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Why people include balkans and Greece into Eastern Europe?

Because everything thats eastern from Germany and Austria is considered Eastern Europe or if your language sounds like Russian.

Former Eastern Bloc is generally called like that. I don't know why is Greece included though.

Enjoy starving, we dont give gibs to monkeys

gl hf

Too bad your bordering us Laszlo

We'll welcome you like we did with the t*rks.

good luck convincing a slav that niggers are humans.
we learn that shit at birth


Italyfags and Eurospics don't want a common label with the gypsy region

atleast our cops beat them and return them back now.


feelgood read!

We aren't Western fags.You'll thank god you weren't living here.Here,people say they aren't racist but most of them are.We'll beat the shit out of an american nigger,let alone a few sand niggers and bone niggers.


you should be a retard to think that shitskins know anything beside facebook / instagram. This is top quality bait
since when sweden deports asylum seekers ? since when sweden deports them TO FUCKIN POLAND ?

Lmao keep up the god's work poland.
>pic is me with polish flag
Context: someone called me a poland hater online, i had my flag ready

>few sand niggers and bone niggers
words of wisdom coming from an albanian

>Snow is falling ,freezing niggers all around us..

*Greek from Albania

I love Croatia
>The stories alot of cats came back with were unreal; girls approaching them calling them gods, getting stopped for pictures every 10 minutes, buns every night.. I had to check it out. And the first time I went, it was indeed outta control. During the day we hit the malls in Zagreb (the capital), and looking around, you're already outnumbered with about a 3-1 girl/guy ratio. The women are gorgeous & fairly tall; most between 5'7" - 6'0". Don't be surprised if a fine azz 6'3" joint rolls up on you either!! The eye-fuckings we received walking around had us gigglin like school kids baka. We didn't get approached in the mall, but once we began a convo with any random woman, their embarassed smiles were enough to let us know how valuable we were.

>Once we hit the clubs that night, MAN. There's a small round lake called Jarun. There are clubs circling all around the lake. We hopped out the taxi 4 deep and it was like the red carpet. Women SCREAMING from the balcony (I'm not fuckin jokin), whistling at us while we lit up black & milds outside. Stepping in the bar/club was like the wild west for a minute. The whole spot watched us for a good 5 minutes; we watched them. Girls whispering, sneaking pictures with their phones, some even bold enough to blow kisses. Once 1 girl approached, her whole group followed. After they came in, the party slowly migrated around us, all 18-22 yr old females tard. Most of the shit we heard was "you're beautiful.. you are king.. I've never seen a black guy in person.. let's take a picture.." IOIs behind control. That was just for being black.. after we told them we were American it drove them even further over the edge. We tried leaving the 1st spot and was both followed out and "escorted" by random joints trying to look important. 3 outta 4 of us ended up smashing 1st night.

literally why the fuck would i not send a rabid pack of muslims to the western cucks, are we supposed to rot 350 years fighting them for western cucks that supported them anyways literally always? If they love them so much then enjoy in them, we should arm them too.

I don’t know about Albania, but I’m sure Slovenian women will be glad to fuck anything and everything that moves. Be it niggers or muslims or whatever else.

You mean thots and whores.That's a problem.But most women in the Balkans,wouldn't even like to see a black guy,let alone fuck them.

disfigured niggers

Except it only works like that while Western Europe still has gibs. After they wreck Western Europe and turn it into a shithole like the one they came from they'll march east. The only difference will be it will be harder to stop the orcs after they've multiplied.

their kids are extremely flammable
nothing to worry about

>having another country's flag in your house and showing it on the internet to show you're a good cocksucker

Love Poland = Cocksucking
Okay buddy.

Look op flag

But aren't you slavs supposed to hate each others?

russia please take back your shitholes

only the southern ones

but not macedonia and bulgaria

You putting your hairy feet on the Polish flag is pretty disrespectful, tbhqfamalam.

