
Canadian politics thread.

Justin Tredeau being a retard in India, not even the Indians want him there anymore.

While on his trip to India Tredeau has been meeting with convicted terrorist gunman Jaspal Atwal. CSIS warned.

Germany kicks our butts at hockey, fuck. Were shitting up the Olympics pretty badly.

Honestly this country feels like were just sitting in the eye of the storm and the second anyone moves itll be a shitshow.

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What the fuck can we do?
Speak your minds, dont be afraid of being called racists. Talk to as many people as you can.
Does anyone know local groups that we can help support?

Fuck even making memes would help i think.

This is a good point. We should make a list or wiki of political organizations and other groups across Canada that promote the recovery of Canada

The only ones ive seen so far are:

The National Party of Canada

Canadian National Party

ID Canada

Is it true you're 50% white?

meme jordan peterson into office

Can a liberal please explain to me how Justin Trudeau's cosplay in India doesn't constitute cultural appropriation?

Thats a meme thankfully, but if things keep going as they are we will be overrun.

Toronto is not a Canadian city just like London isn't. The only people keeping the numbers up for whites are slav migrant communities.

no. we're 100% colour-neutral

no, only 19% visible minority

isn't British*

Ah, okay. Was surprised for a second.

Yeah, well Canada does have a reputation for sponsoring terrorism, you have for Sikh members of Congress in his cabinet 20 in Parliament

dont race mix you cucks
the amount of race mixers i see in Toronto is fucking INSANE
nuke Toronto NOW

OP you're sposed to call these thread LEAF/pol/

I lived in Toronto, and I don't see many Black Male/White Female relationships.
But White Male/Asian Female is definitely growing more than ever.

Cultural appropriation can only be done against minorities. In Indian white people are the minority.

if you live in toronto its already lower than 50% with no signs of stopping.
Canada is fucked. Theres no political solution visible, not even 10 years down the road. Hopefully the economy implodes before its too late.

I think its just cause theres a lot more asians, and the blacks that do live there stick to their own kind like some kind of cave troll.

Fuck you, defeatist asshole.
Ill never give up on my country.

The same way that naked cave play doesn't upset actual pedos.

Its just a little bit of fun bro ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

it's just cave explorer

The only thing preventing us from turning that way is the atlantic and pacific ocean.
Much of Europe is not so lucky with mass migration.

Justin is doing great. It’s subversive elements in India who are plotting against him. Sup Forums got suckered in as usual.

Thank god for those blessed oceans.
Id be scared to think if we shared a landmass with those places, our politicians would demand we take all of them.

the shirtless spelunker

Im not sure if youre a shill or just dumb.
Why is justin even in India? To mend some bullshit fences about sihk seperatists in a country on the other side of the globe? Its just a PR stunt to earn brownie points with poiticians.

>using old census data
>using the number of huwites instead of actually looking into the numbers
>not even realizing that Native Americans are included in the "not a visible minority" category
Here is the recent data. subtracting the number of "North American Aboriginal origin" from the total "not a visible minority" category puts us at 71% maximum. If you start tossing out the "white passing" mixed race it gets even worse.

Indeed. Trudeau is the most successful western politician. The little detail is that Trudeau is successful in making your anthem genderqueer and setting your fate for balkanisation.

Found the Toronto fag

Canada is a nation of Anglo and French settlers. Being 70% white doesn't mean much. I don't know if you put Arabs and North Africans into the white category like the US.

Oh i know man, but were still majority white (((for now))).
If we keep letting things go we will be a minority. We need real change.

I eat up all yours and your parents taxes and I am not sure if I will make it to next year. ahAhahahjaahahahahaha. Giving free money to immigrant. Ahahahahaha. To be fair, I paid a lot more when i was international so deal with it.

Found the newfag.

Yup. Our country is shit and we deserve all of this. Idiots believed Trudeau and you reap what you sow. Just wish my kids wouldn't get caught in this.

Honestly all I want is an actual plan do get rid of all the brown and yellow scourging our country

He fucking destroyed hockey now. That’s the last fucking straw. Day of the rake is now.

Fuck off kikes

Bullshit where I live when i get on a bus that is full i only find 2 whiteys and the rest are either brown or chinese. I go to a lec, majority are brown or chinese. Too bad

As a nation. Vancouver and toronto are over run with foreigners thats for sure.

I dont even mind asians so much.

I just want a plan to help our country. Slowing down immigration and refugee intake is part of that.

I also live in an urban area, try going to a rural town. The Filipinos, chinks and durkas are spreading there but they are still mostly white.

It breaks my heart to see us lose so badly.
Good on Germoni

Not a country

Pretty shocked that there are so many shitskins in Alberta.

>not a country
Last time i checked it was.
We were over this last thread, canada has been a country since its confederation.

i feel like pic related taking the bus to work. used to play spot the white guy for fun but now it's usually just me and the mystery meat.

Of those 850,235 shitskins in Quebec 850,000 are in Montreal.

Is this Calgary? I lived in red deer for 2 years and it was really white. I visited Calgary maybe twice but never really got out of the car. Edmonton did not seem that bad besides natives.

There are niggers even in the fucking artic inuit land.

The bus is a third world country.

The problem with this line of thinking is you slow boil your cencessions. First you say, it's only montreal. Then you say its only montreal and meduim sized cities. Then you say its only population centres the small towns are still white. Then you have nothing left.

