I hope S2 explores some elements from the concept art.
Kemono Friends
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Would the Friends happen to eat any bugs or fish as well as buns?
More anime should have guidebooks. Good incentive to buy expensive BDs too
The buns are probably made from vegetables, insects, fish, and grains
Did the Guidebook ever explained it?
The buns are made from vegetables and grains, they showed this in episode 7.
I want to see Kaban as a cyborg Friend
The Gradius II last stage midboss!
Buns are different colored and not all Friends are herbivores. It stand to reason that there are some buns with a higher protein content and less fiber that carnivores can't digest
>when the world is so vivid and endearing we all can't help but care about a character who literally never appeared onscreen simply because she didn't get to join in the fun
More of early 3D Serval (as seen near the lower-right of that pic):
Meant for
This series really begs for a RPG game.
Best hunter.
>we all
If only. There are too many bullies in these threads.
>they were originally going to have her fight the cerulean with a stick and lose badly
I'm not even an Aardwolf-fag but this is too sad.
Robo Kaban
I love this expression she make here.
I'd play a Knytt Stories style game (Essentially non-violent Metroid) set in Japari Park. The show definitely has enough comfy atmosphere to carry just walking around a sprawling game world, observing the locals doing their thing. Failing that, a more traditional adventure game could work as well.
Bonus if there's plenty of ruins in addition to the nature available to explore.
I didn't get home in time for today's show. What was the oekaki?
Also a lot more anons must be hitting the stream for these last two eps. Had a hard time keeping it running.
Arai-san was trending after the episode.
I wonder how the kids took the end of the episode?
Wow, that's pretty bully.
Massive suicides.
Where can I watch this show? I can't find anything on Nico or YT and I really want to see all these drawings.
Would Sandstar be more ancient civilization than alien in nature?
Tofu must flow.
Wild Dog honestly kind of gives off a feral appearance
Be the game you want to see in the world.
Is that Koala humping another Koala's head
I want to go feral in that dog, if you know what I mean
Is a giant Cerulean inside the mountain?
Something called "Cerulium" (name not final) that apparently absorbs life energy.
So the bomber was planed all along.
Koala's short pants make me want to commit a Japaricrime.
Here's the today's video. Futaba anons post webms after every episode.
Thinking back, I should've been saving them, now it would take a lot of time to find them in the archive.
In the bottom left picture, are those pictures of bombing craters like the ones in Verdun, France?
Man if the B2 was ingrown into the hill it would look way better than just on some random beach. Cerulean bomber when?
Whoa. They should have gone with the flowery mountain peak than the barren one we had.
Then again, it's probably easier to go with brown rocks
A Myst style game set in Japari Park would be super tanoshii.
That might be the case with hand drawn animation, but this is full CGI animu.
They believe in Arai-san.
Thanks bud.
Leave it to Arai-san!!
Serval and Kaban interacted with the Savannah grasses in episode 1. if they applied the flowers and grass, they would also have to make it sway with the winds.
Going brown is the cheapest and fastest way, I guess
>Cerulean = Cell Alien
>Cerulium = ???
Or is that just Cerulean but name not final?
Translate please.
God has spoken.
Yeah. At first I was bothered by the fact that those craters look a little small for a B2 (since you usually think about those as leveling city blocks) but if it was dropping 500 lb. bombs I guess it would work out.
It's not half so sexy as what you're thinking of but there's a pair of MMD animated shorts based on the bomber which are worth checking out if you can into Japanese:
けものフレンズ 12.12話「ひこうき」【MMDけもフレ】
けものフレンズ 12.12話「ひこうき」完結編【MMDけもフレ】
>(When you saw the serverle from the bag, when you saw the customer from us, you felt it while you were making 11 episodes. As if the bag could not be here without a mackerel, I was saved, so 11 was the last line a bit for customers as well)
This is a really good tweet. I'm just imagining it now. Children asking their parents "Is Kaban going to be alright Dad?" and the Dad putting his hand on her shoulder "Believe in Tatsuki!"
>Kemono Friends adventure game
I would love to see a Kemono Friends point-&-click adventure game.
>That's Serval. She's my best friend.
>A stick... Greatest invention ever.
>I can't do that to my little buddy!
At this point, I firmly believe Sandstar is essentially a Lovecraftian entity that terraforms whole planets with its mere presence, integrating all life and all biomes into its being until such a time everything is Sandstar, then the planet explodes, spreading countless Sandstar comets (eggs) across the universe. We have to remember that along with the comet, there was also a mythical creature capable of producing Sandstar.
