>claims to be redpilled
>wastes his life playing video games
Not even meme’ing, vidya is one of the biggest social cancers today.
>claims to be redpilled
>wastes his life playing video games
Not even meme’ing, vidya is one of the biggest social cancers today.
Other urls found in this thread:
Since you're posting league
Let me guess you dropped to bronze?
>Playing games on an apple device
So is Sup Forums
You simply have to be an manchild autist not to and sadly that has become the vast majority of Sup Forums
But everytime i meet people the urge to kill increases.
is reading and lifting better?
The real cancer is work
If i can avoid that normie shit by getting good at games or streaming, iill do that trade in a heartbeat
maintaining good state of vidya is more important than "future of white race" and gamergate controversy did more to push overton window to the right than stormfaggots, skinheads and whyte supremacists ever did
tldr op is a faggot
>>wastes his life playing video games
time enjoyed is not time wasted
You really need to kill yourself
who fucking cares?
>image board for discussion
>grinding to level 60
Admit that you got buttblasted by a asian clan and now want to disassociate yourself from that which you thought just recently you were competent at
silver 4 in LoL!!!!
gotta redpill the 12 year olds.
What are your thoughts on table top gaming and board games?
>he uses a mac
>and mac peripherals
just gas him
That's a pretty cool setup desu.
get a load of this fucking moron
it really is.i pissed away my teens and early 20s playing counter strike.missed out on so much.sucks2beme but oh well
Wize words.
literally every game i played besides new vegas was utter shit.
>literally roleplay anarcho primitivist on drugs
>constantly shoot up homemade drugs run around in desert and eat killed creatures
>sleep in the caves
>eat the corpses of your enemies
>fight with nothing but spears and machetes
what is there not to like
>Telling other how to live lives
Wow you much be a god
Or Jordan Peterson
Should I pay you now or after the buzz word speech.
>Implying I play video games besides maybe a round or two of cod if the bros are over as we sit and bullshit.
Video games are for bug men 99% of the time
t. retail slave
hey, that hits a bit close to home as I've worked at walmart for over a decade
Just hit gold again, wanna duoq?
What to you is true redpill behavior?
syrs question.
>stop enjoying things i don't like RRREEEEEEE
OP is correct. Us white men should only be working for Mr. Sheklestein, even if it means working overtime every chance we get. We must support our white families by buying bigger houses and new cars with generous loans from the bank!
Sup Forums is saving the white race and reasserting traditionalism one DLC at a time
Not wasting your life in front of a screen??? Go outside or do something real. Those pixels on the screen aren’t real. You can get fit or rich or learn a foreign language but you’re not really a fire mage.
and you shouldnt have to, we live in a world where we order groceries right to our homes, the days of brick and motor stores are quickly disappearing (for the better) nobody wants to work in fucking retail, it is literally slavery.
on NA?
Never played a MOBA game in my entire life.
If it's not a single player game, with a beginning and an end, I won't touch it.
I am redpilled on my 42%. I leech off welfare and don't plan to have kids. I hope whitey will start killing niggers because us impotent blacks can't do it.
>not practicing the skills of strategy and tactics with total war/stellaris
if you are here you aren't really worth the oxygen you breathe
I think occasional playing is not bad. If it's like an hour a week or something. I usually play only when I'm sick which is every 3-4 years.
I enjoy playing some games but I think it's a waste of time so I don't. There are other enjoyable things too, and furthermore not everything you do has to be enjoyable.
you are one of the biggest social cancers today
When I play Killing floor I usually listen to podcasts or audio books though.
isnt that a spectator screen
>image board for circlejerk echochamber
I got rich when I sold a few houses 3 years ago now I sit on my ass all day on Sup Forums
No, biggest cancer is TV and Social Media.
Videos game give young men the camaraderie and competition they need and crave - but which isn't easy to find in the modern world.
I can't think of any other outlet where I can simply join a bunch of random people and we compete against each other (and with each other) within a set of rules over and over again until I decide I've had enough and leave - no strings attached.
Third worlders do it! They have street soccer and street cricket where anyone can just rock up and start playing, we used to do it in the school yard in primary school and I LOVED IT but outside of school I almost never see kids or anyone playing unorganized sports.
Competition and camaraderie are an important part of a mans life and men will go to great lengths to find ways to get that experience, it's just that video games is the most accessible option.
Fucking disgusting
I work 5-7 a week for free on top of my 40. I know what its like to be a literal wage slave. I'm not smart enough for anything else, so I'm fucked when I lose this job.
