
I'll just leave this here.

Other urls found in this thread:[Open][Open][Open]


__Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School False Flag Timeline__
+Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Scott Israel want to have a second high profile shooting in their county and meet to select date/time. (
+Alphabet Soup gets a tip on a "suspicious comment" that N. Cruz made about wanting to be a "professional school shooter". They leave him in place to become the patsy. (
+Teachers receive training and are notified a simulated incident will occur. (

__Feb 14__
+Students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have an evacuation drill in the morning. ([Open] )
+Cruz shows up on campus via an Uber Taxi for unknown reasons.(
+Hired team of 2-3 shooters goes into the school and fires blanks with Cruz on campus. ([Open] )
+Alexa Miednik sees Cruz during the evacuation and speaks to him while hearing shots fired elsewhere on campus. ([Open] )
+For unknown reasons, hired shooters fail to execute Cruz and stage his suicide.
+Students are evacuated and Cruz leaves campus in the shuffle. ( See Alexa Miednik interview above ).
+Cruz does not know the police are after him and decides to go get something to eat at McDonald's/Subway without knowing he is the patsy.(
+FBI/Police arrest him as he walks down a residential street on his way home. (

__Feb 15__
+Cruz is presented with a plea bargain that will let him avoid the death penalty and avoid and real investigation/trial. (
+Cruz pleads guilty to 17 counts of premeditated homicide even though he has not killed anyone.

__Feb 16__
+Demolition of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fl is announced to cover up the scene of the crime. (

source? This isn't really relevant to the fun control "debate" but it's a nice factoid for all the millions of people who hate these smug faggots

kid has aids

I don't hate them. All the shit they're getting is making them double down on this. Trump is either gonna have to start taking soy supplements and boot the NRA out on its ass or the millions of upperclassmen marching over this who will be of voting age in 2020 will be the precise reason he loses.

I guarantee the next Presidential election will set a record for young voter involvement.

>fun control
How orwellian!

Bumo CNN has to get the scoop on this.

>All the shit they're getting is making them double down on this.

That just means more funtimes ahead.

It's a /k/ meme you fucking Island-less monkey.

>This surprise the normie
I always chuckle when you dumbfucks treat robots like shit and then snap on you and fuck your shit all up. It's happened how many times now? And you morons are still off in the corner drooling sputtering DUHHHHH WHY DEY KILL US???

goddamn those numbers of truth

He looks like fucking Wesley from Star Trek. As if I didn't hate him enough. As if one Will Wheaton wasn't already too much.

>Cruz shows up on campus via an Uber Taxi for unknown reasons
Probably to shoot up the school methinks


You should start a movement to get an international neutral body to conduct an investigation prior to demolition of the site. The truth has nothing to hide.

True if massive


That little faggot Hogg looks like a cocksucker and a fucking little pussy bitch.

Shit, wrong image

Hogg just seems really fake.
Like he's doing this to launch his news career.

He seems scripted and disingenuous, like he's playing a part.
That's why everyone is saying he's an actor.

hugely if correct

>no proof
Fuck off shill

>people keep bumping without any source offered
You are all retarded. I hope the next false flag gets you idiots so Sup Forums may improve again

> millions of upperclassmen
Actually less than 500 faggots.
This is not organic
Log off faggot

Any evidence for this or just nah?

>bullying caused school shooting, not guns

color me surprised

>same bully appears in all the media as posterboy for surviving the evil shooter

jesus christ

>Sup Forumstard believing something immediately without evidence
Colour me surprised.

In the bazaar world of post obama drug induced multicultural apocalypse... drama fags bully kids...

I’m trying to tell you people, forget the Jews... it’s the fags who are the problem

lmao wtf is this?

Nigger there will be a civil war before midterms if Trump passes any of this BS gun legislation.

>believing something

You realize I'm just theorizing and I'm not gobbling it down "listen and believe" style.

Got Soy?

