By far the most muslims and africans immigrating per capita

>By far the most muslims and africans immigrating per capita.
>Booming economy
>Very little debt compared to other EU countries
>Strong social safety net unharmed


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wait 20 years fucking idiot
also; sage this shit

People have been aping about Sweden collapsing any day now for years, not it's suddenly 20 years?

Ok senpai.

They are using all their money on welfare niggers, third world country by 2025 for sure. Stupid swedes.

7 or 20 years? Make up your mind guys.

The problem is that their women and their feminine men are addicted to brown cock.

Why does that matter?

it kinda did tho, have you even paid attention to the news?
rapes, grenade attacks, gang activity, no go zones. it has already collapsed in some places mong

>Booming economy
lol what?

>Rape capital of Europe
>Grenade attacks left and right
>Murders left and right
>Extreme censorship
>A castrated police force
>Terrorist attacks in the capital against natives
>Orders the destruction of priceless historical artifacts
>Also rewrites its own history to make the invaders feel more comfortable at the expense of truth and natives


They want to stay in their ghetto enclaves and live in their parallel society while we have all white-flighted and continued on as normal.

As long as they get welfare money, they are pretty happy not being part of society. Thus, we can operate as normal. We'll get rape and crime stories when welfare money's not cutting it though.

Main reason women vote for refugees. Because theyre "exotic"
Women only think about cocks and money.

Almost forgot to mention
>Rampant gang crime
>Releasing invading murders and rapists from punishment
>No-go zones
Banning price in their country
>Rewarding ISIS terrorists...

Sweden was one of the fastest countries in EU to recover after 2008 depression.

Women won't become your pure fantasy virgins just because you shut down the borders.

Violence in Sweden overall is at a low point compared to the 90s for example when there were only small amount of immigrants.

You forgot to mention that they just admitted recently that most rapes committed were 98% by people of foreign descent.

Honestly I'd be crying day and night if I was a Swedecuck.

>walk downtown
>every person you meet is from sand country

>>Strong social safety net unharmed
Eat shit Pekka, the net is collapsing

Please post the help helper where it shows future of sweden and finland. Makes me kek everytime

>rape capital of the world

>crime-rate is low compared to the 90s
you stupid fuck stop ignoring the fact that its a European country with the highest rate of crimes

You ignored that completely, showing your shill nature.

quite accurate discription
also when you see alot of posts from swedes like "ahhh we getting overrun, send help" - those are stormfront-fags who try to "educate" masses in dangers of being flooded with shitskins, not that i'm against such tactic, but most of their spergs are just big exaggerations

i'm pretty sure it's europe and not of the world

although wouldn't be surprised if it is LOL

They are pumping their BKT by importing immigrants.
Now check The BKT per capita.

They would never admit what's really happening there until the collapse occurs.

Its GDP in Mutti language, bro.

>leech welfare
>breed like monkeys
Fiki-fiki. You economy was enriched.

America was by far the least white western nation in the 50s (90% white as opposed to 100%) and we were the richest too. Still are, but is it really worth it when pic related is our fate?

We have some of the highest private debt in the world, vittu

I’ll explain:

Jews control the money supply. Jews make it easier to borrow at low interest rates. Jews artificially inflate economic growth based on spending on credit. Jews put out fake stats showing Sweden is prosperous country. Jews tie growth to hard working immigrants that jobs Swedes would not do. Swedes get fucked and allo more kebabs to move in. Rinse and repeat.

There are cities only populated by migrants in which even the police isn't even safe anymore, "no-go zones". Swedens dept is 42% of the GDP, and it's not sinking. There are armed militias of gang forming inside the country and government officials are crying for help.

I will never understand how the viking's children became such push overs. You'd think the vikings's descendants would have been just as fucked as the germans and romans.