Here in Ontario we used to say "its only toronto" now it is every city. Ottawa has beocme a multi culti shithole, so have kitchener waterloo and london. Soon the only place whites will be is parry sound.

you didn't earn those

my small towns MLA was given 7 other jobs by the province.
Our buildings are falling down, hes in town today I'm gonna go call him a faggot

Like all other liberal 30-35 year olds they cheat on their wives he should be tarred and feathered and dropped off on his ex wives door step. Also does every leaf in here know that LGBT parades are paid for with MUNICIPAL government money.

also the IDF was trained in nova scotia by the british before ww1

"the jewish legion"

council of European Canadians



forbidden technique

Call his shit out. Dont give them reasons to turn it against you though.

kek the bus is a canadian vassal state for multiculturalism

kitchener and london are too close to toronto and ottawa is too close to montreal. You still got sudbury, north bay, the soo and thunder bay but too bad they're all shitholes.

no, edmonton. i guess they dump all the refugees and shit up here. there's a fucking plague of africans now on top of all the other coloreds.
it's really fucking grim dude. even red deer is getting ENRICHED now.

want to see the future of the country? ride the bus

Make more memes

make variatons of memes too.

shift the colours. you never know what will take.

give nova scotia their jobs back and the country will be back on its feet.
We will be gone soon if we don't do something about halifax

fucking dominion steel and coal company runs the ship building project

faggots stole the hard work and blood sweat and tears of the great people of cape Breton.....

Jordan Peterson is a hack, nobody in his cohort respects him anymore and his former students are worried about him

I live in a completely white town we pretty much live segregated from our niggers, I only see natives on the bus when I'm out of town

I’m not a liberal but I’m left and I don’t think it was cultural appropriation, I just think Trudeau was not very tasteful in the way he dressed

pasteable ford

Damn that's sad, i still talk to some of my old co-workers from red deer and they tell me the same thing. I've only been gone for a year and a half.. It's amazing how much damage trudope has done.

I have freinds in KW and just a few years ago it was pretty well purely german ancestry there. Last few times i have been out there, there are turbans and niggers everywhere it has happened really fast. It does not take long with this creeping multiculturalism bullshit.

>there's a fucking plague of africans now
dey wuz kangz

>overheard two people at tims talking about how turdeau is a fucking embarrassment and should be shot
the times they are a changing

The problem with most candians is that this is mostly bullshit talk then they go and vote for Cuckdeau like a good goy.

Get angry at the billionaire class that is taking your jobs :)

ahahha all the people talk about in my town is how
someday we're gonna shoot all the politicians and throw the women libs in the ocean

>huge redpill incoming tim hortons hot chocolate contains SOY

>I’m not a liberal but I’m left

I’m left and I don’t like Trudeau, I don’t think it’s an uncommon thing, but the reasons I don’t like him here slightly differ from the childish and “edgy” reasons you people seem to

they've been gone since 1991 there is NO work here

we all have to work up north or in berta :(

I just wanna mine m8 like both my grandfathers and their fathers and my grandmothers fathers as well....


>>huge redpill incoming tim hortons hot chocolate contains SOY
this needs it's own thread

the soy thing is a meme, but good thing I take testosterone and an AI anyway

spent all of my childhood in runescape mining so I know the feels :(
Seriously though, look where the money is and who controls the jobs/your working conditions and get angry, because you have a right to be.

They took yer jerbs.

Yrah in all seriousness the east coast gets fucked over hard, they should have the right to run and employ theyir own.

>the reasons I don’t like him here slightly differ from the childish and “edgy” reasons you people seem to

you are one of the cognescenti elite...

I highly doubt he can win another election without the "anyone but harper" votes, the left is split lib/NDP and more and more people are swinging conservative.. just wish it would come sooner

They don't want him there because he likes Sikhs.

Why dont you like him?

2019 election will be fun, be ready.

>look where the money is and who controls the jobs/your working conditions and get angry
oy vey

No, I mean just not into ethnic cleansing, or protectionist values. I don’t like him because he doesn’t follow through with his promises (eg pipelines, electoral reform), he’s a cardboard cutout.

I wish mad max had won. Scheer is boring.

dominion coal and steel company and their subsidies look it up youll trip out about how
much was stolen from us ...

our mine that just opened up had only muslims and americans and no more then a couple locals who were older electricians.

You guys ever been in a training class or a safety meeting out berta lately?

I had 7 muhammads and there WIVES IN FULL TRAD DRESS

working in the fucking oil patch man

>just not into ethnic cleansing, or protectionist values
So you're a liberal?

>I don’t like him because he doesn’t follow through with his promises (eg pipelines, electoral reform), he’s a cardboard cutout.

that's why most people dont like him. you're not special.

if you see any blatant antisemites or racists with a leaf flag they are usually cops.

Electoral reform was pretty much the only think i was hoping he would do. I didnt vote for him but I atleast had hoped he wouldnt be THIS much of a shitter

He doesn’t follow through with the promises he makes (electoral reform, pipelines) also, he is a candidate for the rich and has been giving them tax breaks/hasn’t closed various loopholes. I find it disingenuous to hide behind the mask of social change, while not actually doing much to help the vulnerable groups that he claims to be on the side of. I want someone who represents the working class.