Daily reminder libertarians are right on economics and white nationalists are right on social issues.
Daily reminder libertarians are right on economics and white nationalists are right on social issues
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right/left dichotomy is for retards, saged
I meant right as in "correct" you absolute brainlet. lmao
why is Sup Forums so fucking brainwashed and low IQ?
it still works
You sure buddy? In the meantime while waiting for the anons not to show up, you can read about why muh libertarianism is a meme ideology en.wikipedia.org
National Capitalism then?
Mi general, we missed you
how does this prove anything either way?
please kill yourself
You can only have a proper libertarian society in white countries with zero brown third world migrants
background checks are good though
im not a trumper btw
Basically what America was 200yrs until the Commies subverted our culture.
yes you socialist shithole finland
Do you actually want to compare countries and see which one is the shithole? XD
Aside from SJW shit in my country, my country is far superior economically than yours.
Imagine being as poor as finland lmao
Finland has a higher gdp per capita than canada. I actually feel sorry for you for being so stupid.
>gdp per capita
HAHAHAHA Oh finland
you people live in mud shacks while all of our houses are much bigger than yours, our wages are higher and taxes lower
>I actually feel sorry for you for being so stupid.
You people are socialist faggots.
If we're measuring the living stanards of people then gdp per capita is one of the best metrics. I actually wonder if you're retarded or just pretending.
>gdp per capita is one of the best metrics
gdp is mostly bullshit
China can increase their gdp by simply printing money and spending it on ghost cities
>I actually wonder if you're retarded
You're from finland.
You're not even human.
enjoy your socialist shithole.
I bet you've been brainwashed to think free markets are soooo bad and that Switzerland(a mostly free market country) is poverty ridden or something.
How fucking dumb are you people?
Kill ALL socialists.
Slaughter them all.
no they aren't, and libertarian jewish rationalism is pseudoscientific nonsense
>Canadian intellectuals
>finnish intellectuals
Imagine having this nothing of an argument.
>wealth being concentrated in the hands of bankers and landowners
>financial crash every 15 years
>right on economics
off yourself
>it forbids retaliation for parasitism because I say so
wow very convincing and not circular
There is always this.
>libertarian jewish
Kill yourself you bootlicking retard.
Rothbard supported white nationalism.
You know someone has low IQ when they categorize political ideologies by race.
These are two different things.
How dumb are you?
There are jewish white nationalists, I guess white nationalism is a jewish ideology now lol
>pseudoscientific nonsense
Then why has liberty benefitted WHITE PEOPLE the most.
You people are asspained that you cannot refute free markets so you crave authority and being fucked in the ass by globalist kikes.
It's funny because your country was ancap for 1000 years
>thinking the rich will save you
Which makes me wonder... Why do libertarians wanna suck off rich people so bad even though most of them are poorer than blacks on welfare??
Concentrated wealth means the value of all other currency in the economy everyone else uses goes up in value and they can BUY MORE.
People who whine about wealth or income "inequality" have no idea what they are talking about and need to be shot in the brain.
>because i say so
try reading something empirical on how human behaviour actually functions
It's so hilarious when so called "right wingers" use the same arguments MARXISTS use.
Helicopter rides for all of them.
>Why do libertarians wanna suck off rich people so bad
I don't give a fuck about rich people you drooling retard.
I want mass production and living standards for my people to increase.
Socialists need to be gassed.
>most of them are poorer than blacks on welfare??
LOL why does this matter?
Would taking money from rich people make my people richer?
So it will just cause inflation.
The white nationalist movement has kikes and cia niggers in it plus libertarians are wrong about literally everything so that doesn't seem true.
also why would I give a shit about people who are consuming almost NOTHING that society produces
It's me and my class that consume these things, not the rich.
>Be born in ancapistan
>Because your parents had ethical standards you are born into the non-owning class
>Because of this you're forced into manual labor even though you have 140 iq
>Have to work in a coal mine with no safety regulations since age 12
>One day you have a daughter
>They get cancer because of all the pollutants in the environment
>Have to sell your kidney in order to afford her treatement
>Decide that enough is enough and overthrow the owning class with other coal miners
>Create a nationalist order that takes care of your people
"Waah waah, this is imnmoral, why can't I have cocane and trans-prostitutes? T. ancap"
>libertarians are wrong about literally everything
Imagine being this much a lefttard brainlet.
>You know someone has low IQ when they categorize political ideologies by race
you know someone is a monumental retard when they don't acknowledge the existence of population and behavioural genetics, and the fact that different population groups have different behavioural traits and practice different ethics
>everyone who doesn't subscribe to my autistic doctrine is a lefty
Stop violating the NAP with your ad homs nigger.
>bullshit meme version of ancap that has nothing to do with reality
I'm not an ancap.
