>Teachers should have guns!
>Also if the teacher is black then legally carrying a licensed firearm is a justification to murder him
conservatives are stupid
Teachers should have guns!
>Officer, I have a gun
Don't reach for it then
> Hol up, imma
> I'mma just
That guy was a retard and deserved to be taken out. Also, sage.
>Don't reach for it then
Okay, I'm going to pull out my license though since you asked for it
>Whoa, that guy must have told me he had a gun just so he could pull it out and kill me with it! Because all cop-killers always state their intention beforehand
You're a retard and deserve to be taken out
>cafeteria worker
Little different. Also this was one of the instances that was actually bullshit and I think the cop deserves prison.
Will the teachers love the kids more than that lazy ass cop loved his donuts? I think not. Trump is Mr. Bonespur. A chicken hawk
>what is pattern recognition
>heh, you have the same skin color as somebody who robbed a store last week so I'm going to execute you on the spot
wow user that makes total sense!
strawman. not an argument. you're ignoring crime rates. try again, sweetie
The number of people killed by cops is higher than the number of cops killed by civilians.
he was too retarded to even be a janitor, affirmative action in action
>oh look, another strawman
sage. And please make an effort to at least find an actual arguement an actual conservative made next time.
the niggers in one city killed 600+. the cops in the entire us killed 1000. so one city of nigs did more than half that of all us cops. try again, brainlet. try using facts, statistics, sources, arguments, etc next time
He wasn’t even a fucking teacher
Take away blacks and Hispanics and crime is pretty manageable.
Cops have to deal with life or death everyday, they naturally have itchy trigger fingers, as long as you act like a calm normal adult they will never open fire. When you start shuffling around acting all weird as fuck is when they get nervous especially if you tell them you have a gun. Nothing has ever changed
>niggers make up 13% of population but commit over 50% of all violent crime
>over 90% of violent crime is committed by males
>males aged 16-35 commit the vast majority of crimes committed by males
>so you be sayin that about 5% of the population commits over half of all violent crime in a country of over 300 million people?
>so you be sayin that about 5% of the population commits over half of all violent crime in a country of over 300 million people?
Your own infographic says only 8 CPD officers were shot in all of 2017.
ban police!
i misread your original statement as "... less than the number of civilians killed by cops" so that's my bad. i still don't understand your argument, though. cops have very good reasons to be antsy when dealing with the black male animals, see:
He told him to stop reaching, period. He didnt say give me your license, he said stop reaching.
People own their actions.
>muh narrative
Have you any evidence that suggests that this was the officer's motivation? No? Okay. Just like every other case.
Did you even read anything about it that wasn't on twitter.
Pretty sure there's video of him.
Given that the vast majority of the people shot by cops deserved it, that's a good thing, isnt it? Would you rather it be the opposite?
Statistically they don't. A civilian is far more likely to be shot by police than the reverse. Furthermore court decisions have upheld that officers have no obligation to protect the public, so if a police officer is so worried about getting shot he can just walk away. Granted most police officers are just people too incompetent to join the army so they like to live out their power fantasies, plus if they do shoot someone they get paid leave and at worst fired.
looks like we're in for another thread wherein the leftist reddit faggots fail to provide any facts, statistics, sources, or arguments but instead simply dismiss all facts, statistics, sources, and arguments that blow them the fuck out because their postmodernist brainwashing does not allow them to consider such facts, statistics, sources, or arguments.
thread's going to hit 380 replies and be archived without any of these reddit niggers presenting a single coherent argument based on facts. watch and see
Hey remember that white father not to long ago who was literally begging for his life when he was executed by a police officer?
>Statistically they don't
>5% of population commits over half of all violent crime
try again, reddit
> black teacher
yeaaaaah right
you seem to think i'm a bootlicker. rather, i am redpilling you on the Nigger Menace
Don't hire black teachers. Problem solved.
