Why Sup Forums against LGBT? you should embrace this culture, you cant stop science. Now we can change our gender and in 20 years we will be able to change our DNA, skin color, hair color, eye color and more, a Indian person would be able to change his DNA to European and so on, you can ignore reality, but you can't ignore the consequences.
LGBT Thread
Im not against the lgbtq. But ive been around enough of you catty queens to know that my help isnt needed
Gay people are faggots but they are lowering the population so good by them
Can I go to /lgbt/ and make a Sup Forums thread?
>change our gender
Turning your penis into an open wound that you have to dig hair out of every few weeks is not changing your gender. I personally don't care, I just dispise people of any political affiliation indoctrinating children, LGBT especially. At least the Nazis aren't trying to fuck them or get them hooked on hormones.
Hahahahahhahaha you fucking retard
faggots are cancer
>Now we can change our gender
only because it's been defined as a social construct
>in 20 years we will be able to change our DNA, skin color, hair color, eye color and more
nope. you've been spending too much time on Reddit
Explain how it is not a mental disorder
>you cant stop science.
LMAO, Holy shit.
Blokes fucking each other in the arse is science! Don't let us keep you from your work professor.
It isnt, its natural, you should not hate, stop the hate, I feel piety for you.
Please explain how it is natural, and not a disorder.
>Why Sup Forums against LGBT?
You know what, faggot, I didn't give a shit about homos and whether they got married or adopted a kid... until they were given these things and they kept right on demanding things. Including that we accept levels of degeneracy I never thought possible.
Now, not only is the LGBT community demanding that we tolerate this disgusting behavior, they are demanding we approve of it lest we be branded homophobes and lose our jobs and businesses.
The last straw for me was this steady push to embrace people with clear mental illness as normal and the sexualization of children. Not only do I no longer accept homos in our society I think they should all be purged for the safety of our children and so we might attempt to reestablish the pillars of our Western society that have been deconstructed and demonized by the LGBT community.
The family, led by a father with the backing of a strong woman, is the foundation of everything Whites have ever achieved. This must be reestablished. In order to do that sodomites and pedophiles must be eliminated.
That's just disgusting.
No one straight likes traps for the penis.
I'm not against LGBT, I just don't like faggots. Most anyone can be a faggot, just don't be a faggot. Also, mods are awake.
>inb4 404
LGBTQ is evil
they either should be beheaded or whipped
>This thread again
Gay people are gay.
>you cant stop science
>*blocks your science
>"pshh nothing personel kid"
Today's rapid changes in the world will bring a tremendous change, plastic changes, that is, humans can choose to change the color of their skin, the color of their eyes, hair, faces and so on. A Chinese can choose to be an Indian, a Swede can choose to be an Arab or a member of the Bakongo or Yoruba tribe, and so on from one nation to another. Such a change would harm more ethnic and less based people on religion or citizenship.
omfg piety
You're either male or female. Anything else is a counterfeit. Also, men with men or women with women is not natural, immoral and an attack on the traditional family and thus ultimately an attack on civilization.
Cuckservtive, embrace liberal values and freedom.
You can't ignore reality, and cannot ignore the consequences. LGBT=AIDS, Violence, Immorality, DEATH.
All degeneracy starts with being tolerant towards faggotry, ALL OF IT.
No successful civilization will survive unless they suppress faggotry. History has shown this over and over again.
So fuck the LGBT freaks, they all need to be beaten back into the closet.
No such thing as god, god is dead
Because LGBT is a cancer that has not only been untreated but encouraged to grow and is now corrupting everything it touches.
/lgbt/ faggot
Chopping off your dick or growing tits doesn't make you a woman. Fucking morons.
Staple a horn to your forehead and crawl on all fours, then tell me you're a fucking unicorn.
Because lgbt is bigoted against mental health and they ruin peoples lives
It isn't listed as one in the DMSM 5. Why should someone believe you over academic consensus that's backed by research?
That legit looks eerily similar to Trump tho
>its natural
those tits sure as shit aint
No point in arguing about it then. If in 20 years you can change being gay there won't be any gays. Nobody would want to be gay if they could not be gay and parents would DNA that shit right out early on so no worries, gay be gone in 20.
Explain to me how it corrupts anything or anyone? How does it personally affect you or anyone you've known in an adverse way?
We don’t need to evoke God to hate faggotry.
Normal people are naturally disgusted and repulse at the notion of people of the same sex to have sexual relations with each other.
Western Nations, since the times of our tribal ancestors have always suppressed faggotry, and its only through modern Jewish corruption that our societies have stop doing what’s right.
But we will get there again.
God is dead, get over it
>Explain to me how it corrupts anything or anyone? How does it personally affect you or anyone you've known in an adverse way?
yep fine then, we all agree with the faggot shit...as far as you want to take it.
So user, now that is out of the way, what is the next "taboo" that the bigots in society need to taught about?
Where does our progressive society go next????
The resistance to the faggot shit is literally the last whimper of a rationalized society forced to its knees through Cultural Marxism.
so i put it too you dear user, how is the destruction of western civilization itself personally affect myself and my loved ones???
seriously kys.
I think some people wish that was true but its not
The west is turning into Weimar
So, if anyone says the word God in an argument, you automatically think the argument is 'God doesn't want faggots to exist'?
I'm all in for lgbt and all that gay shit, but you should start argomenting more if you want people to listen.
Because LGBT movement is psy-op to turn gays into niggers and destroy themselves as fast as they turn society into shit.
>Rotting away the genitals of children
>Dangerous HRT
It's no more science than the electric chair is a haircut.
That's a solid counter argument
That thing looks nothing like Trump
>current year
>not embrace boi pucci
More of her?
you can't stop science? lmao lgbt is literally dipping out of the gene pool without science these people couldn't reproduce
hmm i wonder what this butthole feels like