Why do Europeans discriminate the Roma people?

Why do Europeans discriminate the Roma people?

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Thieving robbing good for nothing scum.

YouTube roma and tell me how beautiful their culture is

how are they different from other eastern europeans then?

Because they come on to your house and steal anything copper related?

they come from India, not europe


we dont, they are just thiefing mugging little cunts, they always have been.

like eastern europeans

slavs came from the eurasian steppes
hungarians and bulgarians even from further east

>we dont
the eu doesnt care about their needs
they are left alone

Because they are filthy animals

they get gibs wherever they go whats your point?
They come from india and have traveled europe for thousands of years.

And peole "dont care" because there is no "helping" them. What you see is their centuries old way of living. they want t obe left alone in their filthy campers.

>hungarians and bulgarians even from further east
Right on the spot.
We were originally asians and later on we accepted other stpee asians like Cumans and jazygians and let in slavs, germans and some mediterranians. All these people coming from the neighboruing countries and some from middle asia are ASSIMLIATED, the gypsies are not.


slavs get gibs too
why do you hate gypsies more than slavs then?

eastern europeans joined the eu and spread to other countries in some years while gypsies needed centuries

most gypsies want a normal life like you and me

the only difference between you and a gypsy is at best the skin colour

Where is this from please Darek

Because gypsys are ALWAYS crooked thugs looking for a chance to stab you in the back as long as your not a gypsy yourself.
>most gypsies want a normal life like you and me
Bro you are korean, you dont know them, you dont live with them. shut the fuck up about stuff you have no idea about.

Scum faggot gook kill yourself
Inferior yellow small dick loser

This dosen't change the fact that we let in our country other europeans from different culture and background in big number and some other fellow steppe niggers from asia that could assimilate into hungarian culture.
But the gypsies don't don't.
They refused.
They wanted to be their own thing by doing and contributing nothing to the people around them.

because they are thieving scums,sitting in big cities and attacking tourists for muh money muh my daughter is starving
id rather have a pole or even a bulgarian for them

I am a Greek

if they were white you would call them based

there is no hungarian culture
your gypsies are assimilated

germans tried to exterminate slavs and jews while stealing everything they had
how are you better?

>slavs get gibs too
contrary to gypsies and all memes aside,many poles drive here to work
not saying that it's good but atleast they do something
>why do you hate gypsies more than slavs then?
because they don't belong here,slavs are atleast european
>eastern europeans joined the eu and spread to other countries in some years while gypsies needed centuries
gypsies were always seen as something bad
>most gypsies want a normal life like you and me
I couldn't care less
problem is they infest cities and I dont want to be asked on every second corner if I want to give money to some [insert random disease/condition] here
slavs don't do that
the only slavs I notice are pole drunktards lying under bridges not bothering me

>germans tried to exterminate slavs and jews while stealing everything they had
how are you better?
>every german wants to exterminate all other races because muh Herrenrasse
and how am I better? I stay in my country and don't ask like a fucking coward for help

>comparing warfare to honorless scum infesting cities

pic related is why the poles drive to germany

>because they don't belong here,slavs are atleast european
gypsies are europeans too

>gypsies were always seen as something bad
because europeans are racists

>problem is they infest cities and I dont want to be asked on every second corner if I want to give money to some [insert random disease/condition] here
they wouldnt do that if europeans wouldnt discriminate them
a gypsy woman would rather work in a factory than stay outside and beg for money

some random medieval painting

you stay in your country but the german state doesnt
other people suffer so you europeans can live better

gypsies are often proud people

There's no way you're Greek and not hate gypsy. That, or you have never lived in Greece.

>germans tried to exterminate slavs and jews while stealing everything they had

you sound like blacks who calls white people racists because their ancestors are slave owners.

Your koreans raped vietnamese women(Lai Đại Hàn and massacre them. What credibility do you have to defend gypsies who are hated more than slavs or eastern europeans who actually worked hard to live a life where they don't have to be a burden to society?

I am a Greek

gypsies are hard working people

I've lived next to slavs my entire life and although wierd in my eyes they are all stand-up blokes more or less, whereas the roma turn up and even the slavs are fucking sick of them

Because they're the only group in the world literally worse than niggers. They combine the worst aspects of Jews, Chinks, and Blacks while having the capacity for planning inherent to whites.

>you stay in your country but the german state doesnt
other people suffer so you europeans can live better
yeh because we certainly destroyed the roma state and stole from them
>gypsies are often proud people
I don't know if you're larping or a cryptogyppo sitting in worst korea but no,they are not
>gypsies are europeans too
no they are not you absolute brainlet
they are nomads from india
>because europeans are racists
larp but ill bite
>muh racism :(

>they wouldnt do that if europeans wouldnt discriminate them
we discriminate them because they do that
and they did that throughout history
>a gypsy woman would rather work in a factory than stay outside and beg for money
there's nothing stopping her from this except laziness

also the pic is stupid because it doesn't show other countries and I can assure you,poles are one of our least problems right now

Do you have any idea how well she would be able to work in factory wen 99% THEY ARE ILLITERATE.

