Ok so, i'm not Polish. I just understand some basic words and occasionally listen to polish music. But that's pretty much it.

With all that said it always pleases me to see this type of shit:

Our marxist french media is completely baffled by Poland's unexplainable "far right" , "nationalist" mentality. Our French media see you as aliens...As mentally ill & dangerous.

BUT THIS! @2:07

and i quote:
"My enemies are the revolution, marxism, globalism, internationalism, leftism...All these meta-physical and ideological inventions which are the work of the devil!"

That's what this Polish lad responds to our french journalists... This is music to my ears. Though i'm not Polish, i'm 100% behind Poland or any european country for that matter...who's fighting for its survival. Same goes for Hungary. And i hope Austria will soon join the party. The EU is a federalist, genocidal machine which will stop at nothing to achieve its own...Their goal is to achieve the Kalergi plan.

The mentality in Poland is to radically different from France that it gives me hope that not all of European civilisation is lost.

@1:31 that Polish race traitor says:
"more than 60k people shouted fascist slogans, and this pacifist march was then renamed The March Of The Patriots, something's wrong in Poland & the government is partly responsible for it"...

Again, music to my ears...

@1:08 " The EU's project is to wipe out our national community, so we have to get up and say no! loud & clear without fear"

@ 0:52 "In america,nationalism is accepted, in Israel, it's basically the country's backbone, so why criticize what we have here, when it's considered as natural everywhere else?"

@0:10 seconds in the video, the jouralist is scandalized about the fact that it's normal to nationalist t-shirts in Polish malls.

Keep up the good work Poland!

Other urls found in this thread:


>that Guy Fawkes mask on the table


France used to be our greatest ally. We will never forget this. I hope you guys will find enough strength and your spirit will rise once more so we can together kick out all globalists and marxists from Europe.

>France used to be our greatest ally.
We have LGBT, Jewish, Muslim lobbies...Freemasonry is pulling most of our strings though. Our own government is actively trying its best to destroy our identity, censor parts of our history or retro-fit parts of our history to please our african and arabo/muslim invadors...

And in this gigantic mess, there's still French people who want to preserve their identity...Some simply flee because they think it's too late nor want to die for traitors & emigrate to a different country.

There's also nationalists and identitarians. Who are aware of the situation but are forced to ride the marxist genocidal wave...Freedom of speech is censored in my country...Demonizing french people in the media in the name of equality and tolerance or human rights, is considered as a positive thing by our elites.

despite all of this, we're still here. And we support you 100%...I frankly don't know if things will ever get better for my country. Maybe our best chance is balkanisation, separation...but how will it happen, under what conditions ? who knows...

I do security for a factory in the UK and the poles that work there are racist as fuck, good lads, the romanians on the other hand, mongrels of the third world

Worth the read, its hilarious.
A nigger blogs about his short lived visit to Poland.

based boland :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
>proudly wearing the weimar flag
absolutely disguisting

Go home undermensch, you overstayed your welcome

I wish burgerland was even half this based.

Thanks for the translations. My French is quite rusty, especially when listening.

I, too, watch their kvetching with amusement. The press has still a long way to go.

When the US hasn't balkanized yet, then it's still a long way for France, even though that book by Hollande expressed such fears.

oh, there's more!

I do know the situation is pretty bad in France but I would not put an end to your country. Most politicians and west europeans see us as savages, as a black sheep of the european family, but we do not care and keep our national spirit. It is not so easy though, we also have many leftists here who are influential and undermine traditional values all the time. Also I think there is hope for France. There is always hope that's why we survived tough times in the past and we will persevere in the future.

>black sun
remove it

>Poland hates Balts, Belarusians and Pepiks

This is factual.

>philosophy doctorate defending right wing
Damn those cunts are usually the worst lefty scum, nice to see that some smart goys also attend those studies.

Its not yet lost. Poland was occupied for 123years, and many of our citizens found shelter in France during that period.

Jewish screeching: USofA edition

>even though that book by Hollande expressed such fears.

He used to word "partitioned". (i think that's how you say it in english). No fears though...We have absolute cynical traitors in charge of the country. They're actually resigned to this idea. In other words, they'll gladly give parts of our country to our arab or nigger invadors...We can for instance imagine losing the city of Marseille one day. or the city of Roubaix. (roubaix is majority muslim already). Some parts of France are still vastly majiruty french. But others don't look like france anymore.

The one and only solution, would be deportation...fuck human rights, it's either us or them. But it's not gonna happen. The situation is likely to deteriorate further...And we may one day have civil wars...like the balkans only with nigs & arabs.