>all this tofu
I never knew i would miss this shit
I was thinking of a beat em up similar to God Hand with being a Hokuto no Ken parody where Kaban can use Hokuto like skills while Serval can use Nanto like skills and the Friends are bosses while Ceruleans would be common enemies.
No matter what happens, tofu will always be here for us.
>those craters look a little small for a B2 (since you usually think about those as leveling city blocks) but if it was dropping 500 lb. bombs I guess it would work out.
nuclear warheads don't really create craters.
Instead, they are designed to explode above the ground in order to maximize airburst
If you blast a 1-kiloton nuke at 250m above ground, it's blast radius would be at an astonishing 400m. However, if it was set at ground level, it would have a blast radius of just 250m
Though yes, they probably just dropped ordinary bombs otherwise the port and boats that Boss used would be disintegrated in the firestorm
Even if it's just a short.
It's just too sad
High tier ceruleans should be girls like those Abyss things from kantaishit.
Just noticed from this page, apparently there is another Sandstar mountain in the Kanto region too (probably not-Mount Fuji).
>liking abyssals
There was the Cerulean queen and Cerval, so it could happen again, I guess.
They are way better than most ship girls.
season 2 needs a no tanoshi allowed friend
Why would you want such a horrible thing?
>he thinks of B2s as "only carries nukes"
you do realize nukes haven't been put to use since WWII, right?
>he thinks the first response to "strange monsters" the US would have is "unload weapons that the country's spent over fifty years getting dirty looks out of the world for having invented and used, knowing full well their consequences"
>despite the obvious realization that "unknown monsterous enemy" carries a heavy likelyhood of "doesn't care about/has an answer to nukes" that would either way be too big a risk to justify trying to use something that's already REALLY BAD to have go wrong even without enemy involvement
try -actually- thinking, user.
>liking boat sluts at all
>>they were originally going to have her fight the cerulean with a stick and lose badly
How can anybody come up with something this cruel?
come on it wasn't that bad, this deserves a season 2.
>he thinks
I'm not sure who this "he" you're talking about is.
It's rather manageable as the textures uses oil paint effects
But narratively, it's better to use the mountain as the background
You know what I meant.
Agreed, bring the Queen back.
But if they're cute enough people will want them to become Friends proper, and that would just ruin it.
Personally, I'd rather high tier ceruleans look more and more like bizarre and twisted animals. Not quite Lovecraftian, but maybe something in the vein of pic related? Anything that's not just another ball of goo would be an improvement.
That's what I said.
You can see on the pic I posted that the B-2 is dropping 500 lb class (Mk 82)
Also, if you think about it, they already used the B2 because that's how badly the trouble escalated. It just haven't gotten to the state where they would throw nuclear warheads on the source of Sandstar and risk making things worse for they don't know what they are doing
I wonder whether cerulean has self consciousness or not.
High-tier Ceruleans like the Queen or Cerval look like a blind person colored them. Ceruleans in general are essentially colored Neuroi with monocular vision and an intense desire to eat fire and Sparkle.
Strike Witches x Kemono Friends when?
Forgot my pic
> But if they're cute enough people will want them to become Friends proper, and that would just ruin it.
It's already happened, though.
Just wait for the ending of season 2
Depends on the Cerulean.
I'm confused by what order this comic is supposed to be in.
Enough already of this, you, you, BAKEMONO.
Larger Ceruleans seem to be based off of artificial constructs, considering the grey Cerulean was a giant BigDog while the Cerulean of the bridge was a sentient web. With that theme in mind, we'd probably see Ceruleans taking the form of ships and planes thast crawl along the ground or even ant colony-shaped Ceruleans that are towering, complex, stationary things that smaller Cerulean probably cluster around and try feeding. Even the first Cerulean Kaban and serval met was speculated to have been a Lucky Beast Cerulean. The more solitary the Cerulean, the more likely it is to take more complex shapes it seems.
do you really like speechless blobs that much
But that depends if they want to pursue the game designs of Ceruleans
Which is possible as they now have more manpower
Better to go down with a fight than without one. Not sure whether it constitutes a prototype idea or anime canon, but it says that the cerulean in question was regenerating its core from fighting Aardwolf and not at 100% functionality, which allowed Serval to achieve victory.
I like this better