>tfw used to bully everyone in high school
>never got shot

Its a good feel

Or they could just release even a bit of evidence that anyone was actually shot. Just like Vegas.

He's like the soyboy version of Goebbels


that's you plan, young voter turnout?

Settle down, Sheldon.

And who built the fags up kike?

sinead o'taco, kek. i bet she bullied him too.

Color me surprised. The dyke bitch with the buzz cut said "How can you say we shouldn't have alienated him, you didn't know this kid". Bitch should have gotten fucking shit herself. What a shame these faggot ass bullies survived.

Ahhh so that’s their plan.
Y'all are dumb as fuck desu hahahahaha lmao senpai like
Kids wouldn’t turn out to vote even if it was between /literally Hitler/ and Bernie
Kids just don’t vote in big and consistent enough numbers. There’s no instant gratification so they just don’t do it. You do realize this right?
Smh y'all are wasting a lot of money on a dumb ass plan

He I is defiantly "acting", the video of him going through retakes of his lines proves that. He's just not the traditional "crisis actor". He is just a sociopathic little twat using this event as his big break. Haven't seen an ounce of genuine emotion out of any of these kids the press is parading around.


Imagine if these kids had maybe gotten together an anti bullying group with even a tenth of the fervor they have while screaming for our guns. Maybe this lonely autist wouldnt have shot 17people. But its kinda too late for all that.

Big if true

>this crisis actor went to the school and bullied the Jew shooter
Conistent conspiracy theories here.

prove it you fucking faggot

That would be difficult considering that some of those crisis actors didn't attend the same school...

Are you stalking h3h3?

>Stop calling me a shill goys.

>Don't make me do my angrysad face

>anti-bullying group
They have those in my school, it's just virtue-signalling students giving shitty advice to younger kids just so they can put it on their uni application.

I want to shatter his jaw into a million pieces

>unsourced meme

Sage elsewhere


This. If anything, anti-bullying groups are full of bullies; they just generally don't use violence.

It wouldn’t surprise me at all. You know Hogg is a punk.

Lol, 20 year olds don’t vote faggot. By next month they won’t even remember the shooter’s name.

Adderall and prozac cause school shootings

Well if it's memed then it must be true. OP is a fag.

Right the 80 pound news geek, bullied the 150 pound gun nut. Sure. Because someone on pol wrote it on a meme. Come on man, use your brain.

Yes yes spread more fake news! Ruin this little faggots life. For mother Russia!

Faggot is obviously busy blaming guns to deflect blame from himself.

>__Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School False Flag Timeline__
Is there seriously any retards on Sup Forums still fucktarded enough to fall for this stupid CT?

Not how bullying works in the current year faggot.

>Adderall and prozac cause school shootings

Wouldn't need drugs if he weren't bullied

I think he looks like Patrick Bateman

The cold psychopathic stare of a batshit insane killer

There is no William Hogg, there's only the idea of a William Hogg

someone should post this to them jewish faggots and see how they react

>glowing in the dark this hard

Fags tried taking over rome... total pizza take over... Romans took it back from the fag rule. Many parallels, many

Fake fag news paints all of Rome’s timeline as gay, not remotely true.

She actually admitted to ostracizing the poor kid after his parents died and he had obvious social problems and nobody bats an eye? These are the same people who blame the tranny suicide rate on bullying or some shit and it's societies fault for not accepting them, even though they are obviously just fucked in the head. Then they bully this kid, he snaps, and they say he's just a nut, and it's not their fault. Fucking hypocrites. They need to investigate this and find out exactly what these arrogant little pukes were saying about this kid and how they treated him.

Moving gun purchasing ages and voter age and draft age to 21 may be the 4d chess checkmate

>“Someone could have approached a faculty member, a guidance counselor, a teacher and said, ‘This kid gets bullied a lot, someone should do something,’ ” said student Manolo Alvarez, 17, who had history class with Cruz. “I regret definitely not saying anything.”

