which one of you is in this article???????
Other urls found in this thread:
“People expect me to condemn my son,” Bob Stankard said. “But my son is my son.”
>“I don’t talk about this to all the normies,” he continued.
>“I’m a normie,” she replied and then stood up and left again.
On a more serious note, I always wondered how NPCs were able to give birth to real people. Is this article fake?
>how NPCs were able to give birth to real people
Archive that shit, faggot
Dude is based. Boomer parents sound super out of touch.
“I tell [my parents] I’m a feminist, and I run a fake Instagram to throw them off,” said an 18-year-old white nationalist who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “I’m living a double life.”
Dude sounds pretty redpilled to me, except for the whole supporting Spencer thing.
What do they really expect to happen when you demonize white men, and then continue to import cheap labor from overseas and destroy communities. Disenfranchised young men have always been a problem but societies continue to do it.
Learning the truth will change a man, much easier to go through life with a mask over your face avoiding the problems
Sad when your options are
1. Be openly retarded liberal
2. Be closet conservative
" I don’t believe the whole entire narrative of the Holocaust,”
the nazi...
anyone who takes part of these journo hit jobs is a mong.
I smell bullshit. The majority of the article is about him being a pathetic jobless neet - just the kind of image the left has been pushing.
>anyone that isn't a cultist caring what the left pushes
>Talking to media jews ever
is he /ourguy/?
>Peter Tefft, my son, is not welcome at our family gatherings any longer,” his father said in a public letter after his son joined a white nationalist rally.
my dad would have scolded me for being an attention whore while complaining about niggers
What I'm saying is I don't understand why someone on the right would allow himself to be portrayed in such a way.
Imagine you agreed to get interviewed for one of these articles. Would you spend half the time talking about how you don't have a job, live with your mom, depend on her for income, don't have friends etc.
>What I'm saying is I don't understand why someone on the right would allow himself to be portrayed in such a way.
They don't
They're misquoted, mislead and edited to create a narrative
This your first day, user?
Maybe you should read my previous post, leaf
Yeah it doesn't matter how bad any of them are. That is the point they blew their load trying to shame people years ago.
No hes a retard who spoke to journalists.
>uses kikebook
Are we brothers?
redpill me on the spencer question
He's just an idiot, that makes even feral niggers look good when he debates them.
I don't think he's a plant, he just has no charisma. No one else really has the resources and drive to compete with him though in the states.
All you need to know is he invokes israel at every chance he can get.
its not the lack of charisma its that he has no plan and ability to lead. Hes just extremely naive, he isnt a bad guy or an FBI agent he just has absolutely no idea about the real world. And ofcourse he would be hes a rich kid whos had everything handed to him in life.