no one seriously thinks this is a good idea right?
no one seriously thinks this is a good idea right?
Other urls found in this thread:
A school shooter is looking to gun down dozens of kids, which having an armed teacher would act as a deterrent and as a resource to end the shooting. If a school shooter was just looking to gun down his bully and then accept his death, then this scenario would work as a good example, since this was an assassination attempt. Reagan's shooter wasn't planning on gunning down everyone next to Reagan as well, just Reagan.
John Hinckley Jr is sitll alive though
Well yes. People are dumb enough to believe the shooting wasn't planned by the government
If teachers get guns, does this mean that they have to protect themselves from false flags? How would that even work?
No, I agree with you OP. It's a dumb as shit idea. Just imagine math teachers having a shootout vs [PRIVATE MILITARY CONTRACTOR] over a non-issue like banning weapons.
Stop spreading misinformation. The interview in california had NOTHING to do with any shooting. It was about a confrontation with a beach rent-a-cop over throwing a boogie board in the trash. You can watch the interview for fucks sake.
Take the time to actually know what you're talking about before helping (((them))) by spreading disinfo
Its a jewish trick
They want to de-arm the whites, so the black will rob and murder them.
So if there is a fire in your home you call the fire department instead of using a fire extinguisher?
Hows that 10min wait work out for ya?
Shill thread.
What were those Secret Service agents armed with I wonder. Swords? Maces?
It couldn't be guns could it?
Israel disagrees with you
Having a gun doesn’t allow you to see the future. You’re going to be able to get a few shots off before anyone can stop you, which is exactly what happened. You’re not going to be able to kill 17 people though,
Remember this was his motivation
>assault guns
Why should I send my kids to public schools anymore?
Seriously most Jesuit schools and even homeschooling would be better than leaving my kids in the presence of spics, niggers, mutts and shitty teachers.
yeah a targeted assassination is the same thing as a mass killing
There's a point there, all those teachers looking the other way while mass shooters and victims are raised. Maybe we need a new sort of teacher, a Super Sensei with gun shooting arms and kung fu skills
>Liberals wanting to ban guns to make schools safer
>Liberals loving filling schools with niglets and spics.
Send them to private school if you can afford it. Any school that is more than 20% hispanic or black is a cesspool.
The brady bill was a step in the right direction. Gun nuts need to be brought to heel.
I say we arm the kids
How does this change the fact this shit is staged and gay and we're going to slaughter Jews in their homes and synagogues?
This. These people are so fucking retarded. Why do they think they can protect themselves better than the police can? The police are fucking professionals with extensive training. There's literally no reason anyone would ever need a deadly automatic assault military rifle.
And Reagan survived because he had armed guard to protect him, your point?
The paradox of Sup Forums
>police beat up niggers.
haha! based cop!
>get stopped by a cop for drunk driving.
Literally going to civil war and killing millions of people before I give you Kikes shit.
Can't wait for democrats to openly run on this platform
Oh whoops, wouldn't want to screw up the midterms
There will be a civil war before midterms if these faggots don't repeal all gun laws.
The right has always understood that the police state is an enemy of the free white man. It's just the enforcement arm of the ZOG. I cheer any violence against negros. I don't see how this is contradictory.
>Sup Forums is one person
My god the level of quality has fallen here
It's a liberal paradox as well:
>REEEEEEEEEE police are evil abusers of power who should all be fired
>you don't need a gun to defend yourself, only the trustworthy police should have them
>someone actually believes this
Or is this a Russian bot post?
if you think its not a good idea you need to rethink your life choices.
Dummy, replacing teachers who hate guns with teachers who can shoot is essentially replacing Marxist shitbag teachers with CONSERVATIVE TEACHERS.
Holy shit, if he can pull it off he might substantially fix our educational system in one fell swoop, using a near-perfect excuse. That’s kind of genius, but could he pull it off?!
left vs right was a mistake because they are both cretins. Third position every time.
Nigger, I will start it myself. How well will your election go when the people running are being gunned down across the country?
Third position was a mistake because they're all cretins. Fourth position every time.
>but could he pull it off
no. the jews would commit seppuku before giving up the education system to conservatives.
HAHA the bank had security guards and cameras and it was still robbed! HAHA like why bother!? HAHA just like don't try to protect anything haha!
Its getting old all the euro trash/ liberal threads "its time to ban guns because these shitty reasons" that consequently caused all the problems in there own country / city.
just another crazy democrat. maybe we should gas them all for safety.
