that man is doing God's work
I am extending my membership right now
good link for whole speech
we /jews/ now
>tfw no american
absolutely based
CNN political hacks on sucide watch
im going to become a member. I dont even own a gun.
There can only be one dominant power.
>school shooting
>America repeals the Hughes Amendment to FOPA and makes full auto legal again
Liberals will howl and Kek will laugh.
Damn I can’t wait until the hangings start.
How about not shooting me with one.. that would be better.
Been hearing bad things about the nra and how lazy they are, lets see what they do
hippity hoppity.....
Already against the law, sweetie pie schnookums
I'm still not sure if I want to, but there was a good point brought up by someone running for a position in the NRA I read the other day.
He said you need to be a member and you need to vote to change the NRA, to make sure we have people in there who will protect our rights the way we want them to.
They've cucked so many times in the past, and this last year has been a prime example. That being said it seems like they're realizing that there is no compromise.
I hope they get their shit together.
Do it, as long as you're an active member by sending emails and calling your representatives, it can only help.
>America was founded to escape the elites
Retards believe this, Most of the founding fathers were the wealthy elite and for the time were considered to be liberals.
It would be like if Gates, Zuckerberg, Buffet, and Bezos founded a country today.
so true
They're sure not lazy about calling me for more money. It's worth the membership if you own guns for the insurance policies that come with it.
They stepped up their political game with their NRA-ILA, I think they got tired of GOA and the SAF setting the tone.
>implying any of those jews would guarantee the "plebians" are right to bear arms
Funny thing is, the law doesn't seem to be working. Its seems like people have the easy access to the means of shooting other people. And we seem to keep trusting that if we give more access to the means of shooting people, that somehow less people will get shot..
I'm suger cakes, don't you see the logic there princess?
>It would be like if Gates, Zuckerberg, Buffet, and Bezos founded a country today.
except the intellectual bankruptcy
>Its seems like people have the easy access to the means of shooting other people.
Whoops, you seem to be confusing motivation and method with the criminal act of murder itself.
> And we seem to keep trusting that if we give more access to the means of shooting people,
Who's suggesting that we give psychopaths like you more guns?
Face it, you're too irresponsible for such advanced liberal ideals as private weapons ownership, and you project your faults unto others, darling.
The word you were looking for is "moral'
"Find the enemy that wants to end this experiment (in American democracy) and kill every one of them until they’re so sick of the killing that they leave us and our freedoms intact."---Gen. Mattis
It's well documented that people who vote Democrat, or would vote that way if they weren't felons don't obey laws.
When the 2nd was ratified, the USA had a vast frontier, and also the concept of a large standing army was expensive and abhorrent to them. Of course the right to bear arms (as part of a regulated militia, that's why the clauses is in there too) was a necessity to secure the the state as we were pretty much powerless against a determined European power.
>But we beat the British!
We outlasted them, but didn't beat them, they were more concerned about France than us. Look at the war of 1812, again, the Brits could fuck us at will but had bigger fish to fry and made more economic sense to them to trade with us than bleed resources when the French were the enemy.
The basic reasons behind the 2nd amendment vanished after WW1, and totally vanished after WWII. We hold to an idea of what it was, not the reality of what it was.
You are seriously dumb
It's always darkest before the dawn.
They could've easily written the amendment so that it only holds in times of conflict
I'd prefer to have the rights to carry guns. Unlike in my country which doesn't even let the police shoot criminals.
>I don't know anything about history except george washington chopped down and cherry tree and could not tell a lie. the post
ZOG on suicide watch
>as part of a regulated militia
Can retards quit trying to use this as an argument already? Holy fuck.
Regulated: To have in good working order; well armed.
Militia: All able-bodied citizens.
"A well-armed citizenry, being necessary..." is what it means in today's terminology.
>It would be like if Gates, Zuckerberg, Buffet, and Bezos founded a country today.
Yeah, it'd be exactly like that if by exactly like that you mean absolutely nothing like that at all.