But if we had ancap, the average person would make like 40 dollars an hour and retire at age 30.
>you know someone is a monumental retard when they don't acknowledge the existence of population and behavioural genetics
I do.
But dismissing an ideology just because it's founders were jews doesn't debunk the ideology AT ALL.
There are jewish white nationalists, I guess white nationalism is a jewish ideology now lol
>words are violence
yes you're a leftist
>right wing at anything
>not liberty, the most homosexual degenerate thing that exist in politics
what a retarded burger.
He's still right though. (no pun intended).
>I can say whatever I want!
>Hey everyone this crowded theater is on fire
Libertarians are laughable.
>the ideology that made white people the most powerful in the world is degenerate
We need to kill all socialists desu
checkin in
>he doesn't understand context
>If we had gommunism, then everybody would have to work only one hour a week and crime wouldn't exist
Political delusions come in many flavors.
oh of course the ancap child coal mines how could I forget!!
but lets also not forget all the real world examples of children being worked to death in mines............................by statists
How is it delusional when it was actually happening before the jews destroyed it.
Look up the late 1800s in USA.
Highest living standards on earth.
>but lets also not forget all the real world examples of children being worked to death in mines............................by statists
all of those papers are very strong arguments AGAINST taxation, surely you realize this?
If you don't support free markets you need to be shot.
Either saying words can be wrong or it can't be wrong. You moronic lolbertarian.
>Implying that child labor wouldn't be a thing in ancapistan
The weimar republic is the closest thing the world has been to ancap and it was a literal degenerate hell. No wonder the people wanted to get rid of it asap.
no he is right white people stand to make more than double what they do now without the albatross of women and browns
yeah the place where you are forced to pay tax and you can only use the money that the tax-takers are printing
weimar was a statists DREAM
it's "jewish" because it's the jewish pastoralist ethic of free-riding on the commons of another civilisation without actually contributing to those commons
it's the ethics of the ghetto and of borderland jewish groups who didn't need to rely on maintaining trust with other groups to succeed, because they simply moved elsewhere when people got sick of them not maintaining the norms of their host civilisation
when I said "words" obviously I meant opinions and arguments, not yelling fire in a crowded theater you brainlet
>The weimar republic is the closest thing the world has been to ancap
No it wasn't.
Why can you people NEVER stop lying.
This place was a statist shithole.
Degenerates will be physically removed from any actual libertarian society because you are actually ALLOWED to segregate.
Obviously when you move from an agrarian to an industrial society the living standards rise massively. It doesn't really matter under which ideology it happens though, look up for example the gdp of the soviet union between 1926 and 1952. Are you going to support gommunism now?
Socialist faggots can only respond with strawman arguments lmao
almost all races did that.
Jews are at least part white, are you surprised that they moved to america?
Either way, rothbard supported jared taylor and white nationalism.
You can't dismiss something simply because it's ideological leader was a jew.
Actual debunk what he's saying you brainlet.
"The closeest thing to ancap"
>Massive income inequality and very little economic intervention by the government
>No social authoritarianism of any kind
Seems pretty ancap to me.
>Live in ancapistan
>Say anything conservative
>Get excecuted for not following company policy of tolerance
So conservative.
How is that obvious? who's going to enforce that in ancrapistan?
For that matter, how do you prevent lefty/kike subversion in ancrapistan?
Oh that's right, you don't because lolbertarianism is a boomer philosophy.
Socialist? where did you get that idea you retard leaf?
>hurr durr, muh dictatorship libertarian
>lets all forget it's a liberalism (liberty) garbage
the more you guys praise libertarian the more it sounds like anarchy to me.
>Obviously when you move from an agrarian to an industrial society the living standards rise massively.
LMAO this is hilarious.
You're putting the horse before the cart.
WHY did they turn into a gigantic industrial society?
Because they had the freest markets in the world, no jewish central banks, privatized everything.
All other white countries failed and turned to shit while america became the strongest nation on earth with highest living standards on earth at this time.
>look up for example the gdp of the soviet union between 1926 and 1952
GDP is a useless measure of anything,
people lived like SHIT in the ussr.
I already debunked GDP.
Okay, use the number of tons of iron then. I suppose now you support communism, when will you iniate the revolution, comrade?
Trump isn't a libertarian, most hardline libertarians have never been too fond of him.
>>Get excecuted for not following company policy of tolerance
Why would any company have such a thing.
The culture would be right wing.
It would be like how america USED to be before the civil rights act.
>>Massive income inequality
LOL this doesn't matter at all or determine anything.
The congo has less income inequality,
go move there.
Reimar had no free markets.
You're just lying to everyone here.
>Oh that's right, you don't because lolbertarianism is a boomer philosophy.
The fucking IRONY while you worship socialist boomer ideologies that enslave you.
