Sometimes I feel bad for Canada.
Sometimes I feel bad for Canada
He is just as embarrassing as the City of India
if people don't wake up to this shit then we deserve every goddamed faggot leader
The absolute madman should go to Khalistan and meet with locals.
>elect le DUDE WEED man
>he goes 100% SJW
>makes it illegal to mis-gender trannies
>pays ISIS fighters to come to Canada
>welcomes flood of rapefugees
>dresses like complete faggot for LGBTQNFBFJSE+++ events
>spends $200,000 on giant rubber duck
>gets called out for wearing Indian garb that even Indians say they don't wear
>allows courts to choke off free speech
>accepts $215,000+ value trip to private Bahama island knowing it's illegal to do so, then completely blowing off the report calling him out for it
>oh yeah and by the way STILL NO DUDE WEED
You Leafs have lost the right to criticize Trump with this literal circus clown in charge of your country.
Trudeau, Thomson and Thompson, same fight.
>"I have read your fortune, and the cracks in your hand have told me you must let go your anger. If you kill your enemies. They win. Namaste"
Let's not forget he refused foreign aid to tackle Alberta's most devastating wildfire and hired untrained chimps to do it. Who were paid a fortune before being sent back after it became too obvious they didn't have a fucking clue what to do.
Hate speech. HATE SPEECH!
About the ethics committee...
This is one my favourite Traitordeau vids ever. He's a goddam disgrace
aren't sjw soy-boys great leaders?
Were else can you find such great examples of high emotional IQ than in canada
please do nuke this place before more spawn
Justine JEWDough doing his (((Masters))) bidding.
What a fucking embarrassment. It's like he's a teenager or something
He’s still considered a rockstar on the world stage
I found this while posting in the other trudeau cuck thread
Now search for “Justin Trudeau cries”
Even irrelevant country like Slovenia is laughing at trudeau!
I don't get it
WTF is wrong with him? Even the Indians were laughing at his bullshit.
Why does this fag play dress up so much? Sad!
he is a faggot and crisis actor.
so of course he couldn't wait to put on his new drag.
1.53 million.
here's a picture for comparison, baring in mind trump has been very famous since the 70's
whoops, sorry.
But the le aesthetics! Ur jez jealous ur leader isn't as hawt as Justinbro
Two belgian detectives are trying to blend in while hunting for Tintin in china, by wearing "traditional authentic chinese clothes".
He's a drama teacher, of course he like to play dress up.
Next level pandering
He still signed a 1 billion dollar trade deal.
Amerifats btfoed again
Don't. They chose this, and he is the embodiment of the political state of Canada.
I don't, 60% of Canadians are massive assholes with a chip on their shoulder.
At least we aren't all obnoxious patriotic nimbrains.
*blowhards actually sounds better than nimbrains even though you're both
Yes you are, the fact that you're even posting in defense of Canada proves that.
So about 40 min of America's gdp
poor guy is going to choke on a cock one day and then canada will have to elect a new cuckmaster general
Drive through any Canadian suburb and you'll be hard pressed to find a single canadian flag anywhere. While along every american street there are maybe dozens of flags. Youre a dumbfuck
>muh wealthy province
>Save us trudeau from the catastrophe we caused to ourselves
Are albertans the white equivalent of rich nigger rappers?
I think it can't get more humiliating and then it gets WAY worse each time.
Yes but I'm sure I'll see many Chinese flags
No you wouldn't because we don't live in China. Nice try though, Tyrone Tyronius IV.
Imagine a foreign PM visitng Canada and turning up in a Mountie costume, then as a lumberjack, then as an eskimo, and not only him but his wife and kids as well.
What a fucking clown.
We have lots of flags people just don't have flag poles on their lawns. Canadians are pretty patriotic we definately think we're better than Americans. Are you an immigrant?
I think he's getting too much flak for wearing the shiny dresses.
The only Indians criticizing Justin and his family for wearing the said clothes are liberals who are contrarians for the sake of it.
Most Indians (including me) see Justin Trudeau and his family wearing those dresses in a favorable light, it IS a sign of good faith.
You should get your eyes checked or someone misinformed you about the flag numbers. There aren't that many around. What does being an immigrant have anything to do with this
I wonder if he shits in the street as well, so he can really get into the role. Or text his wife and ask for bobs and vag pics.
What next Indian feather head dress on when he visits a reservation? Blacking up when going to Africa, fucking a goat when he goes to SA?
but their dogs are happier
Dat ID tho.
>the papers back in Canada do the same
are the canucks finally tired of that flaming clown they voted for a president?
Literally whiter than you Chang.
if i was a PM or President of a country and went to visit another and wasn't greeted at the tarmac by their head of state i'd get back on the plane and leave instantly and cancel the trip.
Congrats you're white, the rest of your country certainly isn't.
The same could be said to you :)
I thought it was a private trip, a politician can do those and then he doesn't have the be welcomed by the top of the top. It is nice, and does happen if he is super important, but it doesn't have to happen.