No one can predict what will happen for sure though. Because you also have to keep in mind that our invadors (though they breed like rats), are parasites...They themselves from from failed countries, are they're highly dependant on welfare money.

IF and when france is divided.( for argument's sake, let's say it happens)...how will the newly independant countries even function properly ? when there's no more welfare from white tax payers ?... Ideally, they should just leave on their own, or we should force them to leave.

Our situation would be more toerable if we at least had freedom of association. But we don't. (even though natural segregation is still occuring even in a big city like Paris)

>Winged battle armor
Fucking bad ass!

Didn't Macron try to establish new Islam?

Also it's pretty much up to youngest generation to take care of it, if your youngest are going righ wing, you will be fine.

>Most politicians and west europeans see us as savages, as a black sheep of the european family

All french nationalists, patriots, identitarians, see you as a light of hope in the darkness of the satanic EU genocidal machine. You guys are our european neighbors...the european continent is like a big family even though we all have our particular culture, history etc.. the elites in the EU should be hanged for high treason.

But (((polak))) you live on Baltic /Germanic/Celtic clay
How very betrayed they have to be

go back cleaning my toilet Matthias

Good to know. Yes, the elites definitely should hang for what they did to the original concept of the EU. Stay strong brother.

But ((brit)) you live on cheddarnigger clay
How very betrayed they have to be?

>T. Butthurt Baltic Diaspor living in the UK.

>cheddarnigger clay

Slightly off topic...but , about that..(and memes aside)

Don't answer him, he is an angry paki.

thanks for the kek

What a butthurt sandnigger.

>leaving out the thread theme
You disappoint me user


what the fuck
I'm starting to think we were doing wrong by invading Poland.
I'm falling in love with Poland.

We need to get asylum in Poland.


Yeah those look badass for sure..

Any Sup Forums fucker who's attacking Poland in this time of great trouble deserves to the in a fire.

Next time Hans we do it together.

>meme sabaton music about hussars

>We need to get asylum in Poland.

Georgia is already doing its part for white south african farmers...

There's an interesting mini documentary available here.


part 3

ehh i wanted to post this one

>But (((polak))) you live on Baltic /Germanic/Celtic clay
Just kys.

y-yes senpai ._.

>Krzesimir Dębski- Polonez Husarii
this is from poland?
I always loved this tune,never knew where it was from
wish I could work there
too bad the language fucks me up hard time

link related

Now this is a proper tune.

yes, its from movie calle Ogniem i mieczem (with fire and sword) based on the book with the same title
here is the soundtrack (its pretty gut)

Just a friendly reminder never ever answer to this faggot posts. He is a Polish autist diaspora from Sweden who keeps shitpost in every thread about Poland with his idiotic images.

I dig older medieval polish style
post moar



when will you apologize for the polish death camps?

I have german and Polish origins, I support Poland 200%, I'm coming here for the holidays to spend my money in your country from now on.


never muahahaha

When you will send back all rapefugees.



If you can't clean exterior like toilet, how can you clean interior, your heart?

What else? Maybe they have souls too? No way, Germans are nation of golems. Look at their culture, literally golems.


I fucking love Poland.

>@1:31 that Polish race traitor says
(((Gazeta Wyborcza))) crypto kikes who pretend to be patriots. Unfortunatelly there are still people in Poland who believe them.

>understand some basic words
then you should realize hussar is bastardization of gusar, which in turn was the bastardization of latin word corsaro

it literally means pirate, and the serbs used this term to mean light cavalry raiders
when it got appropriated by the poles, it turned into the winged heavy lancers we know today.

>polish Hans Zimmer garbage
>so badly put together you can hear where the sample loops

Grow some taste pls.

Too bad every hussar charge depicted in movies is more or less BS.

For armour and weapon lovers:

Its okay I guess.

damn, why arent you guys falling for this anymore?
i love u lech


That's rather renaissance style. You've seen With Fire and Sword?


>older medieval polish style
>synth strings and brass

It was a dissapointing and unfortunate turn of events. Before the war we had a pretty good relationship. Unfortunately our fuhrer died and the new leadership was inept at best and corrupt/infested by foreign agents at worst. Even until late 1939 there were german evoys trying to lobby for an alliance, but all was set and our retarded leaders allied with frogs and bongs.

>Even until late 1939 there were german evoys trying to lobby for an alliance,
Keep in mind what the Germans were planning already in 1937...
from which they carried out