Sup Forums is now an Islamic board

Sup Forums is now an Islamic board

Disbelieving kuffar bastards leave now or face the consequences

I will fucking rape that muslim slut you faggot

Id let her bomb me

Make me, I dare you

>tosses acid into OP's face

kuffar and disbeliever are two different words and two entirely different categories, you larping fuck.

flag checks out

no wonder

I really wanna fuck some of those ninjas without veils though. The petite ones with a cute face makes me diamond. Is it time to start revenge-raping?

Damn. We really need to start colonizing and Christianizing them badly.

Disgusting, her husband should slap the shit out of her for wearing that. The idea of wearing hijab or niqab is to ensure the figure is not shown so as to not tempt other men. Disgusting.

>t. no qt Muslim gf to corrupt and cuddle with
>pic related - dat DSL


I didn't know muslims could be faggots
You're so progressive OP


I don't think so, get out and sage everything.

thanks op I lost this pic, it's one of my favourite hijab pics.

I'm always happy to find religious voluntaries for my gas chamber.

Sweet merciful gaben above us.

have a (you)


Sorry Shlomo, but your kippah is showing.

Is that even allowed? Because I want some.

The tide is turning, oh deathcult zombie.
It will be the Sup Forums battalion that pushes you onto leaky boats with bayonets fixed.

Don't come to our turf and strut around like you own the place. Show respect or you will get none back.

Whatever, slime.


All based right wing Jews and half Jews of pol will form a fucking legion after emerging from the underground that is /jewpol just to destroy the Muslim threat to our board of peace and tolerance.

Thats right CNN. Pol is a board of peace and tolerance.

>"I'm gonna cover my hair because muh modesty"
>"How does my ass look in this tight dress, Jacques?"

reality strikes

...and again

....and again




OP's muslim wifu

That slut would be stoned for that pound of makeup and showing that much hair


99% of shit skins look like this

I think I could LARP as a muslim with a couple of qt muslim wives like these at my side


I see that Muslims use their religion to lie, cheat and steal for their own benefit. Allah, in his mercyful wisdom has decided that the people that claim his protection shall perish for their selfishness, greed and ignorance, and he has chosen the men of the west to be his righteous sword of holy justice. We will wipe you from existence so that no man, woman or child shall claim to be a Muslim ever again.

If you resist us, you resist the will of Allah.

Wew lads

id smash all deeeez bishes with my white cock, and turn into nice Christian women, muslim dick cant compete


Typical Brit.
What's funny is, we always charge Muslim clients a "reverse jizya."
Silly muslims.


this is real what you want isn't it?




He's not a Brit, he's probably a paki coloniser!



>skin-tight "covering"
lol the eternal whore

reality strikes


I'm Christian, little Atul, let's all get along nicely now.

Come again


Stop being M*slim


>fuck off back to where you came from
in all fields


Fuuck ib want some sweet hijab women.

Tfw Brown. Tfw Persian girl says i could pass as a Persian. Tfw i would totally larp as a Muslim if i got 7 sexy hot wives... Fuuuuc!

wow BASED poo, can you show me the way of hinduism?

Look the flag and laugh


Daily reminder, they don't have to be moslems to come wrapped.

Mods are doing a great job as usual

Here, have a (Loo)


Would bomb/10

>that file name
you're alright poo