You are posting in Sup Forums so your life must not be much more interesting.
You've got that the wrong way around.
The only reason things got this bad in the real world is because young men didn't care enough to fight against it because they were happy enough to retreat into their patriarchal world of video games.
It was only once (((they))) got greedy and came for the video games as well that all those men, who had no where left to run, turn around and fight back like you're seeing now.
Trimmed my vidya post a bit. My games on pause.
I stopped watching TV about a year ago and you lose nothing and gain objective reasoning. I swear to you TV is such a potent mind fuck device.
Still watch a film occasionally but even the sound of an advert or news liars from another room is like a psychic assault.
Back to vidya.
it s worst he s wasting his life watching other play video games.
You dropped this
I agree. I was wasting about 50 hrs a week on vidya but I gave it up for lent as an experiment. What I learned is that Sup Forums is just as bad if not worse timewaster
I only play games on Sunday’s and even then I rarely spend more than 3 hours. I’m too busy the rest of the week and would just feel like I’m wasting my time even if it was only for an hour.
All of you belong on a cross.
Again, agree. Adult men should not waste their time with this.
I'm blackpilled, not redpilled. Trying to find a way out of this hole.
Explain yourself. I don't know what Eyou are saying. Maybe it's the numbing sensation you are experiencing.
Or in a cage/arena
It's not though if you chose your threads carefully.There are threads on /fit/ helping you in path to better person. There are rarely threads worth discussing in on Sup Forums.
If you have intellect you can find a way to use Sup Forums to your advantage
If you would listen. No. You even don't know the truth.
Here take a lesson.
I love you even though you are burned. I see the good in you. Be the change the world needs.
install gentoo
Depends on the game.
-Something simple and fun that you can play for an hour or two like Rocket league is ok.
-Games with an overarching story arc that have a start and finish are ok too.
-Games that people routinely spend 80 hours a week playing like DOTA 2 or Starcraft(outside of campaign) are degenerate trash.
Holy fuck just die
I'll play for a hour or 2 after work at night maybe 3-4nights a week
Hey, I spend all time watching anime and playing R6S, and unironically agree.
At least I'm not a disgusting fucking NEET.
I work for a living
Thanks user, but I am just a weak person overall, struggling with an identity/existential crisis and depression. Will watch the video though because I study computer science and it looks really interesting. Hopefully if I learn enough I can forget about the blackpill.
This. Kinda hard to pretend I don't want to gas 98% of the people I meet in meat space
Those threads unironically helped me improve my life. Ever since the "stop playing video games" meme started on Sup Forums, I began watching anime instead. It's a much more satisfying form of entertaintment.
I dream of a Sup Forums where Indians don't need to hide behind meme flags.
Who dis?
fuck you Gran Turismo sport is perfection
Sup Forums experienced a sever drop in quality post Trump inauguration. New waves of retards and shills have created so much noise on here that it can only serve as a first pass far right meme recycling facility.
There are other, better reactionary communities online.
Do I have other options?
I play video games to pass time
renee zellweger
i just need 21000 rep with warsong outriders.
man i swear im done ..soon...
True Trump meme has fucked Sup Forums heavily, but from time to time I stump upon really good thread which keeps me here.
what game is than
>tfw playing vidya is the only thing that keeps me from feeling like an heroing
I don't expect you to understand
Guénon. An intellectual in metaphysics, tradition, spiritual knowledge and mythology.
I disagree with him on some things but when you understand the fault in the modern world and stop denying the metaphysical realm, life ultimately gets better and more digestible.
Wait, that layout is from game spectating, is that guys is preteinding to play while watching other play?
El espaceo de reddito...
>claims to be redpilled
>wastes his time shitposting on Sup Forums
This is about right
Will check his shit out, anything you recommend starting with?
Yeah not only does it just look fucking retarded apple has no gaem support XD
>ywn run around the zone looking for ukranian hell rocks while being the coolest /k/mmando
I know the feeling. I've been on the flipside of it. The past few years i've achieved a lot... univeristy degrees, work, money.. travelling the world. But i still just want to sit back in my hometown and smoke pot and play vidya. Its crazy. I'm not terribly unhappy as I am, but i miss the old ways.
>no video games allowed
why live
I play games a few hours at night when my wife and kids are asleep.
No other time but then.
kill yourself. I play video games and i'm more succesful than you NEET loser
Darkest Dungeon
>he doesn't kill bandit scum in the zone
OP is a confirmed faggot