Why haven't you guys responded? What are you afraid of?
I'm a reporter from CNN - Your Response?
Other urls found in this thread:
kek, is that real? hahahahahaha
want my official response as president of Sup Forums?
My response is that CNN is a terrorist organization.
CNN's attempt to emotionally manipulate the public into banning guns is transparent and gross.
fuck off I was elected president last week by a landslide you have no authority here
Hello CNN reporter I am Sup Forums. My response is and you can quote me "GAS THE KIKES, RACE WAR NOW!!!"
OP is a faggot
These posters are a minority and do not represent real Sup Forums. We are a website of peace.
Andy cooper raped my cousin and drank his bum cum.
Coup when?
How does it feel to know that your life's work is talking about what actually successful and important people have done with their lives?
WRONG!!! I am the Sup Forums.
Well done CNN.
Sarandon effect, you got played.
They should verify their identitty by posting timestamped tits
President and CEO of Sup Forums here ready to listen to your complains
OMG lads
Anderson Cooper
> coup
Hi CNN please stop lying about scripted interviews, thanks.
This place is fucking mainstream as hell. What's the protocol when Sup Forums is flooded with newfags and CNN shills?
My official response is dis dick
Before this article came out, there were many posts here from people claiming to be a reporter, and I called each and every one of them a faggot. Think I got one of them?
Well done CNN, well done...
post niggrs
>What are you afraid of?
Corporate News Network? Fuck off. Die. No one believes a fucking word from CNN.
do a barrel roll
hahahahaha you kids make me laugh, but it was my bad, should have said my actual title
Emperor of Sup Forums
fake noooooos gaise!11!!!
Protocol? There's no fucking protocol.
As Secretary of the Interior of Sup Forums, I just wanna say, niggers tongue my anus.
I want you dead, left wing scum, I want civil war and I want to smell the sweet fragrance of left wing corpses
>Sarandon effect
This poster is a fraud. I am a CNN reporter, not this imposter.
Why is there no special 'CNN flag' to counter this?
Hiro should do a live interview with them. Why is he hiding from them like a coward?
Hello CNN,
as you can see by my account name I am the true Sup Forums.
Please direct any questions you may have at me.
Your friendly neighbourhood hackzor, Sup Forums
Post tits or fem bennis
Fuck CNN and their propaganda shit
You have to be a mutt to believe their crap
>Why is there no special 'CNN flag' to counter this?
Good news for you Anonymous user! This is going to be included in the next update of our software here at Sup Forums.org
- Sup Forums.org Administrator
Andy Cooper does gay porn under the name Randy Pooper.
This is our response
Never mind the semantics. What would you say to Fake News Network, Emperor of Sup Forums?
here's my response to you, CNN:
CNN is backed by the gun manufacturing industry and defense contractors. CNN spreads mass hysteria amongst the american population, resulting in a mad panic to buy guns.
Remington filed for bankruptcy 2 days before the last shooting, but I'm sure that's just a coincidence, right?
I know Sup Forums has no loyalties, let alone stable organizational hierarchy, but I think this one time it would be worth it to send this one just for the asshurt.
>Doesn't post moobs.
>high score by a gook
Even when doing things wrong, he got it done right.
You know that virtually all of your advisors have told you to quit responding directly to the media. You have to let the chief of staff and information officer review any responses. Please!
Some of us have already emailed it and tweeted @CNN. Join us
Damn. What happened to this board? You idiots had a golden opportunity to drop megaton level red pills and the best you can do is larp, meme, and shitpost. Fucking wastes of space.
The maturity level of this board has officially decended to depths lower than Sup Forums /fit/, and Sup Forums combined.
ok well im glad thats out.
>your response?
Fake and gay.
And sage
>he doesn't know about Order 66
Throw enough shit at the wall, and something will stick eventually. Repeating #s confirm. You did good, user.
It is I, and you know what I say? Fuck the kikes
"Lick my dirty dick"
There you go. Print that, homos.
Put on some trips, o great emperor, and give us the verdict.
>I'm a reporter from CNN - Your Response?
Please confirm by sending us a picture of you with your shoe on your head.
>muh fabio sequence
What is the point of this?
Kill all Jews, every last one. There, I responded you hook nosed parasite. Print it.
>tfw Sup Forums writes a letter
ITT We are writing the official response to CNN
Dear CNN,
Concept: a high profile former first lady and an ugly self-centered dyke go on a journey of discovery across America together. Along the way they talk about how awesome the dyke is and paint misshappen swastikas on black churches.
>Can't Corner the Dorner
Such potential
CNN is a bunch of traitorous faggots and you should hang from the neck until dead, i hope your children watch you dangle and shit yourself.
As if your shitty uncommon flag has any meaning over the truly rare flags
See how far your incompetency can take you? What charges do you think CNN will face?
Weaponized shit posting.
>Herro, Sup Forums press officer John Doe here
Me CNN me demand comments
>LOL go stuff your cunt
>You glow in the dark motherfuckers
How many times will CNN be trolled by Sup Forums?
We have seen you misrepresent most things. It is not the truth that your after but your interpretation of it.
1 you are a troll
2 if you are not you are going to misrepresent us or just outright lie about us
please fuck off back to your paymasters in Tel Aviv
You forgot the bald chink who had a high score with a glock-18.
How many times will Sup Forums blow an opportunity to red pill the MSM?
Oh my sides... my fuckin fuckin sides....
it's their job to bluepill the masses, 'redpilling' them won't work.
>inb4 they reply to a thread and dont refresh
CNN reporter?
OK, let's meet at my chambers.
I'm the main influencer on Sup Forums
Redditspacing is the future
UPVOTE my fellow channers,kek
develop a discerning eye or get lost in the torrential shitpour
But you don't know that. At least the message could be better explained. I get shitposting and larping. It's pay of the culture here, but lately that's ALL it is anymore. Sup Forums used to be a healthy mix of larps and serious debate and would unite when necessary. The last example of this unification was with bike lock attacker. Now? Now it's just a high school cafeteria fill with kids telling mom jokes and calling each other faggot.
True King.
im with CIE
Don't they know that the mods and gookmoot are busy?
Thank god their are fellow libertarian socialists here.
We need to start educating these poor souls
I'm a vice leader for the Vancouver ANTIFA collective
I'd be very happy to have a interview.
If you're wondering how credible I am.
I have protested over 6 times in the last 8 months.
I have donated 2k to planned parenthood and I have stopped Nazis from hurting innocent people all be it with physical force because I had to.
If you wish not to interview me hen I just want you to spread the word that nazis can't be talked to.
It OKAY to punch a nazi.
I was at the hospital about a month ago when I saw this scrawny baled haired guy walking around really skinny looking skinhead so I sneaked up behind him and hit him with my Philosophy textbook.
he fell straight to the ground like a fly LOL
kinda wished I'd scalped him when I had the chance
You can reach me at
[email protected]
You need to lurk moar, taggof, give it 6-4 months, then you’ll understand fore-chin yourself
You're dumb, he's right there, top left.