Eh the Ruuskies and Ukrainians do a good job of despising each other. And the Poles and the Ruuskies. And the Poles and Ukranians.

You slavs are a contentious people.

Oh it makes sense now


> I prefer death in my own country than Poland
Slavs will rule over Europe

lmao we stuck our refugees in camps in remote mountain villages they're starving and the ones that cause trouble are deported to macedonia

we hate you too

I dunno man, it seems like we arrest a serb every day for trafficking this human garbage

I used my leg as a weight, so it looks straight and not wrinkly.
I respect poland.

Oh okay, sorry.

Just let them through brother and we can destroy German demographics together.

Relax, I don't hate you. I actually wish you slavs would stop hating each other and team up to do worthwhile things like killing kikes and Turks.

they go in serbian schools

You do realize that that means in 50 years from now we will be fighting muslims with nukes right?

so we should clean up your mess?

Yeah but the adults hate it here.
>muslims replace the krauts
>we just go in and sweep the place up
I see no fault with this plan. You destroy NATO and muslims in one hit. Slavs rule the world.

There’s an army of mutts across the ocean that love muslims. Did you forget already?
Killing muzzies...killing muzzies has changed. It will no longer be the good ol’ times. Slitting throats and shit.

Eh I won't deny my country has the kike problem of all time and we need to fix it. Doesn't mean you should exterminate the vermin wherever they can be found.

As for Turks, the continued existence of any Turkic people is an affront to decency. They need to be exterminated down to the last roach.

the comments seem positive
i guess younger people are more retarded

we already killed them in WW2

putting your feet near a flag you like is pretty fucked up fampai

This guy gets it. Krauts may be arrogant sausage-slurping autists but allowing Mudslimes to replace them would be a disaster.

Understand that the Serbian public is scared shitless of being portrayed as intolerant because last time that happened we were bombed to hell.

He was referring to the fact that your nation are mudslime enablers

reading comprehension is not your strength

*That somali capitan maymay*
Albanian guy: I'm the nigger now.
We will rip you alive, cunt.

ok, but from youtube comments it seems like a lot of your youth is pro communist and titoist(of course some croats are retards like that too) but not in these numbers.

I would rather have blacks in my country than zergs like you

Outdated map, Crimean peninsula is not part of Ukraine.

Washington can't enable Mudslimes if they aren't allowed to take root.

Correct and Kosovo is not a part of Serbia.

This faggot.

nah, our youth is pro nepotism and conformism. We're stripped of any ideology it's just a question who can pull more resources from the state and ruling party before shit hits the fan. The far right is controlled opposition, they pay pretty girls to be their PR.


Rada Njemica
i got it wrong then, we dont have a real left or right wing party either, only ex communists and the lizard people Pernar.

>File: 1518264956050.webm (2.11 MB, 640x480)

butthurt, because your country is culturally enriched??? :DDDD


This video cracks me everytime. Thanks for a good laugh. :)

Germans don't have nukes stupid slavshit

Actually the Netherlands is in the middle of Western civilization and the concept that is known as Europa as it is between Germany, France and the UK

> :)

Because the cultural divide between Eastern and Western Europe is Catholicism vs Orthodoxy.
Italy was the center of the West Roman Empire, Greece was the center of the much longer lasting (1000+ years) East Roman Empire.
Poland is therefore not really seen as real Eastern Europeans by most Slavs.
In a historic context where 100 years is like the blink of an eye everything will fall into line again and Eastern Europe unite again in some way like it's always been.

its so comfy
how do you manage bro, i still remember my childhood in rashka, it was ok but I can't imagine adult life there

This guy knows whats up.

Stop LARP-ing, roach.

Why you fake as briton.

i've lost all identity here, london is sweet poison.

cos we literally are, southeastern /eastern


My thread about Jordan Peterson's new book got deleted. Meanwhile this IQ 80 ''you next'' shit is still up. FUCKing janitors.

I like to think so to. But who am I?