No positions because this is you. It doesn't matter if your guy one or eight your still getting fucked in the ass.
This is fake news. Everybody knows Washington DC has the strictest gun control laws in the nation. Reagan couldn't have possibly been shot there because guns are illegal there.
>hurr durr, edgy nihilist bullshit
Hinckley was stopped, Reagan not killed. Seems the armed guards worked.
Maybe we need small, neighborhood schools where the adults actually know all the students by name and are friendly with their parents. Maybe 3000 student industrial-scale schools teaching diverse student populations drawn from all over town and thus consisting of students who outside of school are bound by no ties of community and who are unknown to their teachers was a bad idea.
It all starts with the destruction of the family unit. Without a stable home life kids become unruly. Single moms can't work and raise civilized kids, so they expect shools to teach the kids manners. Add to that a black culture that has been told for decades by liberals that blacks can do no wrong, embraced thug culture, etc. and what do you expect? Of course kids are gonna run wild.
It's a bait post retard.
I know you're joking, but I'd be all for EVERY kid having to take a gun safety class. Teach them how to shoot. Instead of fearing guns, teach them respect. My wife was an anti-gun fanatic, the first thing I asked was if she had ever shot one. Once I taught her how to properly handle a gun and took her to a range she got comfortable with them. Both my kids learned young what a gun was, what to do if they ever found one, and how to shoot.
Here's the other half of the problem. Most gun owners realize that some changes need to be made but won't agree to anything because they fear (with good reason) that if you agree to one law then it will snowball.
Somehow we need to get everyone to agree to stuff that would be common sense, but assure the other side that gun ownership won't be cut off. It doesn't help when liberal loons immediately go to "BAN EM ALL" instead of sitting down and saying "what can we do?"
I think Trump's suggestions are OK. Full auto is illegal without the proper licensing anyway, so bump stocks or trigger mods being banned shouldn't be an issue. You really don't need a bump stock to hunt deer. Better background checks and 21 is OK too, but on the other side we need:
>tougher enforcement of current laws
>reassurance in writing that the President and Congress still support the right to bear arms
>a complete overhaul of the ATF to end corruption
>an appeal system for people who end up on no-sales lists that shouldn't be
noguns can't use guns, its against the rules.
Oh shit good point, I hope Democrats lead the way and now refuse having armed guards or secret service protecting them.
Fucking this.
That's a quality choice of 12ga.
OP, are you admitting the people shooting up schools are trained tactical operators?
>You really don't need a bump stock to hunt deer.
The 2nd Amendment has nothing to do with hunting.
Best k/d r of any afv in ww2.
Ask his VP, former CIA head George H W Bush about who was behind that plot.
Well, it used to be, even students were there protecting peace in 70s.
>police beat up drunk nigger driver who was speeding at 100 mph while being chased
>nigger becomes civil rights hero
>jews write textbooks about this hero and it's taught in public schooling
hope you realize you are on a list, and will have you guns confiscated under trump's new law.
So glad the abuse of sophistry is coming to a end so these people can be buried with their 2000 pages of faggotry. Just imagine all the whimpering,tears and snot as you walk them over to a shallow grave to be shot.
also has nothing to do with bump stocks. 2nd amendment protects you right to be legally armed, but nothing else.
It's even worse than that. He was a 25 year old 6'2 250lb nigger on PCP. The police weren't allowed to choke people out anymore, and they were only given billy clubs as weapons. People on PCP don't feel pain and a billy club can't be used to control people. Short of killing him with a blow to the temple, there was nothing the police could do but hit him until he gave up.
There's no reason to ban bump stocks. Citizens have a right to arm themselves in defense against government tyranny.
>Legally armed
No nigger. We are Lawfully armed.
I'm not talking about the politics of it, but the fact is can you be armed with out bump stocks? Yes? then your right to be armed has not been infringed.
Nigger I will stab you in the eye with a bump stock for being that retarded.
This dude gets it. Fucking hell how does everyone not see this??
Repeal the unconstitutional law that makes full auto illegal and there would be no need for bump stocks.
>hurr durr you are retarded even though supreme court cases confirm your opinion and i'm just a drooling retard redneck.
> but the fact is can you be armed with out bump stocks? Yes? then your right to be armed has not been infringed.
By that logic, we only have a right to single fire muskets that we make by hand. During the years after the Revolution, private citizens owned warships and mortars. It's clear what the intent of the Founders was, and its clear why they wanted an armed citizenry.
