You literally can't make this shit up
You literally can't make this shit up
thank you based kike
gas the arabs
Kek, this good old gas
>accuse others of what you do
Calling card of the dnc..
At last, the ultimate proof of Jewish death camps.
zyklon ben turned a new leaf and became an israeli police officer
Gassed by the Kikes!
Every. Fucking. Time.
Jews admit to using chemical warfare. Trump better missile attack Jerusalem.
Arab farts in a closed room are toxic
Honestly I am proud of our people for oppressing the Arabs. The goyim on this board that think we give two shits about the diaspora nations well being enough to undermine them when we have our own state are just kids crying for attention and acceptance.
Anyway I hope we used Phosgene. Am Yisrael Chai.
this, now that mad dog mattis admitted the syrian gas story was a fraud, we need to open normies eyes to the atrocities commited by israel, far worse than what they ever accused bashar al cant mossad the assad of
Top kek
Fuck off memeflag
Thanks, kikes. You did something good, now the rest.
I havent made aliyah and they didnt make JDL an option. I couldnt live there anyway, but love to visit. Especially our heroes in the settlements. Anyway Israbro dont use Haaretz, its leftist garbage. Jpost or Arutz Sheva are way better.
We can't get them to shut up either, go yell at Russia.
BTW, love the dyed hair to trigger Muslim girls who can't, but can you get the IDF to get some redheads or something? The bleach blond is getting old.
There are some hotties with brunette and reddish hair. Just rarely see them pictured, I think IDF goes for the Baywatch look. lol
literal kikes on my board..
Light blonde stands out the most while still being natural.
It's also more or less the only shade you can get without destroying your hair using household chemicals if there's some kind of religious restriction on dyed hair. Sorry if you think Jewesses are a cut above, but no group of women is entirely free of chicks who just gotta fuck with their hair color if you aren't keeping them chained beneath their burqas.
I yield to the digis. But warn you If 5 arab armies couldnt kill a fledgling militia in 1948, the literal nazis will have a hard time with the IDF.
C'mon guys, Israel is our greatest ally.
you will pay for this
Absolutely, no argument. Plenty of Jewish girls have fallen for the arab and bbc. All women are always going to be women.
It took one son to make you devil worshipers yield.
I guess you're searching for proofs that gas chambers existed as well.
I like seeing skeptic and pragmatic jews sometimes.
Spurdo please. Some of us are so right wing we laugh at Hitler memes too. At least I am not afraid to admit who I am when I show the power level. There are many here who wont admit to having one Jewish parent but claim Nazism.
>attack israel
pick one faggot
Omg I better run!
w-what are they like
are you saying their BRRRAAAPs are dangerous?
Hmm, really makes me think
You guys are playing with fire. Last week i read about some Palestinian who had being killed by a IDF jeep tipping over him in some strange accident. The bizarre thing is that the Isreal government was charging the repair cost of the jeep from the victim family.
Yes. That the Albanian is behind this.
>F U L L - C I R C L E
*hasidic music plays*
This is now a rare merchant thread!
Hasidim are draft dodging pieces of ultra orthodox shit who hate Israel. Gas if youd like, we dont like them either.
I am okay with this, being a thing
>charging the repair cost of the jeep from the victim family
of course they are