Why do millennial hate capitalism?

Why do millennial hate capitalism?

Are they really that deluded to think socialism will work?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Soe will never love me

Yuri Bezmenov

>loving capitalism or socialism

Why have you been making this thread every day for the past 4 years?

>small breasts
>short hair


It's just the trendy thing to do "uh huh me too I hate those rich guys who buy pretty girls like me designer clothes in exchange for blow jobs *buys leather jacket* and those rich people exploit us burger king employees for min wage *buys iphone for all her savings*" etc etc

Literally none of these people realize that they love capitalism and that their lives would suck without it.


Stop making me hate her. Use Asmongold for ex.

>loving socialism

It's not going to work soon its getting too one sided.

>'Millinieals are buying houses because they buy 20 dollar avocado toast'

Capitalism is already dead. No one has 401ks which means in 20 years old people will be starving on the streets.

Young people cant buy homes so they will be locked out or rentals, which means they will need state housing or section 8.

We are already socialist thanks to the retarded fucking republicans. And the Ayn Rand Boomers.

Just no one has realized it yet.

You cant print capital. Its debt. Our currency is monetized debt. Created at a central bank. Thats the means of production. We are all effected by currency devaluation. You can choose what car to buy, but you cant pay for it in a currency thats not the national currency.


Capitalism clearly doesn't work any more.

is it a bot? will we ever know?



Depends on what kind of socialism.

pol can't do economics.

Its a foundational redpill

its not necessarily capitalism, its what been done with it. With ideas like "Increasing Debt is okay aslong as our economies grows faster than the interest rate." and of course everyone with sense hates consumerism.


>Why do millennial hate capitalism?
they don't know what it is because all they've ever known is cronyism that every one else has called "capitalism" or trickle-down economics

>Are they really that deluded to think socialism will work?
ignorance isn't delusion, they just don't know what socialism is beyond the trend of claiming its virtue

That’s Keynesianism and people promoting it will be first in line of the day of the rope.

Cause it works. Yugoslavia was industrial powerhouse. KEK


They don't even understand what the words capitalism and socialism mean.




Most people who speak out against capitalism have no clue what capitalism represents.

What these people want is a nanny state that won't allow currency and will over regulate what it means to be human. I.e. a homogenized image

These dumb motherfuckers are openly wanting a more oppressive government and they feel good about it.

How about you just kill yourself instead, you'll have more of an impact doing that then trying to change capitalism.


the average millennial ?
It's a trend like nazism will be for the next generation

They're just oligarchical tools. Activism and opinions are as trend-based as their consumerism. They don't know the consequences of anything they preach, or that a system can be fixed rather than replaced.

Its a bad apple generation. These fags grew up in daycares with little attention and grew up with 90s pop culture that caused them to get into autistic culture of today. They are mislead.They are degenerates.

>Why do millennial hate capitalism?

Because, like the other half of us, they grew up during the Clinton-Bush-Obama era of Crony Capitalism (essentially Trotskyism sans the overt rhetoric.)

This forced us into 2 camps, (both of which hated this status quo).

The first group was the socialist/Obama supporters, the second was the nationalist/Trump supporter. Both seek a solution to the rampant kike outsourcing resulting in job loss and lower income. The difference is, the Left hates Capitalism, while the nu-Right is more reserved and hates crony Capitalism and has tried to buttress it with Nationalism.

The real question is why the Boomers and Gex-X fags who make these threads let things get so bad.

Explain yourself.

Why are you so stupid and out of touch? Why do you post some gen x’er?

Why are you such an idiot that youdon’t realize millennials are the ultimate liberals, and therefore like you, fucking feed off capitalism?

Why are you so stupid that you dont realize being anti-capitalist is bitj conservative and leftist, but that we haven’t had any real conservatives since the 930s and any real leftists since the 1970s?

How are you so retarded that you do not see the neoliberal hegemony in politics and all political thinking today?

Why don’t you go castrate yourself, you fucking spastic? Your type ahould not be allowed to breed.

>Why do millennial hate capitalism?
they cannot delineate between 'good' capitalism and 'bad' capitalism
>understanding the dynamic(s) of the minds of the Jews, is understanding the difference between the two
>immigration policies in the West are largely Jewish; thus, too many White Millennials, no matter how qualified/motivated will suffer from 'bad' capitalism because their names are not Pajeet, Mohammed, Juan, Juanita or Mkwekwe

There was never an era without “crony capitalism” you fucking idiot

I want to raise children with Soe.

>No one has 401ks
i'm 23 and have over 10 grand in mine. idk what you're getting at.

Ah boy the seat of her pants probably smells like many braps

yes evil has always existed, but America does, do its best 2 try & b lawful & good

B R A A P !

OP is a fag

They'll inherit wealth from their boomer parents in the form equity in homes. Some of us (like myself) won't be lucky enough to inherit anything. However, because they didn't earn or save - they'll continue to squander and their children will be totally fucked.

It's indoctrination, pure and simple. There has been a hard press to condemn capitalism and promote socialism in media aimed at teens and in western education for about two decades. Kids believe whatever they're told.

Good fucking goy. You fucking subhumans sicken me.


looks like a dude to me

that makes two of us

Post more

They like the idea of socialism

but theres a world of difference between the realms of idea and reality.

This is why you will never convince them otherwise: being left winged is a fashion statement, and no facts will be able to change that.

You guys need to make a better fashion statement if you ever want to ''convince'' normies.

Its why Germans had those nice uniforms designed by Hugo Boss

*puts new Gucci jacket on*
*lowers new Beats on her shoulders*
*flips a new iPhone X from her pocket*
*takes a zip from bought Starcucks ceramic cup*
*daddy issues intensify*
*pushes her foot in front of my door*

And that just makes my dick harder

I was playing a board game the other night that was based on puns. One girl drew a card with Chairman Mao's name. Neither she nor the other girl knew who he was.

