Not sure which part of this is difficult for you to understand. Then again, this is Sup Forums, so...
Not sure which part of this is difficult for you to understand. Then again, this is Sup Forums, so
There's no law in the constitution saying that every child has the right to bear sticks.
Give all the white kids sticks
Is he literally calling us all children?
ban children
I'd give the kid a crowbar so nobody with a stick dares to hit him again.
So, if americans are all children, then who is the adult in question?
>18 year olds are children of the state with no say over their own liberty
This is exactly the attitude at my kids grade school
>they took away snow balls
>they took away tag
>they took away acting like zombies
>they took away footballs
>they took away basketballs
>took away running
How abouh this... remove the few shithead kids and let all the normal kids be normal
give everyone sticks
kids are supposed to play and learn to beat each other with sticks so they don't shoot each other with guns as adults who are just kids but also should legally be allowed to vote because they're just kids.
UK disowned you after France took your side.
>If your child hits another child with a stick, do you;
Find out why the child hit the other child and put a stop to that negative behavior so you wouldn't have to worry about mishandling sticks.
How is this hard to understand.
Ban sticks.
Sure, I take the stick away from MY child. I do not however argue that sticks should be taken away from ALL children whether they missed them or not.
Big difference numb nuts.
>not giving your kid a fully automatic stick to defend himself
give the other kid a stick so they can play fight. Jesus liberals are complet pussies.
>boomer analogy
KYS grampa.
That would be an easy A
WTF I hate guns now.
Also you punish the child so the child knows it's wrong to hit people with things. So when they're adults they don't shoot people for making them feel bad.
Teach my kid to not be a pussy fuck bitch and rush the kid with the stick
Everytime I see that webm of that fucking retarded kid sitting in the middle going
"OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK" makes my blood boil
>citizens are children and the government is our parents
>false equivalence
>Implying the government is my parent
This sums up leftist ideology perfectly. They don't believe in god but worship government like God
>Take away the stick
>Kid just punches him instead
>doesn't know how to use a colon/semicolon
Not reading beyond that massive error.
>t. paternalist pig
Shall not be infringed.
Why do gun control advocates make these arguments and then say "NO ONE IS TRYING TO TAKE AWAY YOUR GUNS!!"
If my kid hit another kid with a stick that kid deserved it.. my kid has very high agency
Ah yes, you see, your fellow citizens are children and you can exercise arbitrary power over them with total impunity.
This isn't the only instance of leftists implicitly assuming that the world is a school.
It's funny but it's the same reason you let puppies bite, so they can measure their strenght and they don't rip your arm off when they signal you to stop or when they're playful.
Assault the parent for not responsibly keeping their sticks out of their gremlins reach.
You're raising a snowflake, fag.
D. Take away my childs stick and let the kids who play nice with their sticks keep em.
ban bump stick attachments
What a fucking terrible analogy.
If your child hits another child with a stick, you teach your kid not to be a fucking nigger going around hitting people with sticks.
Same applies to guns. How about just teach your kids not to be a piece of shit? How about be involved enough in your kid's life to see that they're depressed/in pain?
10/10 bait made me seriously reply
>Take away all the limbs
>Kid just bites legs instead
deception aimed at the under-informed and complacent
He's comparing tearing up the 2nd amendment to taking a stick away
He's the biggest cuck I've seen today
He's basically saying we should ban Islam.
This. Queen Trudeau shall become empress of North America.
D. Give all the children guns. The weak should fear the strong.
If you all gave the kids sticks, they'd soon learn that if you get whacked by one it hurts.
They soon stop, like that game AI that figured out the only winning move was not to kill anything else
Woah so you’re saying I can shoot someone and all that will happen is my gun gets taken away?
So this is the power of the average lefty......
>He's the biggest cuck I've seen today
well, the days not over yet.
>take away lower jaw
>now kid can't testify against your DNC-sponsored child molestation ring
Surely the children will never find another stick to hit each other with.
>it's only 10:30AM EST
And yet even without the sticks the bully will find another way to torment the victim. What has been the wise advice on how to deal with bullies? Stand up to them meet their force. Show that you are not an easy victim. Signal to the bully to find easier prey.
Great job faggot u just showed why guns are important to defend yourself.
kill all the trees no more sticks
Child goes outside and picks up another stick or climbs a tree and breaks a branch for a stick.
give everyone sticks so they can learn to fight
But its illegal to climb trees
>D. Give the teacher a stick and the right to beat the living shit out of the kids so that they might start paying attention in class instead of acting up and bullying the mutt into a shooting rampage.
So few options..
D. spank him with the stick
>discipline the shitheaded kids
If this was The Lord of the Flies and the kids were living on their own without parents and one of the kids hit another kid with a stick, and he didn't have anything to defend himself with, would you want him to also have a stick or not?
D. Take away the stick from the child and beat him with it
It's daylight saving time
when a kid hits someone with a stick, do you;
A. punish the individual with the stick
B. ban all sticks
pick carefully
Thing is... the trouble makers all fit a certain demographic and the left knows it, and makes every effort to suppress it.
Deport the brown kids with sticks
D. Walk around the park ripping the sticks out of all the other children's hands because your child can't control himself.
when a kid hits someone with a truck (pbuh), do you;
A. punish the individual with the truck (pbuh)
B. ban all trucks (pbuh)
pick carefully
If your child gets raped by a Muslim, do you;
A. Import 2 million more of them
B. Give every Muslim a child sex slave to quell their sexual appetite
C. Deport them all
>kids aren't allowed to play with sticks in libfag land
What, we should ban sticks because one kid can't be nice? Punish the bad kid and leave the rest alone.
D. Take away all stics everywhere, even from the kids plaing a peaceful game of stickball
You know, if were gonna be intellectually honest about the positions being advanced.
Can I hire a Deputy with full body armor and an automatic rifle to make sure they don't hit each other and hope the Deputy doesn't just collapse into the fetal position sucking his thumb and shitting himself?
Sticks are plentiful and easily acquired.
Now they want to ban sticks
>it's not a slippery slope
>I just want to ban X
the government, but the government is made up by the people, for the people, so the government is also children in this context
D. Ignore that a kid is being bullied and beaten with sticks for years until he finally snaps and shoots up the school and people who tormented him for years.
You know, the real life answer.
or D) ban sticks for every citizen, which is what liberals are promoting
I love when you facebook kids show up everytime a school gets shot.
You're just gonna get redpilled like 60% of your constituency.
The constitution needs to be changed
Did my child use it in use it self defense? To stop a bully stealing another childs fruit snack? Maybe it was a duel and other child is slow and didn't brandish their stick fast enough.
Fuck soyboy come save me cause I don't have the balls to defend myself because i am nu-male and "toxic"masculinity makes women uncomfortable faggots.
>Not sure which part of this is difficult for you to understand.
We have a rule about posters having to be 18+. We also have a rule about shitposts belong to Sup Forums. We also have a rule about "you may challenge others, but show respect".
Not sure which part of this is difficult for you to understand.
The constitution says you have a right to bare arms
This is how liberals think
I need my AR-15 to feel safe in my home. What if the nogs attack and all I have is a shotgun and a glock?
We'd all die.
You need to fuck off, Crocodile Dundee.
Maybe the kid needed to be hit with a stick?
I hit my child with stick.
Take the stick away from the one who hit another without a good enough reason like self-damage or if the other kid was trespassing on his property.
Canadian DST starts in March.
Or, option D, the leftist option, take away everybody's sticks.
That guy wants to kill all trees :/
Neither just beat the child.
Ban hoops as well. Just to make sure.
We’re not arming the children, what a fucking sperg.
I meant self-defense