It was called south africa actually

Except even the UN says its dropping places in the hdmi but please continue faggot im sure you know more

20 fucking years. Those who came now and had given birth to children/ Took their children with them. Let's see how their youth will be in 20 years. I predict 40% unenployement rate at least


I have relatives in Sweden, and we used to visit it every year. Not anymore. I saw Sweden's fall from grace first hand as an unbiased outsider.
Every year there would be more North Africans and other niggers. Eventually every 6th person that walked past you was non-white. A shop near my cousin's house would get robbed every week, sometimes twice. Local kindergarten got 3 meter fence erected around it.
We stopped visiting after we heard one of my cousins got beaten into hospital condition by a gang of "mocha wrists", as my cousin's friend calls them.

Sweden can have all the shitskins for all I care. Just don't let them come to Norway.

Also, sage.

Schools are a fucking mess. You can be a literal retard and you'll get a passing grade. You can literally rape another student or beat them half to death and you won't be expelled. If you have more than one sand monkey in a class (guaranteed in any city, in some they make up half or more of the classes), they'll chimp out throughout the entire class making it impossible to teach or learn. Not even the niggest of nogs can compare.

Public health care is so nice right? Especially when there's no doctors, nurses barely get paid, and you could be inches away from death yet still have to sit half a day in the emergency room waiting in fucking line bleeding all over the place. And god save you if you do get help and the doctor is a muslim, they're very likely not qualified at all.

Cops straight up don't fucking go to troubled areas which actually need them. Sometimes they'll drive around it, so they can report that they did, in fact, visit the place. Source: I live in a fucking no-go zone. There's a fire? Well the fire department won't do shit unless they get police escort because gangs of 20-40+ people will assault them. I've seen cops been chased around and toyed with like they were fucking forest mice in a cat's den.

Also, people selling drugs in broad day light in every fucking muslim neighbourhood parking lot is a real nice touch, especially when the rare cops show up and just look at them and then rapidly walk away without even uttering a single word as everyone laughs at them.

>Economy is all
kill yourself

1/3 of country's annual budget goes to welfare or other costs caused by migrants

You bet they will once the welfare system collapses :^)


Out of curiosity, and to compare to what is going on in Canada, what is the average salary for a police officer in Sweden?

They are nor viking descendants. Vikings moved away and conquered land and took women abroad. And most dangerous vikingr were danes and norwegians, not swedes.

Don't get me wrong, Göran. I wish the best for Sweden, but seeing things the way they are now, it is better that one country gets ruined instead of two.


Tell me more of your fantasies they turn me on

If you live in a ghetto enclave as a poor white Swede, then shit's gonna suck. It's almost like I need to bring my passport if I ever wanted to visit those places.

What you dont understand is that Sweden is necessary. It is necessary for multi cultutalism to fail spectacularly for Western countries to finally swirch gears. If Sweden cannot integrate the Arabs, other countries will possibly push harder on the artificial womb front or heavily subsidize families.As it currently stands, the boomers are paying their rent with these immigrants. There isnt much more thought to this.
I would rather have Europe die a slow death like Japan, than this abomination that is created in the West.

Let’s see what happens in the election, SD were .3% away from being the biggest party in Yougov’s poll the other day

Godspeed, söta bror, Godspeed.

>still sage because I'm not gonna give the shill free bumps

Sweden's future..


It sucks here. You can't even go to the store without 15 yugos, turks and sandies staring your down.

Then buy an AK from the yugo to remove the 2 latter

>literally ceding territory
>literally paying tribute to the horde
>this is fine

Thread was about Sweden not UK

>By far the most muslims and africans immigrating per capita.
How can someone possibly conceive this is a good thing?

Their economy is not booming because of muslims and africans (although it has short-term positive effects in GDP growth).
- They are not in euro, but have fluctuating currency
- They have diverse industries/servicies and are good in sales and marketing.

Its less then 2 years away. Lived in Sweden before AMA.

Scandinavia belongs to the Nords!

>By far the most muslims and africans immigrating per capita.
That's France in Europe, by far.
>Booming economy
Not true at all though. Maybe the banks that can send out new loans to the replacement population benefit short-term.
>Very little debt compared to other EU countries
Probably growing rapidly. Pensions in Sweden is a joke.
>Strong social safety net unharmed
If you are a immigrant maybe. If you are an old person then not at all.