As funny as is, it just seems that Canadian parliament is filled with idiots. They act like little children, nodding and clapping in support of their side. And repeating the question 20+ times?? Fuck me. Does no one have the balls to just formally charge this dicklicker. Then you can get back to matters of more importance.
I feel horrible for canadians.
They have no soul.
They have no heritage, no culture, no foundation, no soul.
Their leader is the epitome example of this: he quite literally whores himself out to any belief and religion that strikes him as "fun" at the spur of the moment. He's going to be a mentally-confused, spiritually-lost person later in life; if he isn't already.
Even atheists and scientists stake the foundations of their personal convictions in their beliefs. Canadians? They have none of this. Not only that, their short history is being trampled and pissed on by their elected leader.
Germans, English, Greeks, Spanish, the French, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, Mongolians..the list goes on of peoples with history and culture. Even the Russians have ancient and more modern culture; most slavs still believe in the "soviet soul" of things.
No history, no culture, no identity. Who are you who do not know your history?
Canada is a mix of people, not a melting pot. When all those brown people arrive they will have their own separate community and that is that while your melting pot will turn brown and black and you will become the true le creatura white that acts like a mexican or half nigger due to their majority culture affecting your personality and beliefs. Feels good to not be a burger, lol.
wtf mid bottom left, why the hell does he look like Castro when he was young
Immigrant confirmed! Thanks for contributing to Canada's le 49% face!
>the us is a melting pot
Lol! If that were true we wouldn't have places like Little Italy or Chinatown, people tend to segregate themselves.
Lel when did I say I was an immigrant, I'm european white. I'm from Yugoslavia prica cu ti malo da me verujes
what a fag.
>not an immigrant in Canada
>born in Yugoslavia
pick one
Ah, kako ide vidim da si i ti iz balkan
Gud pic
Because Castro fucked his mom.
never a lonely dog in Canada, that’s for sure
He must not have apologized enough for Komagata Maru!!!
what? how, canada was in nato and I know that T-mans father was a politician too. I assumed T-man went all sjw to go against his conservative father or something.
how much longer is he going to be the king of Canada anyways?
Weird fucking angle that.
>You Leafs have lost the right to criticize Trump
Think you'll find most of the leafs here don't critize him. It's the normal proxy fags looking for you's who do that kinda shit.
Not only is it hard for me to believe that someone this transparent and fake exists, but that he is an elected leader of a nation.
you poos better be make him to take a shit on your designated shitting street
and record it
They literally named a capital city Vagina!
Lol no
What the fuck are you even talking about? Drake is Canadian and he is half kike half nigger
Free speech was already neutered
As for refugees:
Rape rates haven't gone up
Murder rates haven't gone up
>american blacks commit 3 times as many crimes as Canadian blacks
>I wonder why
it's your shit culture that makes em criminals. Cultural criminology dumbass, look into it when you learn to read.
Remember when the Indian PM hugged Trump at the White House? Good times
Still whiter than you Xiang!
African Americans that live in the ghettos are not a part of mainstream American culture. They are influenced far more by their local communities (which have spawned degeneracy such as trap music.) Also the fact that they have been a disenfranchised demographic since emancipation because fuck niggers.
Your niggers never had to go through any of that.
The resemblance is uncanny, as are the pictures of his mother around Fidel Castro with a twinkle in her eye
Are you Black Pidgeon Speaks?
i hope he keeps doing this more often to show the normies how stupid he and the liberal party is.
>brought with him a indian chef from vancouver to cook indian meals in india
>tell indians that he dislikes separatists after he was caught with a sikh terrorist
>tells them he fought quebec seperatists terrorists all his life
>news are saying he wasn't even born when it happened
>tfw everyone is laughing and you don't realizes it
Cause we never really had a problem having a black guy in the neighborhood. Being good to a black meant he associates us with safety. Like a dog.
Hell, the Caribbeaners are the most troublesome and they're fairly neutered already and their food is franchised.
Steal whatever menial shit you want from their cultures, nothing related to values, just surface. Spread it. Boom, now they feel like they have a little symbol wherever they go to remind them they're not outsiders, that they're assimilating. It puts their symbol in the middle of all the white symbols.
Cool. How's grooming your 4 year old daughter to fuck you using purity balls going?
nothing wrong with this, sikhism is 3 tiers above all semitic religions
And then you want to fix our homo neighbor, amirite?
Stop being so wound up brewsky
2 to the head!
>skinny-fat torso
Holy shit he’s a walking soy-bean
Im glad that Chandler Bing bullied the fuck out of this guy. He is an absolute faggot.
Im surprised liberals arent screeching that Justine Castro is appropriating Indian culture
Ironically, this is a prime example of actual cultural appropriation those SJWs are always ranting about. This is virtually the same thing as 19th century colonists playing dress up and they're the embodiment of pure evil if those same SJWs are to be believed.