
Calling all faggots, all autists, all burgers, swedecucks, leafs etc. We have been gifted a glorious chance. CNN boldly, openly stated they are #Factsfirst. That they don't lie or script people.



They brought this into the open. Now is our chance to drive the dagger through their hearts. Get on twitter, #Factsfirst every piece of evidence you have showing CNN lying.

They willingly brought their reputation into this. End them for it. Now is the chance faggots. Memewar2 the electricboogajew!

We got the ball rolling last time, lost of ammo keep pushing them!!

Hear ye, good friends of /pol...
TODAY.....is the day you will tell your kin of..
When you're old an weary you will speak of how you killed the behemoth...
You cut the head of at least one Hydra....
DO NO LET UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>meme generator.


Other urls found in this thread:




I agree with this being a huge opportunity.

What we need is a condensed video that can be forwarded and shared, which shows examples of past CNN fails. Remember the "you're not allowed to read wikileaks"? Or the "Oh noooo, that sux"?
CNN has provided so many fails, it's time to make a normie-compatible best-of compilation, just like the legendary "Trump Vs. The Establishment" during the election.


This is actually the fourth great meme war man.
In the last 5 years.


let's get this ball rolling



let's make news truthful again boys

Burn down the white suburbs! We need our weave!


They reached out to Sup Forums twice for a response. Here it is. Email it, tweet it, @CNN with #Sup Forums. I know it's nearly impossible but it would be brilliant if we could organize ourselves for this

I know you're reading, Infowars. Get in on this. Let's have another meme war.



That just means it was never over, it is still the great meme war.

Oh, I love that image.

Not since they tried DOXing someone, have we needed to ban together and dig at them. I suggest doing the app download and mass spamming them with 1 star ratings on everything tied to their name and their sponsors. Hit them in the wallet

Time's up, CNN.

Hand over the studios.


CollegeFag sleeper agent reporting in. Anything I can do in my school to help?

its true. they are destroying our country. we have an amazing opportunity here lads.


Pic related


this shit could be trending by afternoon.


Sam "Us Marine" Hyde is in.


Fucking redditor newfaggot

wrong pic

CNN reporters would flunk journalism 101.


Pee pee dossier!


Is this... the second Shekel Shoa?

Did you make that? I just spent 10 minutes laughing at that picture

stop crying like a bitch, CNN is just fox news for the center-left, get over it faggot

Did you make that? I just spent 10 minutes laughing at that picture and its filename

Considering how much (((They))) hate this guy you'd think they would have found something by now.


Such as the 100 years war... Many battles... One war

We the cossacks of the internet and CNN the ottomans?


They going to cry a lot

you can use this template. add the fake news clip to it and tweet this shit out.

War, man. It never changes.

You know, that is oddly fitting.

I don't recall fox cutting people off the air, or calling for a commercial break when getting btfo. Also let's not forget when they lightened George Zimmermans skin color.

So no saying they are fox news for centrist and leftist is wrong, it's just a more popular TYT at this point.

That entire painting is the hacker known as Sup Forums. This is what they're fighting against, spending billions to inundate with shills and subvert. Pissing into an ocean of piss.


Looks like Thom Yorke whipping unhappy merchants, it's glorious.

Fuck Radiohead

Can't see shit serge

Hi, CNN.

Shill spotted.

We need to get more autists on shill patrol if we're gonna do this shit.

Weird that they'd publush the article on the left after the one on the right.


>the eternal boomer and their drastic attempts to stay relevant.

Sorry guys, I don't give a fuck what your dinosaur media corp has to say about anything. Shill harder.

Then help us take it down, brother.

>they did for Erdogan
Makes you think



yea I make it a long time ago! I just added the korean letters today

By watching hours of CNN footage to compile clips of 'times they lied' for people to watch? No thanks, 'brother'.


>happy to give CNN validation in the form of attention and acting like they still matter



You'll need to do better than that, limey.

We must show the world the lies of CNN. Why is #FactsFirst not trending yet? The powers of autism can accomplish almost anything if used correctly and on a large enough scale. I want to one day tell my grandchildren how CNN was killed by memes and autism. This isn't big enough yet. Let's get moving fellow spergs!

You fail at memes. Gun deaths and gun homicides are not interchangeable as the shills would like you to think. The vast majority of gun deaths are suicides. Very few are homicides. The distinction is very important and blurring that line is the way of the shill.

Cocksucker faggots at Communist News Network wouldn't know a fact if hit them in their cunts......fucking wasteoids.....

>it would be brilliant if we could
user, your skin appears to be glowing.

Fuck yeah user so happy to wake up to see this going. Keep calling out CNN lies on all social media accounts keep #FactsFirst going!

I'm not going to though. If you guys want to watch CNN then you can do that. I'm gonna shitpost about boomer-sympathisers while you do so however

the disingenuity here is at autistic levels, CNN is a corrupt propaganda machine, it's obvious. But if you can't see that Fox News has the identical function but catering to a different more right-wing demographics, don't call yourselves redpilled.


>bongistan comprehension

>OP asks people to watch CNN and clip times they lied

what even are you?


Agreed. FOX is also a shit organization that does the same thing. However CNN is more of a threat right now and our focuses must be on CNN. If needed, we can deal with the others later.

>he thinks i have to watch cnn to participate
>bongistan comprehension

Imagine if trials cited witnesses in this fashion.


I actually took journalism 101. The teacher was real with the class and told us to say whatever we get paid to say. Because that's how journalism works in the real world.


you think it's more of a threat because it represents the opposition to your political affiliation. You also sense that they are a threat to Trump, which is giving them too much power, youre basically taking their bait. Also, ask any liberal they'll say fox news is more of a threat.

>bbc operative calling anyone a cnn shill

You missed the most damning part. In the brazile email she says that sometimes she gets questions in advance.

>implying liberals thoughts can be taken seriously.

CNN literally and unironically promotes literally cuckholdry. I'm not aware of FOX ever doing that.

>mfw he knows

Why your schools have kevlar sheets?



I shouldnt say this but i think america should fix education to match at least half of that of japan or south korea. The fact that cnn nbc fox etc msm can say dumb shits so blatantly and have ppl mesmerized and brainwashed is a proof of lack of education or intelligence. But, education is now indoctrination so....

This is not a thread about our shitty educational institutions. Please go to one of those if you wish to talk about it.

The simple truth of the matter is that the whole machine is on the same shit. It can't sway all opinion in the same way or people might start to get along, it exists as much to keep us at each other's throats as it does to bury the truth.



Do you even read? This was what I mean by you guys are dumb. Why do you think I mentioned education and intelligence? Those are the reasons why your dumb ppl slided ron paul and voted bush after clinton after obama then sucking clintons ass and trusting cnn factfirst

fuck cnn