>a fucking retard who doesn't even know what 'regulated' means
>It would be like if Gates, Zuckerberg, Buffet, and Bezos founded a country today.
lol. Yep, you're colossally stupid.
No, your talking about an age where it would take weeks sometimes for news to get from one part of the country to the next. Logistically it would have been impossible to only do it in time of conflict.
Remember, the battle of New Orleans was actually fought two weeks after treaty of Paris was signed ending the war. But no way to get the news there that quick.
yeah, that's more apt
Seems you don't know the definition of regulated.. but I'll get that for you
1a : to govern or direct according to rule
b (1) : to bring under the control of law or constituted authority (2) : to make regulations for or concerning regulate the industries of a country
2 : to bring order, method, or uniformity to regulate one's habits
3 : to fix or adjust the time, amount, degree, or rate of regulate the pressure of a tire
wtf does that have to do with having a specific line to the amendment?
holy shit you're fucking retarded.
>When the 2nd was ratified, the USA had a vast frontier
Where is this cited in the wording of the amendment? It's one fucking sentence, learn it.
>as part of a regulated militia, that's why the clauses is in there too
It's not a clause, retard. Not how the bill of rights works anyway. It simply states that militias are necessary, therefore THE PEOPLE shall not be prohibited from arming.
The only extra text pertaining to this is the defining of the militia as every free citizen of age.
Get fucked, faggot.
Apparently you don't know what regulated means.. see >lol. Yep, you're colossally stupid.
Go look at the economics of the late 18th century, and then tell me who the richest men in America were. Then compare those to the names on the declaration of independence.
Americans Independence was about money, not "Freedom" "Freedom" was a bill of goods you sold to the pleabs to get them to die for you.
Right, the thing is the left wants you to caveat the need for guns as self defense, hunting, winter sports then regulate to those.
The truth is the document says the citizens should be armed, Federalist papers go in depth on the uses as a balance of power, Bundy standoff against a government that stole property, courts ruled against the government and said citizens we're within their rights in the armed standoff. It's current case law, bring your AR-15's against the government when they have wronged you. This is the big left's fear. Autonomous property owners.
>Look at me, i'm an armchair constitutional historian.
You can keep trying to spin it but historically you're wrong.
Fox news and Russian bot Facebook posts aren't particularity great ways to get an education.
literally not an argument. try again faggot.
hunting rifles will be allowed, after psychology and police visits and 6 month waiting time.
assault rifles and pistols with clips over 9 bullet or over 0.22 caliber will be all banned hopefully. democrats will win next elections due to gun murders and mass assault rifle shootings in murica i would assume
>still trying to meme that 'regulated' had anything to do with legal statutes
Hey, dishonest fuckwad, 'regulated' in the language of the time it was written meant to be in working order. Militia is literally all able-bodied citizens. You can stop being a lying sack of shit now.
Correct and Checked
>Hey, dishonest fuckwad, 'regulated' in the language of the time it was written meant to be in working order
Pretty much. Like how old people talk about being "regular" when they manage to take a crap.
>Go look at the economics of the late 18th century, and then tell me who the richest men in America were. Then compare those to the names on the declaration of independence.
And again, your entire comparison is a false equivalence, because the nation was built on Enlightenment principles. Both Hamilton and Jefferson were intellectual giants as well. The neo-liberal shitscum a la Zuckerberg/Gates, etc. Would give zero fucks about those principles. Throwing random rich guys' names together isn't a comparison.
>Americans Independence was about money, not "Freedom" "Freedom" was a bill of goods you sold to the pleabs to get them to die for you.
Babby just read Freakonomics and Zeitgeist I take it? lmao.
>hunting rifles will be allowed
No they wouldn't. Your average leftist thinks that nature should be left untouched by man. They have no idea that wolves, for instance, have to be regularly culled or they start invading towns and trying to eat people. They don't know this has been true for thousands of years and we have record of it.
I know you're trolling, but there's a whole lot of lamposts for those that are actually trying to accomplish those things, user.
