>Christianity makes you believe that's you have inherited sin! Hence you are sinful! wtf is that even means?? Sounds like that white guilty bullshit
>Islam teaches you to get your shit together and take responsibility for your own actions
Why you are not Muslim yet??
Other urls found in this thread:
Judaism teaches the same without worshipping a pedo.
Judaism is a legit religion, not corrupted one like christianity, you cuck.
>It's a savage monkey that cant comprehend humility and empathy episode
I know you are biologically incapable of doing so, but try to consider why Christian countries are the pinnacle of civilization and muslim countries are shitholes
Islam teaches to also kill infidels.
Die sandnigger you're not fooling anyone.
> Started trans-continental slave trade
> Had been doing so for the longest period of time
> Are still doing so
> Beat women, stone gays
> Still get ass kissed by western liberals
>burn people alive
>kill children
>kill people who won't convert
>live in shitholes
>houses made of dirt
>still use heroin
>move to the US for a better life
>domestic terrorism
>statutory rape
>rape in general
>don't like to see women's hot bodily figures
>only male body
I wish we could just purge the liberals defneding these abominations.
Listen Dane daft cuck, first of all, human existence is not over yet, there's a time when western christians dying off simple basic hygiene, and going like ''Muh Black death'' while Islam countries were the pinnacle of humanity and civilization. Time being Western world has that position, but then again Western world is not a christian world. Mos christians live in Africa, Asia, Russia and that other shithole America(usa and latin america)
And how is that a bad thing ? I mean cleaning the degenerates from the genepool. Thats why you have an epidemic of degeneracy in the west. Only in the Western world a 70 years old grandpa becomes a fucking transgender. YUCK
Islam is the future faggots, blacks are becoming the majority of the believers and will take over in north africa and europe. The future of the human kind is BLACK and muslim, there will be no more arabs and whites, only blacks and mulattos.
taking break from slaving away to western mega corporate compainies, Chong, go back to work and fold that jeans neatly.
The Qur'an BTFOs itself when it claims FALSE things about Christian beliefs. That alone refutes the whole basis the Qur'an rests on. It's not the absolute word of the creator of the universe. Then again, this has been obvious to everyone but Muslims all along. Now we also know for a fact that parts of the Qur'an are cribbed from Syriac texts.
You have to be in deep denial to be a Muslim at this point. I understand it to some extent if you were born into a Muslim family, but anyone converting to it is either stupid or mentally ill or converts to it as an edgy teenager to LARP in bedsheets.
Have you even read the Qur'an you absolute brainlet?
oh i didn't realize u wuz kangz, that changes everything
Your bait is absolute shit.
Also the west would never bow to such fuckery. SJWs and trans people are despised in the back of everyone's mind. The normie population fucking accepts it, but all of us really realize they have autism. Due to cultural reasons some speak out on it and some of us just honestly stare at them in disgust. Much like how we look at sandniggers like disgusting fucks who don't know how to shave their chest or brush their god damn teeth.
Second of all, fuck you, you're not American and don't know what the hell our soil feels like, never will and never want you to. We don't want you plaguing our society, that's why we mass flood this website and controlled the presidential election to keep you faggots at bay.
/thread closed nigger
MUH BAIT, I'm a black muslim "french". Arabs and whites shit their pants when they see me and my brothers in the street, we are taking over, this is the reality. Even the mosque is 90% black nowadays, we are growing stronger inshallah
ALL muslims are homosexual fact
>Why you are not Muslim yet??
Ugly cousins.
The liberals are sheltered people that only know about the world through cartoons. We need to explain things in terms they understand to redpill them of the menace.
That's rich coming from the pleb mongol who pussy swedes literally forced their type of retarded christ-cuck down into your mong throats. You left the religion/way of life of your ancestors and took the pussified Swedish version against your fucking wills. If I were you, I'd never have spoken anyone about anything at all. fucking super lowtier pleb
Yes, I've read the Quran and it's 610% times better and making absolute more sense than Bible or whatever book you have it.
That's Catholicism not Christianity learn the difference.
acknowledgment, love & gratitude
since muslims drink camel piss, fuck goats in the ass and fuck little children answer seems obvious. sand niggers are a bunch of aids infested degenerates.
I am not sexually attracted to goats
>>Christianity makes you believe that's you have inherited sin! Hence you are sinful! wtf is that even means?? Sounds like that white guilty bullshit
Only Catholics believe that, maybe Orthodox too, but Protestants do not.
not yet, bong, not yet. But we gonna do that incha allah.
dude chill with your afrocentric bullshit, your bait is super weak or you're a retard. In Islam we are equal and brothers and sisters.
>irrational drivel and a world of asspain
Yeah, you're definitely a Muslim, bruv.
Catholicism/Islam and Judaism all teach that you gain your own salvation
Christianity teaches that you can’t earn your own salvation and that you have to come to God as a repentant sinner. After that you are granted salvation and your life changes.
Muslims/Catholics/Jews fake their salvation and seeep the dust under the rug.
