Why am i not surprised

why am i not surprised


from the article

>A Briton who lived 10,000 years ago had dark brown skin and blue eyes. At least, that’s what dozens of news stories published this month – including our own – stated as fact. But one of the geneticists who performed the research says the conclusion is less certain, and according to others we are not even close to knowing the skin colour of any ancient human.



Just like with the Viking textile that the media claimed had "Allah" written on it, but later proved to not actually have any writing on it.

If not constantly confronted, leftists will keep trying to rewrite history.

They do this shit all the time:
>Publish what they know is a lie, knowing it will be disproven
>Lie spreads like wildfire
>Truth comes out, nobody gives a shit or even realizes it, narrative has already been established
Sophistry, as usual.

Sorry goy, we make a retraction no one will read or write.

>Henn states that there are many other genes that affect skin color, but the exact number remains unknown. Given scientists’ lack of understanding even in living populations today, predicting the skin color of prehistoric people remains a far cry, she says. The results also vary wildly depending on how the model is trained.
>To prove her point, Henn used a genetic model trained to predict skin color from DNA and used it among southern African populations, and found that “it literally predicted that people with the darkest skins would have the lightest skin.”

so if he was darker there's just as much of a chance he looked Mediterranean then?

we wuzn't bump

well colour me surprised

why is a board which so adamantly accepts race NOT being skin deep so hellbent on paleo Europeans already being fully depigmented? this man was genetically super European and with an Europid bone/skull
the fact that he was probably as tanned as a Cheyenne indian isn't that important

It doent matter they have done what they wanted it has been published in all the media but this wont have any eco

And this chedar man was genetically european even if it was a more tanned version of ourself

That's just a caucasian skull you retard. Indians have the same type of skull. Do Indians look depigmented to you?

>indians have the same type of skull
no they don't you retard, specific cromagnoid features are largely unique to Europe to this day, particularly the combo of narrow orbits, camerrhine face, cleft chin and general skull proportions
find me an Indian that looks like a dark Oliver Kahn

Called it at the time. It's very hard to get somethings from old remains so it always sounded like bullshit.

Whg clusster genetically around actual europeans far far away from indians

>we are not even close to knowing the skin colour of any ancient human.


Very few Europeans look like Oliver Kahn. Europeans are basically light skinned middle easterners/Caucasus

*euryprosopic, sorry

The same genetic diference between a saudi to a german is to a chinese respect indonesian

Kahn represents a relatively "pure" phenotype but single cromagnoid derived features are present all around, particularly in Scandinavians(the narrow orbits in particular)

>Europeans are basically light skinned middle easterners/Caucasus
opinion discarded

People of Cheddar

There are no more modern europeans that look pure, even Khan is a mix, he's got a very cro magnon face no doubt about that but his white skin and light hair and eye color from from ind europeans who didnt look like cro magnons in europe


False baltic states and finland is pure european

in pigmentation he sure ain't, definitely very modern, but the latter is a rather secondary trait, we were talking about skull proportions and Oliver Kahn is probably as good as they get as far as resembling Cromagnon1
Dean Norris is also another very good example, unmistakably European even if he was dark haired/dark eyed, perhaps more similar to mesolithic Euros though

the "Caucasoid" taxon makes sense, west Eurasian are definitely strongly related on a global scale but still, there is definitely internal sub-structure that wasn't fully homogenized in the last 10-20k years even with post mesolithic migrations

Remember that, as this doesn't fit the narrative
This will never, NEVER, have the mainstream media exposure that the original claim did.

You got it.

>implying anyone talked about this outside trash media outlets

Blocks your nigger anglo heritage
Uggh... nuffin personal bruv

All media outlets are trash dumbass

of course that shit isnt true

no one in even africa has ever looked like ANYTHING LIKE THAT

and especially not in europe or britian or anywhere the fuck else

that shit looked like its straight out of ripley's believe it or not, right down to the bullshit smirk on its face

Who was it that said that quote that goes something like: "a lie is already around the world seven times before truth can put its pants on," something like that.