> Michael Alessandri, a clinical professor of psychology at the University of Miami, cautioned that Cruz’s diagnosis of autism should not be viewed as a cause of his attack at Stoneman Douglas High

>Be Chad
>Be Popular
>Bully autistic goblin
>He snaps
>Kills 17
>Aggressively befriend media
>They don't report it
>Get signed by CNN
>Make millions

Prove to me that this isn't his career path.

lost me at >be chad

its just possible that, done right, one could frame all the media whore faggots as the ones who bullied him, directly causing him to flip out
>hogg and bald lesbo la creatura obliquely accused of bullying Cruz
>la luz extinguidad gets stroppy
>Hogg's appearence fees dry up
>both steal money from mom and dads safe to buy AR15s
>tag team highschool shoot em up going for high score
>shoot each other in ass and still get an herod by bumbling 65 yo overweight ex army desk jockey with a scuffed hi-point

There is no organic grassroots movement. It's astroturf, you dumb nigger.

Stop trying to change the narrative. David Hogg is a 25 year old actor

if this is real the shooting is justfied, im serious
also david hogg should have been killed too

sorry faggot but "getting bullied" doesn't give you an excuse to murder 17 innocent kids for no fucking reason

since when does an american need an excuse to kill anyone? you're a disgrace to your country, ignorant of your own history , and you need to get the fuck off my board you faggot

The only way bullying ends is this way. This is the price of bullying. I go out of my way to be nice to people who I think might snap one day.
These people instead kept harassing this fucking goblin.

Eh buddy the kids are traitors to this country since they want to destroy the Constitution. No mercy for traitors

Can we just pick one bullshit narrative and stick to it? This is too confusing. How did Hogg bully Cruz, if he’s a 40 year old jewish crisis actor from California?!?!

This. The problem is deeper that bullying. Bullying is actually necessary to raise well adjusted kids, and they should be able to tolerate it.

the bulldyke goblina is defenitiely the bully type, she probably bullied the fuck out of pure innocent females from the younger classes.
Hogg is probably the type who spreads false rumors and whispers to classmates under his breath about Cruz's appearance in the most faggy way.
Cruz should have sprayed these two for good measure

anal sex presumably

Still no word from the Uber driver why he wasn’t suspicious some autist with a rifle got in his ride

>ahah i can torment you as much as i want, but y-you are n-not allowed to fight b-back! o-ok?

Bully people, get bulleted

One thing that makes the internet easier is to spot schizos.
Like you.

School shooting keep bullies honest. It teach them that if you fuck with the wrong type of person, you, and all the people you love, will die. It's an useful lesson for their adult life.

>The only way bullying ends is this way. This is the price of bullying.

You're fucking retarded and a weak little piece of shit. I got bullied in school and never shot 17 people. I had plenty of guns and could've gotten it done. You know what I did instead? I stood up for myself, I beat that nigger silly, and I never got fucked with again. You should try being a MAN instead of a FUCKING WORM in parkland.

t. bully

>FUCKING WORM like that faggot in parkland.

Enabled by the school and police to do this because they knew they would suffer no repercussions.

shut up abdul. If you fuck with me i'll kill you. That's that. Period.

No, it's just kids today are weak and mentally unstable and incapable of functioning within a structured hierarchy that puts pressure on them adapt. It works in a homogenous culture with shared ideals but not a fractured marxist mixed race culture.

You mean soyboy Goybbles.

Didn't need drugs either. The things he needed, he needed a long time ago. Friends, encouragement, etc. But the sad truth is, and this is what child psychologists are reluctant to tell you, some kids are just fucking done. Sometimes it happens early; there's a right mix of bad shit that falls into a kid's lap, and they're just unfixable. No drug routine or hug-it-out therapy sesh is going to fix it. But it's not nice to say things like that. It's not nice to look at a kid who has their whole life ahead of them and say "Nah, this one's fucked."