I shook my head and said, "It's so disheartening that my generation doesn't know who Mao is, yet advocate for socialsim in our country." Confused by my comment, they both chimed on saying they want socialism in the US.

Both are politically active, anti-white, """PC""", feminists, etc., and one has a masters on international business. I sent them an article that night explaining who Mao was and what happened during the Great Leap Forward. I made sure it was from the WaPo so that they'd actually read it (surprisingly good article). I never got a rebuttal from either.

Never in my life had I felt so strongly that giving women the right to vote was a mistake.

>hate capitalism
>buy brand new macs and apple phones every 2 years

>hate capitalism
>pay 200 dollars a month for a 2016 year car

>hate capitalism
>fund the pharmaceutical industry because "muh feelings are hurting"

>hate capitalism
>buy merchandise and apparel that states you hate capitalism

Who/What is Soe ? Someone elaborate

Flat is justice

neither will work. that's why we're in a systemic crisis while we bifurcate toward a post-capitalist world order.

you get it.

Told yeah niggas.
Women don't know shit.

proof that /d2g/ and Sup Forums share the same userbase

or perhaps

>hate capitalism
>buy quality Thinkpads and use them for years ot come
>buy a car and service it yourself every 10+ years
>don't write stupid shit on your t-shirt
>avoid plaques of capitalism as much as functionaly possible

>fund the pharmaceutical industry because "muh feelings are hurting"

you make the SAME thread
using pic of the SAME ugly girl
every fucking day.


> 12 year olds posting about "millenials"
> suggesting that 12 year olds, or Millenials understand either socialism or capitalism.


>hate capitalism
>promotes open borders so they can have their own mexican ilegal slave and paying him 5 dolars because " I mean who else is gourmet to do this jobs, not me XD am I rite? " * SELFIE WITH PACO *

> I was playing a board game with two girls who I casually refer to as Antiwhite
>"It's so disheartening that my generation doesn't know who Mao is, yet advocate for socialsim in our country."
....What generation are you? also. we HAVE socialism.
Also: There 18 year olds out there who dont even know what Watergate is. So Fuck Mao
>Never in my life had I felt so strongly that giving women the right to vote was a mistake.
ooh, we got a tough guy over here. not concerned with political correctness, this one.

People are just getting sick of the rat race

I'm a centrist.

> 2018
> blaming "the Jews"
are you a fucking child?

> people that make images like this.
Go get some fucking pussy already. jesus christ.

>why does a generation full of lazy, entitled, and selfish idiots like an ideology designed for lazy, entitled, and selfish idiots

hi guys, Im just goin thread to thread and pointing out the biggest shit-heads, then movin on.
Have a good one.

Still those good and services where provide because there is a demand for it by you aka Capitalism.

She's cute but I don't understand why she does this stupid face in every single photo.

Suck it Trebek
Suck it long, suck it slow

>masters on international business
>doesn't know who Mao was

Sure thing buddy, I'm pretty sure they know who Mao was. Also, I'm gonna watch the pic related Anime, is it any good?

I bet she doesn't even own a bike

She has issues.

Not her

Jewish brainwashing
Norge capitalism is literally the only reason you were able to continue practicing socialism, you should kiss it's ass every chance you get because if you hadn't modified your economic model you would have don't a full Japan level crash

>t. blizzcunt, also the girl in the image
suck it, bitch

It's simply because this generation is not motivated to work. Everyone wants free this and free that. Meanwhile, those in the top 10% are literally every individual who gives a damn about his career. Socialism promotes laziness and unfair earnings in those who do work. History has shown that men are motivated by incentive. Giving a portion of your share to someone else is not incentive. We also still have enough people who support and are willing to give money to private charities. If you want free shit, join the military, don't sit on your ass and smoke weed like a faggot.

She'll never love anyone.

Materialism is gay capitalism is fine people only think the first is inevitable from the second because we now live in a degenerate society

Of course she'll never love you, you're in Sup Forums

Millenials and boomers are the most brainwashed demographic out there.

If re-education camps are ever set up, hundreds of thousands of millenials will have to be sent for deprogramming from Jewish indoctrination.

we were busy struggling to survive

Capitalism hasn't worked for them.

Who is the broad?

They are confused. They grew up on; fake firewall internet customer service, the boomer princess service economy, big box non-existence customer service.

They have no idea what mom and pop small store personal interaction capitalism is...

The issue is that companies try to mandate consumerism via (((planned obsolescence))).

Burgers are arising from their slumber because of what an obvious sham the capitalist cheerleaders have been running. The Republican law makers are constantly revealed to be back biting, rich liars with disdain for the working class. They claim bullshit like they care about "muh deficit" and then everytime they get into office they give out contracts to all of their friends and start massively expensive wars or beef up the military while cutting everything else. Meanwhile they browbeat everybody for random bullshit in any given decade like smoking weed, or how they fuck, or what media they like to consume, or how they plan their future. They're often fat sacks of shit who had a much easier time growing up that, when anyone younger demand something of them as the current business owners and political ruling class, they deride and claim they've never experienced any hardship.

They're just the most spiteful sniveling trash, and they've been the ones wielding capitalism as a cudgel to bolster their own self-worth and every personal vice they've ever vomited onto the public space of this country. Obviously "the democrats aren't any better", but they're not the ones who have been vehemently defending capitalism. They at least claim we can go back to the relative prosperity of the 50s and 60s by strengthening policies built in the New Deal. Their model is FDR, the Republican model is Reagan.

That is why kids are disillusioned.

It isn't deluded to think socialism will work.

I mean are you really deluded to think capitalism is working?