The US is insane
>an organization funded by the citizens that protects their basic human right to self defense
They new exactly what regulated meant. Not your spin on it, Most men of that age not only had a far superior grasp of english than 99% of pol, but also could speak and read Greek and Latin. The definition of the word from the Latin word rēgulātus and has has basically the same meaning all they way back to the Roman Empire.
memberSHIP, medpack
That means it's pretty big I think
>we dont trust the politicians whom we (((donate))) millions of dollars to
>now that NRA contributions are being questioned in gun contol debates we think politicians are corrupt!
>but our money donations are not corruption btw.
Fuck how dumb can pol get
He's right, there's no point in defending the right to bear arms as a safeguard against tyranny if you are not willing to actually use them to defend yourself against tyranny.
The NRA should start to organise its people in a militia force and have a well defined enemy. They need to name names of specific individuals who want to enslave and exterminate the white people of the United States.
The right to bear arms is guaranteed as BOTH an individual and collective right in the constitution.
You can hold them yourself, and you can form a PRIVATE militia. Both are constitutional.
the united states, the never-ending comedy
the democrats/communists will never stop, civil war is inevitable at this point
>It would be like if Gates, Zuckerberg, Buffet, and Bezos founded a country today.
Yes because fucking Gates and bezos go on marches at night where they lose 10-15 people freezing to death every day and walk over frozen lakes to go defeat the germans in their sleep and still win even though the germans were 3 to 1
Youre a fucking retard
Reminder do not just extend your membership to the NRA. Also do the same with the GOA Gun Owners Of America which actually tries to expand gun ownership and does try to fight against Gun Control. You will thank me later on that.
I know this is Sup Forums and everyone trolls a little too hard.... but I'm a Canadian and a leftist (Americans would call me Communist and first against the wall), and I think that weapons for hunting are fine.
Wolves do NOT have to be culled, their populations grow according to their food, just like their food does.
Go ahead and post corroborating evidence that suggests they intended to regulate the militia in the manner you suggest, but just ratified the 2nd anyway and never got around to it.
Frenchmen greatest American ally
Take my energy NRA
Awe sweety, you try so hard to sound smart, maybe you're pretty and you can get by on your looks.
>Both Hamilton and Jefferson were intellectual giants as well.
AKA liberals at the time.
>Babby just read Freakonomics
I have read that, but years ago, among lots of other books, on both sides of the argument, you see, unlike you, I read sources with opposing viewpoints and make my own decisions, not just spew out predigested quasi-shilling arguments based on confirmation bias.
How many times have you been shot?
>names a bunch of jews
No if they did it would just be called Isreal which took land from the Palestinians.
>They new exactly what regulated meant.
Yes, they did.
>Not your spin on it,
I'm giving you the authentic definition of the word at the time it was written, you lying shill.
>Most men of that age not only had a far superior grasp of english than 99% of pol, but also could speak and read Greek and Latin.
Correct. It's a shame you're trying to dishonestly argue while pretending you're so dense as to not know the fluidity of language and its working usage 200+ years apart.
>To maintain (a mechanism) for proper functioning.
There's the correct usage of the word you willfully omitted in your disingenuous attempt at argument, fuckhead.
I'm not arguing that point actually, i know what the document says, my point is that the circumstances in which the 2nd was written for haven't been valid in nearly 100 years.
Yeah and there's people out there drinking and driving. Should we ban driving?
>AKA liberals at the time.
AKA conservatives today. Modern "liberalism" is a regression to authoritarianism and savage mob rule. You band together to attack freedom and all negative rights in general that are intended to keep the government from africa-tier ineptitude.
What you don't get is they can't trust their fellow citizens, because they are a mutt country. Hence the need for guns.
10 U.S. Code § 311 - Militia: composition and classes
(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.*
(b) The classes of the militia are—
(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and
(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.