>correlation = 0.37
>being this fucking stupid
I don't see how that is relevant. A cop is statistically less likely to be shot by a nigger than he is to shoot an unarmed individual. The idea that cops are in constant danger is a fallacy, is part because they are armed and have no reason not to shoot even if the guy is unarmed, but also because cops are more important than regular citizens seeing how killing a cop is generally a death sentence, while first degree murder gets 25 to life with the rare death penalty.
Why are liberals childish about this... seriously every where you go, all day, every day you are near items or people that are protected by guns.
You're wrong. You aren't taking population size into account. You have to compare the chicago PD population size to Chicagos entire population size. CPD are killed at a higher rate per capita.
>I don't see how that is relevant.
you don't see how approaching an animal that has a hugely statistically significant disposition to commit acts of violence is relevant to a cop being more on-edge around such an animal? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
>You aren't taking population size into account
you expect these niggers to understand things like rates and percentages? nigs can't even handle 3rd grade maths and percentages is 5th grade shit
At law school, we had to install an elevator because some of the Administrators were so overweight, they couldn't walk up a single flight of stairs
In college, we had professors who had such advance diseases that they would spill coffee on their laptops and they would have to postpone classes while they went to stores to buy new laptops
the local elementary school principal is now in prison for fondling children
not a week goes by where a local teacher isn't arrested for hooking up with some 15-year-old student
half of the school bus drivers look like they just stepped out of some 3rd world country and didn't take a shower since then
I don't want any of these teachers armed, half of them are hooked on all kinds of SSRI medications
Because you are more likely to kill the animal than the animal is to kill you, plus you are under no obligation to approach the animal. Disarm the fucking cops, don't give guns to anyone except SWAT teams, maybe then they would learn that their place is to serve the public instead of having power fantasies that they can carry out by pointing a gun at people.
teachers in academia are always bitching about
"dumb" cops.
All teachers have bachelors degrees, at least. The older ones are often land owners. Many school principles have PhDs.
If anyone on school should have a gun, it should be the senior, tenured teachers and school administrators.
If this were 1845, they'd be drafted into the Union Army as officers.
>Disarm the fucking cops
lmao and they get slaughtered by the niggers. let me guess: you're from a cuck country and you have never had to actually deal with niggers. un-hide your flag, please. i would love to see your leaf, cuckman, swede, or UKuck flag
The president or state governors should draft them into the national guard or some shit. Then they get a pistol.
there should be some archaic law they can use.
the cops would recognize local teachers packing heat from the gun range and reserve officer training program.
The teachers who pack heat could be drafted as reserve cops.
I am still trying to figure out the point of this post...
Like is there a downside I don't see?
>lmao and they get slaughtered by the niggers.
Do you have any sort of proof of this? I mean bongs have their fair share of niggers and Arabs but their cops aren't being slaughtered in the streets, and unlike the US killing a cop in Bongistan doesn't get you the death penalty.
>let me guess: you're from a cuck country
I'm from America you mongoloid, I am simply able to notice that police are not improving anything in the US and are greatly exacerbating existing issues.
But yeah lets have more innocent people executed by police
Hey remember when I said "vast majority" not "entirely"?
Answer my question, would you rather it be the opposite?
Yes, we don't need armed guards anywhere, user. You're right. Take them out of banks and sporting events, having armed people around only invites more violence, amirite?
>I'm from America
>Do you have any sort of proof of this?
you're forgetting to take population size into account. you're conveniently ignoring posts that you don't like
>Hurr durr no American can think there is anything wrong with America
Wow, looks like you are wrong Rickey Retardo
Niggers shouldn't be teachers
kill yourself shill rat
Once again, crime rates =/= threat cops are under.