(((you))) peninsulaJeebs.

I work in my dad's bakery so I get to see them at least once a day
I swear to god these "people" scare off my customers all the time because of how awful they smell and well because they are thieving gypsies
I always have to keep an eye on what they are doing just to be sure they aren't trying to steal anything from our shop
That's basically why I hate them

>Because they're the only group in the world literally worse than niggers.
what are albanians?

Why do Europeans discriminate against Europeans you mean. Gypsies are trash

Fucking Ikibey, new proxy?

They are subhumans. Not even socialism can cure their ways, only solution for those reactionaries is death.

Yeah. Hard working in fields like pickpocketing and Street level scams.

>It's a /gsg/fag using a proxy episode

Because their entire culture revolves around theft and begging, they have a culture of crime. The only exception are those isolated from their communities, that we`re forcefuly integrated by commies.
I sometimes see child gipsies called here ``puradei`` begging at the local supermarket while their fathers are few metres away talking to each other. It`s repulsing the level these people sink too.

>I am a Greek
please post pic of yourself and timestamp.

>gypsies are hard working people
Only small portion of them. If all of them are hard working then they don't have to rely on government benefits.

The gypsies are fit enough to get a job and yet they choose to be a beggar. What's the point of breeding like rabbits if you can't afford to raise your kids? It's a proof that they're are dumb and don't know what 'family planning' is all about.

They do not work, they do not send their kids to school, they do not settle in a place but are nomadic, they refuse to register new born children with the government (nobody even knows how many of them exist), and they are a people that only survives through stealing and robbing people.
Imagine a small group of people whom no one knows that roams the lands to steal stuff in order to make a living because they refuse to live in a specific place and take on a regular job.
That's what gypsies are. In the Soviet Union and in Yugoslavia the Communist government even tried to stop that by providing them a free house or flat to live in and an easy job - all without any precondition except that they must show up for work.
These people just ran away to continue stealing shit, nothing can change their ways

Also these people are into all kinds of insane shit like magic, hexing people, selling their children and so on.
If you want to see how their society works watch "Time of the Gypsies" by Emir Kusturica.


>Roma people

All the times I was threatened in the street or someone tried to rob me it was a gypsy.

They make massive family gangs and gypsy neighborhoods are no go zones. Police can't enter there. This is happening since Francisco Franco dead.

>yeh because we certainly destroyed the roma state and stole from them
there was no roma state because whites were breeding like rats and outnumbered them

>I don't know if you're larping or a cryptogyppo sitting in worst korea but no,they are not
gypsies love their family
europeans are just degenerate wealthy people

>they are nomads from india
so were the bulgars hungarians turks or finns
every single gypsy was born in europe like all his grandparents, great grandparents, etc

>there's nothing stopping her from this except laziness
they have no skills and europeans hate them
the woman wouldnt have a chance
i live next to a company where only latvians work
they cant even speak german but they work there because of their nationality

funny coincidence
you dont need to know german to work in a factory

>even the commies hate them
holy shit
fucking Ikibey,I swear to god

most norwegians are human trash too

Discrimination is a fair practice. You aren't entitled to force others to associate with you

Because they're pakis who steal, rob and generally fuck up anywhere they stay.

look how these people build villages out of nothing while you waste millions for pathetic modern architecture

Because gypsies are less european than Jews.


Turn off your proxy, igbale

Greeks and Gypsies are some of the view people who could create a successfull communist state.

slavs do that too
in fact the last news about a robbery ive read was about a latvian

>they have a culture of crime
europeans have a culture of destruction and genocide

Every experience i have had of them was bad. The first time i saw one of them was a 7 year old begging in London 2 decades back. Then i encountered them whilst working in Czech Republic living in utter filth in buildings that look completely abandoned.

The Czechs were right to sterilise them. They do not contribute to society in anyway, they are purely a parasitic race.

They're called Gypsies and they are subhuman vermin.

>The gypsies are fit enough to get a job and yet they choose to be a beggar.
every gypsy knows that he could get much more money and a stable life with a real work

dont fool yourself

poor people have many children because the children work and contribute after some years
europeans had many children too when they were poorer

Yes but not crime. Japs and chiks are also like us no crime but genocide. No interpersonal violence but nation-level collectivist violence. And is great. Turn off your proxy show us your true location

Because they're a bunch of thieving cunts.

Holy fuck rare. Are you an American soldier?

>there was no roma state because whites were breeding like rats and outnumbered them
>gypsies love their family
they would sell their children if they could
are you fucking stupid?
>so were the bulgars hungarians turks or finns
turks are from central asia,so are hungarians
>every single gypsy was born in europe like all his grandparents, great grandparents, etc
>a rat is born in a fish tank,that makes him a fish

>they have no skills and europeans hate them
>they have no skills
>no skills
see the problem here Ikibey?
>i live next to a company where only latvians work
anecdotal evidence

>like eastern europeans
Eastern eropeans are agressive but they stop after a time and assimilate
They are nothing near to gyppos

That still does not exempt from basic reading and arithmetic stuff. Tings we learn at home already before starting school. Gypsies are discouraged by their own elders from that.