Required reading:
>The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia
>The Amendment’s prefatory clause announces a purpose, but does not limit or expand the scope of the second part, the operative clause
In short, you are a dumb faggot with little understanding of the documents you pretend to care about. If you read the relevant cases, decisions and historical documents including preliminary drafts of the Amendments, the Articles of Confederation, the Federal Papers et al you would have a better grasp of the type of language and phases used by the authors of those works and their meaning. Quit blabbing about shit you don't understand.
>t.never left Toronto
Had problems with wolves,coyotes, and bears my entire life
>Awe sweety, you try so hard to sound smart, maybe you're pretty and you can get by on your looks.
The Dunning-Kruger fueled irony is getting pretty thick in here.
>AKA liberals at the time.
Yep, which has a different meaning today. Was you calling them liberals supposed to mean something?
>I have read that, but years ago, among lots of other books, on both sides of the argument, you see, unlike you, I read sources with opposing viewpoints and make my own decisions
Lots of assumptions, projections and general silly stupidity here. I just finished a 700 page biography on Hamilton this week myself, actually.
>not just spew out predigested quasi-shilling arguments based on confirmation bias.
Neat. What you do instead is dishonestly misuse terminology to fit your predesignated agenda, and have yet to make any attempt at argument other than giving irrelevant definitions of words to suit that agenda.
That's a neat use for guns but it has nothing to do with the US 2nd amendment.
At no point did I mention the 2A. I was just refuting the claims of Buckaroo Bonzai who thought every leftist wanted to get rid of hunting rifles.
Ah, I gotcha. Why are you a liberal? Do you acknowledge genetic differences between racial groups and that this is the primary basis for both intelligence and behavior? I find it impossible to be one knowing those things.
I'm in Toronto right now. This is not to say I haven't lived in rural areas.
These events happen, but people are not taught them to keep pacifying the population.
>"lol we should go to kikes for money and set up a central bank to fund all the states" - Hamilton
>"don't be such a cunt lexi, they're the reason we fought for independence in the first place" - Jackson
>"w-well, surely we can see the merits of both total financial independence, and having a central bank?" - Adams
>"please leave" - Washington
>moments later
>"told you to bugger off didn't he" - Franklin
>"intellect, has its price, old friend" - Adams
>Buckaroo Bonzai who thought every leftist wanted to get rid of hunting rifles.
First off, when are they making a sequel?
Second, it's the people that leftists will give the authority to regulate and ban who will target hunting rifles, not so much the individual leftists (oxymoron) themselves. Just listen to the language they use to describe "weapons intended to kill proficiently" and do the word maths.
Once with an actual firearm, I was hit from a stray bullet in the knee, .22 caliber. when I was 16. Penetrated in about 1/2 inch above my kneecap. Went to the ER where they pulled it out of my leg.
I knew the guy I suspected of doing it, but small town nobody really wanted the trouble, he was a good guy it was an accident still hurt like a motherfucker and left a scar.
Another time I was hit w
I'm liberal because I don't think you have the right to dictate to me how to live my life; just like I don't have the right to tell you how to live yours.
Just sayin', 2A precludes *ANY* form of control or regulation of any firearm by any American.
Hello brown person. Look up the city of London and the British monarchies ancestry.
They fought the international Jews and pedo elites.
Rich WHITE men can sacrifice for the greater good though your skin color prevents such logic no matter your bank account.
It's why Africa's constant war.
>Wolves do NOT have to be culled
I know (((Google))) will give you 10 pages of dross to "save the wolves" but they literally do have to be culled, otherwise they encroach into human territory and you get wolf attacks.
That makes you a libertarian, though.
He's believes an practices liberalistism.
> it's the people that leftists will give authority to
So it's not the leftists themselves, it's the gubbamint you're concerned about. You elected a Republican President, Senate and House, and you're still worried?
Enterprise rental cars just cancelled its discounts for NRA members.
Give them a call and let them know what you think. Try all the numbers.
>has has basically the same meaning all they way back to the Roman Empire.
regulatus is a Late Latin usage, definitely not in the Roman Empire. It developed from regula, -ae meaning ruler, straight length; pattern, model. You still don't know what you are talking about.