Explain why you are lying about the situation in Sweden instead of going home to your own country, instead of contributing to ethnically replacing another people.

At what cost? It's a cultural dump now
Well ask this guy he is trying to push EU in deep shit with immigration.

Laffo. Not even close, homo.

Numbers are the same. But petty crime has dropped to be replaced by rape and assault. Get cucked, asshole.

>Sweden was one of the fastest countries in EU to recover after 2008 depression.

Yes but at what cost? A massive housing and credit bubble. The housing bubble is even bigger then the one in the 90s and its about to burst.

The booming economy is the reason niggers GO to sweden, not the reason there's booming economy in sweden, you fucking faggot

Niggers are not the reason the economy is good
I fucked that sentence completely.

>poor white Swede
it their own damn fault to be honest

we've had free higher education for what 60 years now? If you're too lazy to get a university degree then you might just as well live with the immigrants.

The downfall of sweden is a dead meme, Sweden won't crumble, but it will get worse over time, it'll have to get real bad before the cucks do anything, but they eventually will.

Lol but we have money now, god gave us money, we can give money to black people because we have money and we will always have money no matter what

Damn swedes came in here and btfo'd the Asian mongrel.

Is Sweden finally waking up?

a finn defending sweden, you must be one of those swedish speaking ones

Stockholm isn't even half as bad as berlin, when i was there, there was a park where i had to dodge 40+ niggers trying to sell drugs not even exaggerating, entire streets had signs in turkish

Well basically you'd have to be a complete fucking retard to think they're related. Sweden would be doing far better without niggers and sandniggers raping and murdering them

>rape capital of Europe
>grenade throwing capital of Europe
>faggot OP cannot name a single Muslim country he'd want to live in

Hey guys Muslims aren't the problem, just look how not shit the white areas of Sweden are

>post ancient bait
>67 posts and 9 image replies omitted


Plz stop.

Do not reply to troll threads.
Close them
Report them
Drop a saged redpill if you must.

Not for long.

To be fair that's a contained park and not the entire city.

> Jews make it easier to borrow at low interest rates. Jews artificially inflate economic growth based on spending on credit.

At some point, (((they))) start raising the interest rates, and trouble ensues for the average mortgage-taker.

People get jewed time and time again.

My suspision is the bad name Sweden is getting from crime and immigrants is just a forced exaggeration to set in motion the rise of right-winged groups and I feel like it's working.

Because I actually live in a city known for the high crime ratings by foreigners and drug dealers and yet I am very comfortable and safe here.

Thats happening right now, In Europe.

For 250 years, Americans have warned you about the dangers of having an African population. You didn't listen. You willingly imported a shitskin underclass. We would desperately love to relive that part of our history and never have them here. You were warned. And you did not listen.

>very little debt

That park was like weed walmart but the rest of the city was also full of drug dealers, also there were so many turks that it didn't feel like Germany.

The country has little debt, the people in it not so much

I hope other European nations take note of the failed experiment Sweden has become.
Multiculturalism does not work.
Especially so when you import a population of religious zealots who completely despise your culture/values and wish to see you all dead.

Sweden, you're literally getting cucked to death.

Basically yes, but rates are still so low that I didn't put it that way.

>murders left and right

Malmö has a lower rate than fucking Talinn.

>>Booming economy

False. The swedish state has comparatively little debt, the municipalities and the people on the other hand have massive amounts of debt and are fucked if either rates rise or the housing bubble bursts... which they will.

Why are you making up statistics. Sweden is far from havibg the highest crime rate in Europe and lets not even talk about the US

USA has more active muslim communities

Yeah unless you're a drugdealing fuckup there is almost a zero procent risk of getting whacked.


Nothing to see here folks.

Exactly what i meant, sweden has little debt but swedes have a fuckton, my post didn't really convey that.

>Strong social safety net unharmed
what planet do you live on?

less that 1% of the total population is Muslim