Why don't women like moe?

Why don't women like moe?

Because they know that moe characters are superior to them.



Thet do, you're retarded.

that show seems like something girls would like. It's very feminine, and not because there are many girls

>no comma after "hello"
>calls someone ESL


Lies. My girlfriend liked that show very much.


By me.

Sharo-chan is going to MARRY ME

Some do, its almost like they aren't all the same person.

They made YoI one of the most popular anime ever, and a lot of women also support Love Live. Of course they love moe.

>my shitty grammar means you're ESL!
Nice damage control.

I liked moe before knowing moe is even a thing. Since I was in kindergaten I remember I had a prevalence in choosing backpacks with kawaii ugu eyes cartoony girl characters. I had Cardcaptor Sakura puzzles and notebooks before knowing what it really was. I collectioned a lot of cute pink stuff with chinese animu character knock-offs before I had started to know what anime is or from which series they come from. Naturally I watch the cute girls doing cute things show every season. I didn't even choose it, moe choose me.

And I'll be relieving her urges when you go to work

a lot of girls like moe
girls like cute things don't they?
at least I do

Because of the creepy pedophilic undertones

This, OP know nothing about women.

What the fuck are you talking about, OP. Women love moe, especially Japanese women. K-on was really popular among girls.

they can't stand to see perfection they wish they were


I looked so cute in that interview.

Women aren't physiologically programed to want to protec cute things. Women are the ones who are wired to want to be protected and cared for. thots jelly of the loli

It makes them realize how much of a dirty damaged whore with no self respect they are. It's basically anti-feminism.

>It's basically anti-feminism.

Pretty sure more females than males like it
they love cutesy shit in general, thats why they use to play with dolls while boys played sports outside

But now horny virgin manchildren got attached to cutesy shit too

Sharo has excellent sexual techniques. I should know, I frequently buy her services.

>Women aren't physiologically programed to want to protec cute things.

They are, more so than men actually. They are naturally wired to go gaga whenever in a radius of 500 meters there is a baby. They are also more caring and nurturing, genetically engineered to be caretakers for their offsprings, which are the cutest thing in the world, for them.

Why do men like moe? It seems like something aimed at girls


Jealousy, most likely.

Human babies are the opposite of cute.

I like looking at cute girls. I also enjoy masturbating to them.

Moeblobs are pretty much designed after babies

Moe shows have pretty much 50/50 audience.

They are designed after little girls, you dolt.

little girls arent as stupid as moeblobs

>Human babies are the opposite of cute.
I said for them. Women are wired to find their own offspring cute no matter how ugly or retarded it is, google it.

This kind of thread usually gets shitposted into oblivion with pop psychology and a notable absence of female opinions, but this is apparently where the girls (female) of Sup Forums draw the line: slandering their taste for moe.

They're into boys rather than little girls, usually.

Obviously some of them do.

Indeed, I've met little girls far smarter than moeblobs.

>r*editors unironically believe there are more women watching moe than men
Saddens me most of Sup Forums is made by casuals that watch battle shounen.

You don't need to "be into" little girls to enjoy watching moe series.

my girlfriend and I both like CGDCT shows