your guns
>fuck your kids in the bum
>t. democrats
The fact that someone tweeted this just blows me away
One is about kids and the other isn't. Kids aren't allowed to buy guns, they are forced to see gays in public though. So yeah you can argue against this quite easily.
American gun laws are still retarded though.
>You can’t argue against this
tfw When I realized exposing children to death and violence is still more healthy than exposing our children to the homosexual lifestyle
Kids:*see a white couple with white children*
Democrats: "that's fucking white privilege, children need to be multicultural"
Kids: *see data of crimes committed by black people in proportion with their numbers"
Democrats: "who cares about what a bunch of kids think"
You can't argue against this
Yeah, if you want your daughter to kill herself when she hits 21 then yes expose her to violence.
Watch this.
I dont care about gay couples
I love this guy, true patriot!
>Yeah, if you want your son/daughter to kill their selves when they hit 21 "than" yes expose them to homosexuality
fixed it
but not quite
>You can’t argue against this
Then why the fuck are you posting it?
Kids: *see no gays because we RWDS’d them all*
Republicans: wow I can’t believe we’re being thrown off of trump tower
Kids: *doesnt worry about shootings because we deported leftists to the Atlantic Ocean*
Republicans: wow I can’t believe I’m free falling off of trump tower
I wish that I was this smart and driven.
>caring about the welfare of children
>letting children make legislative decisions
>same thing
>compares some massive phenomena damaging a whole civilization worldwide with a nutjob shooting a few people in a fuck up country high on drugs and violence.
Yeah. I reall cannot argue with such a level of intelligence. Far too low.
So mass shootings a lifestyle now?
So he's advocating for banning gays? Republicans in this scenario are 'wrong' because they're hypocrites right? So since he's in favor of banning guns I assume then he's also in favor of banning gays?