Christians genuinely hate sin.
>Christians genuinely hate sin.
So why is divorce (aka annulment) permitted? They only live as hypocrites
Islam also forces you to donate to charity, aka, socialism.
Also the fasting, slamming forehead against the floor, etc. is pretty fucking obnoxious.
The only benefits are polygamy and sex slavery. But neither of those are legal,in the civilized world.
non black muslims are selling you blacks as slaves again. I dont see how you blacks will ever achieve anything. You better bow down to your brown masters.
Middle Eastern countries are the only countries that have not been cucked.
Islam is making brochettes out of blacks right now in Libya.
Because I'm white, and it's just another semitic desert god. If I was Islam is cancer and white Muslims are the greatest offenders. We didn't fight you slavish cocksuckers for 800 years for nothing.
>dude chill with your afrocentric bullshit, your bait is super weak or you're a retard. In Islam we are equal and brothers and sisters.
Yes we are brothers in the faith but Islam will be a black religion, get over it. This is the future of the human kind, we are making 8 kids per woman while arabs and whites are aging fast. Allah is making us proliferate to avenge our brothers who have been enslaved by arabs and whites in the past.
Brother that delusional african is definetely not of us. Look the shit he is talking. They are getting enslaved in the year of 2018 and yet look wtf he is talking.
For me there is no such thing as color because Allah did not divide us like that. But when I see black ppl like him, I am thinking of buying a few black slaves just to humilate them.
Divorce due to fornication is compleatly fine.
Hipocracy, maybe for the false converts who think going to an unscriptural church building and saying they believe in Jesus Christ is enough to gain salvation.
Salvation comes when you are broken and you genuinely want a way out of your sinful ways. So you cry out to God for help. At that point God grants you the Holy Spirit and you become a new creature in Christ Jesus.
In Christ = Christian
There are
Lol I have 11 brothers. My mother has eleven brothers. Every muislim family here has at least 5-8 children. You will never reach us. Especially since you people are starving from death while we get big and strong.
muslims are faggots who are reaching the end of the line with their degenerate fucked up religion started by a pedophile who drinks camel piss and fucks children in the ass. piss on them all
>islam tells you to get your shit together
you misstyped european pagan ideals
did I hit a nerve for reminding you who you were back then ? your entire existence as a finn revolves around as a pretender, whether that's culturally, traditionally, genetically and historically. You abandoned your forefathers way of life to fit in western degeneracy, but you still insecure cause you know deep down that no matter what, a pleb fucking mong is always a pleb fucking mong. Fuck off and drink yourself to death drunktard
>Don't worship the demiurge like a christian, worship the demiurge like a muslim
kill yourself racist, you aren't a real muslim. In france many arabs are giving their daughters as brides to black men stupid racist, in the future there will be only blacks and mulattos, get over it.
>in the future there will be only blacks and mulattos
Obvious bait retard.
It's allah great scam.
Islam is antiracist idiot
And we have killed people which werent of our just for looking at our woman. YOU are not a muslim. You are hating on other muslims.
But know this, we are not white europeans. We gonna rip you blacks apart ones you get rude.
fuck islam, ill die before i bow and ill die with as many as you fucks as i can. fight fire with fire.
dont cut yourself on that edge
I dont believe he's even african let alone being muslim and black. Just another edgy polturd larping and shit.
Yes, you're right brother, we are one as a family under islam and sharia law
Happy friday brother!
Take the pagan-pill, my friend. You know that there is no future for islam in space for you. Hail Odin!
>And we have killed people which werent of our just for looking at our woman.
You are a retard and surely not a muslim, real muslims aren't racists. There are tons of mixed couples in europe and north africa, this is the future of the human kind.
It also does not require that you give yourself braindamage by headbutting the ground 5 times a day.
Happy friday to you as well my brother. Inshallah he is neither black and muslim. He would be a great shame for us.
Anyone who thinks Catholics are not Christians has to be pretty much completely clueless about Christian orthodoxy. American Protestardation is a hell of a drug, I guess.
Stop lowering Sweden's average IQ, Muhammed.
You are saying you want to get rid of all non black muslims. Who is rascist?
You better watch your mouth because we are very much able to get together and massacre you people. We are only affraid of Allah.
Imagine, such a big plate of bacon. and you're not allowed to touch it. Fuck that shit.
You come near me sand nigger and I'll throw a ham at you.
>I dont believe he's even african let alone being muslim and black. Just another edgy polturd larping and shit.
>Yes, you're right brother, we are one as a family under islam and sharia law
>Happy friday brother!