Gypsies are very similar to jews just much much less competent.

>Why do Europeans discriminate the Roma people?

They are not roma,and they are not people.The OP however is a fag

>only survives through stealing and robbing people.
paying little money to poor people in 3rd world countries for their resources isnt much better
you dont even care about their lives

>soviet union and yugoslavia
you mean those shitholes which all slavs use as a bogeyman?
how could these states be better to discriminated gypsies?

millions of europeans are religious

Former soldier. I work as a private contractor now.

>poor people have many children because the children work and contribute after some years
>after some years

You'd still need lots of money to feed them while they grow up which most gypsies don't have.

And also, where's your pic and timestamp?

Gypsies can be useful if they just stick to their containment tasks and not leave the ghetto.
>they sing for you in pubs
>they find you a parking spot
>they take your recycling
We should legalize gypsies desu. The scrap metal gypsies here tried to unionize a while back. The biggest problem is the begging gypsy kids and their ringleaders, it's human trafficking and police should do something about it

They are what happend if you mix a nigger with a jew.

They were lowest caste dravidians without a drop of high caste Aryan Invaders blood. Dravidians are like australian abos

just like europeans in other continents

a brown Greek from Egypt is more European than a blonde blue eyed finn from Karelia

norwegians are subhumans by definition of the word

the czechs are very unfriendly and evil people
very rude

Even if what you claim was correct, that would still be better than gipsie culture who destroys your nation, not the enemy one. They are like rust, where they settle things begin to degrade, the higher their numbers the more severe the degradation. They are like parasite, consuming their host.

nice b8

Good luck and don't get blown out

Dude you should do an AMA. I'd love to know more about you.

Gypsies are niggers on steroids.

Exaxtly right but dont forget their no-poo-in-loo indian heritage also.

It's funny how these threads get filled with Romanians, Hungarians and Bulgarians in no time.

Slavs work. Gypsies don't. Unless you call beating up old ladies and stealing their purse, work.

>just like europeans in other continents
Most continents were void of everything that weren't sand or mud houses before the Europeans came.

Ha! I met my first gypsies in Estonia, disgusting creatures. At least you guys don't have any niggers. Not to mention the most beautiful strippers in all of Europe.

Here they are segregated, they live in their ghetto`s. Of course they all look like the hell in ``Constatine`` movie.
They have no shame but a very big ego, so once they have the numbers on their side begin to be very arrogant, more so than a french. They have a mentality similar to niggers, their music is about how great they are and how their enemies fear them, etc.

>norwegians are subhumans by definition of the word
False, at least not more than the norm.

On gibsmedats and general gibs yeah.. But only that.

>a brown Greek from Egypt is more European than a blonde blue eyed finn from Karelia
By what standards? Finns are a bit isolated because of more ANE than the Euro average, but they're still nearer to Northern Europeans than every Southern European (that are predominately neolithic farmer descendants).

europeans are the biggest criminals in history
asians, especially japanese are sneaky and manipulate their statistics

>they would sell their children if they could
and you kill hem
check the abortion stats for europe

>>a rat is born in a fish tank,that makes him a fish
the rat can swim now and the fish came from another ocean

slavs or muslims havent any special skills either
they just give jobs to their own people
while gypsies are small in number and get discriminated

assimilated gypsies are similar to Greeks
very friendly and hard working people
they are just ugly while Greeks look better than other humans

and then you wonder why they turn to criminals

food isnt very epxensive
especially in eastern europe

then why can't gypsies afford them? Why are they still begging when they could buy foods for cheap price?

Basically none of them work so they leech off the welfare. They are violent, they steal and scam, they are inbred and mostly unpolite. Luckily we only have 10k of them. To be honest I would swap them with some refugees, only not somalis.

Oh so it has nothing to do with them. So should the Europeans take the gypsy kids out of homes daily and bring to school against the wishes of the gypsy spawner biomass.

Trolling like a pro.

>the biggest criminals in history
Non-whites got bullied? I don't care. Just wait before we take revenge on you. The worst is coming

So ikkibey has a new vpn? Still with the "I am Greek" statement.

>slavs or muslims havent any special skills either
Muslim isn't a race. And slav had a space station in Earth's orbit. Can you imagine a gypsy space station? Kek,

>that would still be better than gipsie culture who destroys your nation
europeans destroy whole continents

>on steroids.
i see my x are x on steroids joke is spreading

give them a work and treat him like an equal human and he will stop stealing

and they are still shit because europeans failed

its not false
norwegians are subhumans by definition
you are lazy and degenerate people with inferior genes

if you want i can prove it to you with science and facts

by European standarts
finns are barely european

Europeans have been racist as fuck for literaly thousands of years and you have to ask why?

give them jobs then