>unconstitutional law that makes full auto illegal
again you can still be armed with out full auto so the right to be armed has not been infringed.
Public school teachers in America make shit money, so less qualified people take these jobs. Now they need to be ready to die in a fire fight at any moment? Undermine public education and the whole country is dumb, fat Mississippi shitheads. Slave state of the Americas, but china! Thanks Nancy Pelosi. I hope you did in a fire.
the privilege of public school can never trump the right to bear arms.
>using SCOTUS as a legitimate authority
kek. They don't even pretend to care what the Constitution says anymore. It's a "living document" that means whatever they want it to mean.
I hope you realize that I will shoot tyrants in the face and go to war against the Kikes and swamp if you niggers try. I'll get a uhual truck packed full of fertilizer and show you what's up.
Well in all honestly then bump stocks are kinda worthless for everything except shooting alot of rounds all fucking over the place down range. I have found them to be a huge gimmick when you can do it anyway with proper technique or a belt loop if you are too retarded to do it without a special stock.
Looks like some has a 9th grade education.
>shall not be infringed
It's pretty clear language. Funny that SCOTUS doesn't use the same logic for voting rights.
>You can still vote if you pass a literacy test or provide an ID, so your right to vote isn't being infringed.
wow a 200 year old law is not that great at protecting modern gun rights? I'm shocked.
You need modern gun rights laws. the fact is the 2nd amendment does not protect very much.
Repeal ALL gun laws or it's war! Not even an option. Common sense says you don't want millions to die. Maybe you have no common sense. I will be happy to slaughter Jews regardless.
Yeah, they're gimmicky bullshit. You can bump fire with your shoulder after 5 minutes of practice.
Retard. Teachers are 90% sjw liberal females.
The question is why did the school cops hide outside during it all
If you want to change the Constitution, there is a way to do it. Unelected government officials changing it through judicial fiat is not the way to amend the Constitution.
It doesn't say the right to be armed with whatever some faggot decides is acceptable. Repeal those unconstitutional laws or you die.
no you are just too dumb to realize they follow a consistent logic.
can i still become armed just as easily before the full auto ban as after? yes
Can I vote as easily with voter ID law and literacy test s? no
noice! #LetItHappen hahaha!
School shooters fall through the cracks of a depersonalized system that is geared towards efficiency and breaking down community bonds. Schools grew large with desegregation: they became toole of the social engineering scheme known as integration, so they bussed kids from all over town, mixing neighborhoods otherwise out of contact with each other. Classmates no longer hung out in the same places with all their classmates, but only with some of them. A feeling of community was lost.
As schools grew, staff could not keep track of the students. Even in a school of a few hundred students, adults could know everyone by name and face, could spot problems before they developed, could supervise adequately to prevent bullying, could know the parents. In such a school, the student knows that they are part of a community of adults who are watchinng them at school, at play, and at home, and those students have less liberty to fuck up.
In a massive school of thousands, security, faculty, and administrators do not know the students, except for a bright few at the top and repeat offenders at the bottom. The fact that there are repeat offenders, criminals, and thugs at all shows how far the cracks in the system have opened. At the root of the problem is the sheer inability of the adults to learn that many faces and names. The mass school is simply unworkable due to limits of the human mind to know that many people. The mass school sets up the mass shooting: guns were not a problem when schools were sufficiently small to be truly integrated into communities, but the mass school in its namelessness lets the problem student fester into a killer.
SCOTUS is an arbitrary court of unelected officials. I don't consent to give them any power over my God-given rights.
>no you are just too dumb to realize they follow a consistent logic.
Please, you don't even know what stare decisis is, don't act so self-righteous.
>can i still become armed just as easily before the full auto ban as after
No you can't. The ban places as a clear infringement on your right to bear arms. As do mandatory background checks. If you wanted to be consistent, we should be able to do a background check and a mandatory waiting period on everyone voting, as well as require a fee for completing the background check.
Hope you die of AIDS queer.
socialism really fucks up the gene pool
This could of been shorter by just saying jews and women shouldn't be teachers.
Not really. I wouldn't trust many teachers judgement. The real question is what do we do about the 6% of the population-male nogs- that commit 50% of all murders.
>It doesn't say the right to be armed with whatever some faggot decides is acceptable.
sorry to tell you but it does, the courts are specifically given this power.
>implying the courts are the moral authority