Going back to your own post >Total police involved shootings in 2017: 23
>Total police shot in 2017: 8
Assuming police involved shootings includes officers being shot and not the perpetrator that would mean 15 civilians and 8 officers were shot in the year. Meaning statistically for that one city (which probably has a higher officer/civilian ratio than most of the country due to the violent crime rate) the number of civilians shot by officers is almost twice the number of officers shot by civilians.
ok cool you're a fat burger like me.
we agree that cops are mostly retards but i disagree wholly that they have no reason not to be on-edge when confronting niggers. i carry daily, myself, and if there's a nigger near me i'm watching him and don't let him get behind me. i'd do the same with a pit bull or other violent animal. niggers are subhumans with no impulse control
you forgot to control for population size and to consider rates again, you low-iq nigger
When liberal show their mental disorder....
>Give guns to teachers
>Oh no, they're going to be as violent as cops
>But you must give up your guns so the cops are the only ones who can have them
Libshit mentality
What rates are you fucking talking about?
>City full of niggers
>8 cops are shot
>Cops shoot 15 people
>With a total of 3561 shootings
So out of all shootings cops are victims in only 0.22%, but wait, cops make up 0.47% of Chicago's entire population.
>but their cops aren't being slaughtered in the streets
That's because their cops don't patrol, either.
Their violent crime rates are also lower than the US, so whatever they are doing apparently works.
now try normalizing the rates by population size. this is literally 5th grade maths and you don't understand it. either that or you're intentionally being dishonest
cops being shot rate:
(8/12000)*100 = 0.067%
civs shot by cops rate:
((11+12)/2700000)*100 = 0.00085%
so police are roughly 8x more likely to be shot by civs than civs shot by police. like i said: 5th grade maths you dumb fucking nigger
Okay, cops are still under less threat than the general public.
Why are spics such drunkards?
>Their violent crime rates are also lower than the US
fewer niggers. we've been over this, jamal. try to keep up
It's not crime if Sharia law redefines it, right?
>A nigger is likely to die
What's wrong with this?
England doesn't have 45 million niggers and 60 million Latinos. If you did, your police would behave very differently.
This sounds good to me
You'd think he'd jump at the chance to normalize a right among the black population and make incidents like this one less likely.
What's with slaves wanting everyone to be equally enslaved rather than equally free?
>gets btfo
>shifts goalposts
i hope you take this as a learning opportunity to re-evaluate your position. i doubt it and i think you'll just ignore all the data presented to you and double-down on your postmodernist jewish brainwashing, but there is that small hope that you see the reality of the situation
> Compares teachers to cafeteria worker going down the road smoking a blunt
Get real, nigger.
They should just combine schools with police stations. Like have them right next door to each other.
All it takes is one guy to escape the jail inside the station and hurt a kid to cause major lawsuit. Also what about when they arrest someone who is required to not be near a school?
Sick digits.
Castille was a Crip.
I'm white and I have a valid CCW and I almost got executed by a cop because my weapon was visible during a traffic stop.
Officer walks up to the window and doesn't even say, "Good evening." Before he's got his gun at my head screaming...
Just speak slowly, and don't move a damn muscle...
Windows down, lights on, have wallet on the dash before he arrives at the window so you dont have to reach down, hands on steering wheel.
Please take a step back and realize that the kike mind control that you have been bombarded with throughout your entire life is preventing you from seeing the truth from mountains of presented data and evidence-based arguments. Think before you make your next post
This is what they are doing with Walmarts
The first thing an escapee would do is run into a school and hurt kids using what again? Only to be apprehended 2 minutes later. Are you retarded? And of they aren't allowed to be near a school obviously who gives a fuck because they're in police custody and can't do anything. Give your head a shake.
That's fucked up.
Yeah, but think about centuries-past slavery and socio-economic blah blah blah.
>but think about centuries-past slavery and socio-economic
thomas sowell already blew this argument the fuck out.
this guy has written a good number of books on economics, supported by hard data, and it destroys leftists arguments
is that a fungi?
>He told him to stop reaching, period. He didnt say give me your license, he said stop reaching.
What if he didn't hear or understand him? Is it a death sentence to not play Simon Says with a cop? Fucking bootlicker.
Op teachers should not be black. Problem solved.
He said it three times nigger defender, dont fuck with a dude with a gun drawn unless you know you can win.