Why is Sup Forums against race mixing? Would you race mix?
Race mixing
Will race mixing make people less racist?
I think so btw... Since if we are just one race (i.e. everyone is mixed)... then why would you be racist?
Fuck off, gooback.
How many white children have been produced by whites fucking non whites?
But people look at race mixing as being bad... Maybe that's why race mixed kids have identity issues? But if everyone is race mixed that will disappear.
Also maybe this will compensate for any negative effects?
There WILL BE NO races you faggot just an ugly mixed paint set turned shit brown along with both's involved cultural indentity! Not just whites who lose their culture - it's the negregress/beantress' shit "culture" as well.
But y'all don't mind as long as y'all find a nice white man to take care of your bitches, huh? Fucking niggers make me fucking sick.
And mixed kids are 95% fucking ugly mongloid niggers
fuck off meme flagging nigger
How is that relevant to this discussion?
>Mixed people are so ug-
of course it's sweden
what the FUCK is that thing
Also those studies might be cherry picked.
>then why would you be racist?
People are still racist here you encardido
Sweden is great. I love Sweden. Swedes are very kind and tolerant.
A qt
Just like the black women you're posting?
There're still people in Brazil that isn't racist and in a race mixed society people are less racist either way...
agreed my black brother
pol holds a lot of retarded views just to be edgy. Mixed girls are the gold standard, inbreeding is what gave us dogs that are abominations of nature begging for the sweet release of death.
Find a woman you can tolerate and stick it in her. Don't worry about skin tone.
The french already have, thus on average they have the smallest brains in Europe.
ye maybe if ur an arab
Finland is great too. Your beauty queen was black!
Becuuz it reduses ouur IQuu
I agree with this.
No because said race mixing only occurs in any real numbers in "diverse" areas, those areas being formerly predominantly white. This means that instead of becoming "one race" whites essentially just become absorbed into a genetic shit mess of other races meanwhile Africa remains 99% African, Asia 99% Asian etc etc. The whole idea of "race mixing = one race" is horse shit and only someone who's incredibly stupid or purposely dishonest could even pretend to believe it.
Kind of like these nigger half breeds you post? They're only good looking because they're part White and exemplify White beauty features. A good looking 100% African is literally 1 in millions.
>There're still people in Brazil that isn't racist and in a race mixed society people are less racist either way...
English please
n-no :)
Posting a bunch of cherry picked studies isn't proof of anything.
So far no one has been able to make a good argument against race mixing other than "muh feels". Sup Forums btfo
No, thanks. I prefer humans
Would berry for decades
S-stop! Seriously!
>Would you race mix?
Yes, I value culture and aesthetics above race. If you'd pick an ugly white womyn over and oriental beauty then you're the cancer destroying the human species.
Stop posting the same thread over and over again you obvious shill fuckhead.
Race mixing is for niggers, spics and Sand coons. We white people will gain NOTHING mixing with your nasty ass negroids.
That girl is 100% East African. You don't know what you're talking about...
Posting infographics that you haven't even read and that doesn't have any sources isn't proof of anything.
UGLY, you dumb mother fucking spic, UGLY
Fucking reddit plebs man.
The Olympics are degenerate
Who finds this attractive? ANY OTHER RACE doing this exact same routine would be far greater.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
t. faggot
Might as well fuck a monkey, bestiality! Probably wake up in morning and your tv is gone hahahah
Eventually those will be race mixed too though.
What don't you understand?
I want this mulatto qt.
A lot of faggots here are pro-racemixing. They'll mix with Slavs, Germans, Anglos, Iberians etc. Fuck em.
That wasn't supposed to be an argument, you subhuman ape.
Your OP was "Would you race mix?" so that's asking for an opinion. Not like I expect apes to realise what they themselves are writing.
There's zero racism in homogeneous societies. The world is large enough for you to not live with us. End racism forever and go back to where you came from.
Do you want this wypepol qt?
Only person I'd racemix with is Anri
The average Sup Forums user never had a girlfriend. Why'd you care about their opinion
Brown skin looks dirty to me
You know the fact she's running for Sweden really bothered me. Like I can't even enjoy that ebony ass.
Why don't you ask light skinned blacks what they think about dark skinned blacks and get back to us on that
I think if the EU has laws protecting what you can call cheese they can protect white birthrates.
You cant ban interracial coupling but you can incentivise racial groups to keep a 1:1 birth rate.
I want my kids to look like me
How is this an argument for anything? Individuals belonging to a group doesn't necessarily represent the group. Don't race mix with people that you don't want to race mix with. Also there're many other factors. Like
>economic factors
>cultural factors
Look at the black community in the US before they were bought by the big gov Dems for example...
would bean
Holy Sweden!
How did a Viking girl get a booty like that?
I'm sure that she's a proud daughter of Freya, representing her Swedish heritage...
I'm not opposed to it if it's white male, even the racists on pol should be fine with that as it helps dilute other races
Looks like JLaw in blackface kek
Don't be a dick, germany. This is happening to you right now as we speak, You have more muslims in Germany than what Spain has ever had as a Caliphate
Race mixing also means race mixing with asians!
All we need is more low IQ rootless mutts walking around.
fuck off, mutt. bet you have hideous beown curly hair. you probably look like the scum walking around in walmart
Delete this
By what reasoning do you assume this? The idea that we'll form one large race is pure fucking asininity, the largest races will subsume every other meaning the genetic diversity plummets and everyone looks like some South East Asian, Indian-African abomination, and even only that would happen if every race was dumped into some melting pot which they aren't and won't. Pull your head out of your ass you fucking shitskin.
ass is just a tad too big, its almost a dumpy butt. the jiggle harmonics have to match the thighs. if they move at two different rates, its got a mind of its own and will consume you as the years progress.
They don't have a problem with it.
Anri is half white so our children would be 75% white
because bestiality is bad, mkay?
I wouldn't race mix but I'm not gonna lie and say that I'd not hit a based nigress.
In fact, I already have. Only good thing about multi culti. Girls crave white dick no matter the race they are.
I would make children with any women who would ever genuinely care for me
So no
>Look at the black community in the US before they were bought by the big gov Dems for example...
you're saying they weren't the nigger scum they are today?
please kindly provide some evidence.
Yes yes I would. As a biracial man it's my job and Duty the black as many girls as I can
Globalism won't be stopped. It might take a few hundred years but eventually everyone will be race mixed. Think Star Trek.
Hahahaha no. Niggers gonna nig
Not how genetics work
Yes they do, it's called "colorism"
Damn... just think of all the cotton she can pick with those strong legs!
She is worth THREE mules!
Yes, that ass will make up for setting my genes back thousands of years.