Black Mirror Obvious Propaganda S04E06

>black power activist heroine
>ebil white supremacist sicko(term used in that episode) villain
>interracial married couple
>heroine kills the ebil nazi after hacking his AC system and records his suffering to watch forever

Simple story without obvious propaganda would have been better. But why do they do this?

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Nice family

Black Mirror is libtard propaganda through and through.

Why are you surprised?

All British television is this way.They really have a leg up on this sort of thing

White supremacists are evil though

Black Exellence

At first they weren't focused on propaganda. It was more subtle. Now only blatant propaganda. Maybe something to do with (pic related)

Remember when they did cool stuff, like The Roaches, where a character could be nonchalantly black, and the theme was a pervasive societal ill, that gently encouraged critical thought on the part of the viewer?

Netflix has bankrolled further episodes of Brooker's dystopian update of The Twilight Zone. Netflix has already bought the rights to the first two series' of Black Mirror from Channel 4 and the program has proved a cult hit for the website

I add that this isn't profitable, and they know this. The writers, the masters of media, even Soros, as an investor, are all human beings. Their hatred comes out in the form of propaganda. These are revenge fantasies.


Black Mirror is most retarded stuff, it has been since first season
The main guy who makes it (Charlie Brook) is a reddit-tier libcuck

that was the best fucking episode in the new season you joyless fucking hack

After seeing the popularity of first two seasons, Netflix bought the series from Channel 4 and now using it for their propaganda.

Brooker went downhill after marrying the blue peter poo, he needs to get back to being angry at everything desu

I am not saying the concept was bad but why use it to push propaganda? It is that obvious. Even the episode's name is "Black Museum"

The weak stray from the herd. I walked around my town yesterday and lo and behold. Women are actually eating up the multicultural agenda. They lust for foreign cocks.

So the subversion is irreversible?

you waited 4 seasons for that?
it's been there since the second fucking episode

This show was never anything more than contrived garbage.

>ITT we discuss reddit the show with based magapedes
How did you not see this was reddit just from the title alone?

This. He used to be fantastic.

Obviously you haven't seen the previous seasons