So the racism of this german user is ok for you? You aren't a real muslim, we are all brothers regardless of the color of the skin kuffar
Honestly, I'm afraid I might be weak willed enough to convert, for a closeted gay guy who feels, bad about being gay. Getting that muslim bride might be one way to have "normal" family. I still feel that Islam is rotten religion, some practices are simply barbaric, but looking at the statistics, and projections I feel it might be inevitable, if I do ever convert I will do everything to change this religions barbaric ways, but I fear it is not a work of one individual man, but collective effort of many taking many generations. What frightens me most about islam is how anti-scientific it is. Hurr door before anyone posts anything about much islamic golden age, simply put it's a lie. Despite unprecedented wealth in some arab countries they are still not scientific leaders, and if they are most of it has to do with bringing foreign experts. Nothing has come with domestic influence. Problem here is this, science is only salvation long term for human race, pollution, nuclear waste, climate change, islam can't handle these issues long term, because solutions demand critical thinking and islam consciously kills it.
I think I found the ultimate weapon against Islam
This is Germany now: shit brown roach breeders have taken over. Absolutely pathetic beyond comprehension.
Shut the fuck up, Abeed
You asshole said non black muslims will disappear that you will take revenge. WTf are you talking about? I am a chechen by the way.
>You are saying you want to get rid of all non black muslims. Who is rascist?
I say that we will become the same thing, with the racemixing we will be all of the same race inshallah, I have no fear of you because you aren't a real muslim, you are only a racist idiot
>stop lowering sweden's average IQ
defending your ex owners and oppressors.
You're the real cuck Pekka.
Thanks brother! he's just a sad troll. Ignore him!
Islam will claim western technnology in the same way as it did Persian, Syrian and Indian. They will say that modern tech and infrastructure was created by brown roaches. That is all they are capable of in the end. Muslims will never reach space. In the end they will stagnate and fail too, so it is all good.
Muzzies are literal faggots who can't handle practical jokes.
>You asshole said non black muslims will disappear that you will take revenge. WTf are you talking about? I am a chechen by the way.
typical white racist, there is no place for your racial hatred in Islam. You will not enslave my black Muslim brothers again kuffar, this is the Black century.
god is not real
>closeted gay guy who feels, bad about being gay.
And in the process to make a woman live in a bubble of lies, while you'll surely cheating on her with men at night.
With how easy it is to accept and be low profile acting normal, you go for each option
its about time someone targets hate crimes.
This is some top-tier LARPing right here
Well deserved
I don't live in the past nor have grievances about bad things some people did to some other people way back when. Before ruining your whole life with Islam and related delusions, you might want to try living your own life without dragging around the baggage of people who lived once upon a time. If you insist on ruining and embittering your life, go right ahead, it's your own fault.
Shut the fuck up Abeed!
Why has your master allowed you to use a computer!
Youre right. Islamc nations have their shit together. No problems there.
Good, he disrespected the believers and he was probably a racist
in their fucking late 40's or early 50's, and still doing stupid prank shit. In 1945 men who were 20 years in their junior was leading a fucking batalions. They should be shot to death for merely failures they are. Joachim Peiper would shot them right in the fucking face.
You post too much nonsense.
Start it come at us. Lets see how strong you are. We are not affraid, ready at any time to die.
Yep they should have been beheaded actually.
There's nothing in the Bible on the doctrine of inherited sin. Only heretical Catholics believe that.
Muslims are dumb enough to believe God sent a prophet who lied in their inaccurate portrayal of Jesus that's not supported by historical evidence, though. They also think Mohammed was prefect even though he literally wrote verses while possessed by a demon (seriously, Google it) and said he didn't know if he was going to heaven when he died.
But yeah, the most scribed book in history that all evidence points to being true is definitely not to be trusted, right?
pic related is Adil al-Kalbaniعادل الكلباني he is a formerImam of the Mecca Great Mosqueand the first black person to be one. Islam isn't racist faggot.
Sounds like you muzzies are just jealous cause you Pig prophet Mo-ham-shit Was against eating his own kind, ie pigs.
Truest depiction of Mohammed
>Goes into denial mode when slapped the truth in his mong face
>But then goes to say ''muh white race is superior tho''
>claiming the achievements of men who has absolutely no connection whatsoever with his mong pleb ass, while his own people were slaves to other whites(sweden and Russia)
Pekka do you fucking logic? oh you're drunk.. I see
There are nigger Christians too, What does this have to do with anything slave?
Why do you hate me? Because I'm black? You are a racist idiot and there is no place for racists in this world, Allah is making us growing stronger, we will be the majority of the believers in 50 years. Blacks are the future of the human kind, get over it.
fuck off, we are full! we dont accept fags.
Its darwin who wrote that shit and he has nothing to with islam. Islam is not rascist. You are though.
>Muh mong
Islam is a retarded oppresive ideology that has resulted in massive amounts of inbreeding, hampering of technological advancements and general retardation.
Whites are the strongest warriors in the world and we bow down to noone.
Well, technically Islam is religion of deception, because taiqyaa and also concept of tawriya and kitman exists. So technically I would be engaging in normal islamic hypocrisy. Also while most muslim scholars consider being gay heretical and most often they will cite people of lot, nowhere it says directly and with traditional islamic deception can be interpreted creatively. Thou it is stated that acts of gayness shouldn't be spread publicly and that's why there is harsh legislation in most muslim countries, because they think faggotry shouldn't be spread publicly because of it's corrupting influence on majority of population.