Libertarians want strong govenments to enforce laws and private property though.
It's incredible you brainlets don't know this.
>It wuz not real ancap becaue my storybook says that if you allow every kind of degeneracy and sell your country away then everything will be good.
>Okay, use the number of tons of iron then.
USA had a free market so they intentionally produced LESS iron so they could produce other things like computers and consumer electronics.
Why do you think your precious socialist shithole had so many shortages and overages?
>>It wuz not real ancap
Because it wasn't ancap at all.
LOL why do you keep embarrassing yourself.
You have no argument and cannot respond to mine.
Fascism is a boomer idealogy? News to me.
Listen man, you got babby's first political idealogy. It's retarded and designed to give all the power to the kikes. it's better I be harsh and dispel these silly notions now than you be stuck jerking off to the idea of not having tpay taxes.
So who enforces the rule of not yelling fire in a theater in ancrapistan again?
>almost all races did that
explain why westerners developed common law, testimonial truth and science then while jews have created the vast majority of pseudoscience in the last two centuries
rothbard, mises, chomsky, rand, cantor, freud, boaz, the frankfurt school - all pseudoscientists
>libertarians are right on economics
>white nationalists are right on social issues
>nazis are right on military and defense
>christians are right on spiritual issues
If we ever want to defeat the Commie Jews then we need to combine our powers.
Neetsoc cucks worship hitler because they aren't white and LOOOOVVEEE being told what to do.
They are subhuman soyboys.
Imagine hating yourself this much where you want another man to control you lmao
>meme posting
>repeating the same garbage
>leaf posting
I see comrade trying to downplay the achievements of the union in order to make them let their guard down. Are these rules from the commnist manifesto comrade?
>Fascism is a boomer idealogy? News to me.
All of the fascists are old fucks. Most of the fascists still alive are irl boomers.
>you got babby's first political idealogy
No, you do lmao.
Socialism/fascism/communism is what a child would think.
>It's retarded and designed to give all the power to the kikes.
Yeah ABOLISHING the central banking cartel gives jews MORE power.
Nice one Shlomo.
>libertarianism isn't real liberty because people have more control over how they leverage conflicts to undermine statist authority
>getting mad because your retarded subhuman arguments got btfo
We need to nuke south america.
Yes, children always sacrifice for the group benefit. No wait taht'st he opposite of what they do.
As for Jews, read the Protocols of Zion.
They love anarchy because it allows them to slip their dick inside a country. That's why the end goal of communism is "statelessness" aka room for Jews
>explain why westerners developed common law, testimonial truth and science then while jews have created the vast majority of pseudoscience in the last two centuries
Aside from marxism, do you have any proof.
Remember, muh aryan race is also pseudoscience.
>rothbard, mises
Except these people were legit and you cannot prove them wrong and can only go "bawww jews"
Do you know these people supported white nationalism and closed borders?
I didn't think so because you're a brainlet that only relies on emotion and cannot actually debate ideas.
lolbergs are retarded and get the rope along commies, liberals and other degenerates
>wealthy people's money exits the economy and causes deflation
Reminder that fascism/socialism is literally a third world ideology.
Third world nonwhite shitholes have policies like this and fail miserably.
white countries are the most free market/capitalist nations on earth and are extremely rich because of it.
>lolbergs are retarded and get the rope
Imagine actually thinking people will give a fuck about your gay neetsoc bullshit
you turn white people off with your autism
Libertarians have more influence than you faggots lmao
KILL YOURSELF nonwhite scum
They're also degenerate kike pits.
Fascism would be more widespread if not for Hitler subvertiing it so he could start a gofundme for Israel.
>>wealthy people's money exits the economy and causes deflation
If they don't spend it(which they don't and which you constantly complain about) then this is actually accurate.
Imagine thinking socialism works for white people.
Imagine thinking socialism works.
Imagine being this third worldist.
>Libertarians ruin western civilisation like they did with rome
>"everyone is gonna post helicopter memes and we are all gonna live together happily with goldberg and he will stop being a jew once he learns about the free market"
>Kill yourself nonwhite
Jump out your window dogfucker
>Aside from marxism, do you have any proof
i just did in the sentence following that
read anything kevin macdonald has written on the subject
>Except these people were legit and you cannot prove them wrong and can only go "bawww jews"
i did 3+ comments ago, the idea that you can have an atomistic society where nobody respects the norms of anyone else is insane, the transaction costs would be absolutely huge
hoppe was right to some degree (not his methods but the conclusions, mises was partly right too)
rothbard was right in his later years but the majority of what he published prior to that (what most people know him for) is nonsense
you're obviously not much more than 16-18 years old, try reading a bit more and not acting like a child
Or you could just admit people into an ancap state based on individual merit.
>which you constantly complain about
Who's we? I'm a Georgist.