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Aw he's cute


That thing looks like it stinks

>school shooting survivor

Thats too bad.

>this one of a million dykes is supposed to take our guns
>surely she will succeed where the other million will fail
>not even out of high school yet
Sure thing, bud. This will blow over within the year. Always has.
And it's not surviving a shooting if you didn't get shot. That's just escaping. This is literally out of the Jewish playbook about the Holocaust.
>My grandma survived the camps by leaving 2 years before Hitler came to power! Muh genetic PTSD!

So the entire school is going full-media whore now?

>This will blow over within the year. Always has.
More like a week.

he cute

Imagine being put in a headlock by her.

It in the most left wing part of Florida and if they don't force attention on gun control, they might get attention on their stupid left wing polices that allowed this to happen.

She has no chance.

give me the guns

stop it
try using other words


you cum you lose


>Take Broward County, the Florida county that used to rank No. 1 at sending students to their state’s juvenile justice system.

The stats troubled Broward County leaders, and they responded with a bold solution: Lower arrests by not making arrests.

>After examining juvenile data, a local task force compiled 12 misdemeanor offenses that would no longer be considered police matters. Criminal mischief and vandalism, for example.

>The results were quickly positive.

Hurrrrr, I got it. We reduce crime by just not arresting anybody for it! Brilliant!

Better watch out, Butch will use her weaponized vagena 2 punk UR ass!


The blind NRA hate is perhaps the cringiest part. They are the biggest gun safety advocate group around. It is the equivelant of the religious far right screeching about sex ed classes in school.

Give that nig a wig


Although the agenda seems to be to disarm us, not to protect us. In fact disarming us would probably lead to a lot of innocent people getting killed, but that's "fine" for the revolution that they want.

Poor 56%er blighting his future over a perennial political issue


Her diversity has given her unmatched power! How can we stop her? SHE'S LIKE THE TERMINATOR but without guns and a Cyberdyne Systems CPU!!!!

Damn I bet that actor girl doesnt exist anymore! Also they didnt even change her name lol sloppy CIA we got U!!!

The NRA's worst nightmare is a ugly bald dyke?


don't posted the shopped version.

that's a sexy belly button


You think dead teens are joke user?


You & tour toxic masculinity are part of the problem. This teen activist is an inspiring leader & the NRA is DONE!


el abominacion...

>NRA: Billions of dollars + full gov support
>El Goblina "56%" De Muerte: 10,000 likes on twatter/goybook
Place your bets

La cretura

Found her father

We saw how that worked out before now didn't we?

God I'm sick of that creaturas face

The gay, an important part of almost every modern psyop.

Has anyone dug up nudes of this dyke yet?


God I would skin this thing alive.

It's basically already blown over with normies, only far leftists are still talking about it.
Even normies realize that these people spent the past 10 years screaming that police were racist and that orange Hitler was just elected President, and now they want us to give their guns to them?

So butt fuckin ugly

probably like a 3 day old fish taco with a lot of white sauce.

Let’s stop calling everyone who witnessed a crime a “survivor”
She wasn’t shot or even shot at


Czechs out

Anyone else really wanna appropriate those shirts in an IRA-esque org?

I used to not hate gays.

>mfw it's gotten to the point that skin heads have now become far left leaning

New Mass Effect still looks shit.

She's going to gain weight in college. I can already see it.

It's "xer", you ignorant bigot.

>mass shooting survivor
Really now how many bullets did xir take?

Shit just came.

she looks like the next school shooter

Cuz the NRA had so much to do with the shooting...

>kids tells people how to live
>people are annoyed
>people who were too lazy to vote otherwise are now motivated to vote

hmmmm ok

Anyone got the pic of

'when you get rejected for the Vegas role, but you get the Florida one'

That's gotta be the physical manifestation of a RPG speech-build in a PVP scenario.

not posting the classics

You fucking pathetic beta male basement dwelling sexual harassers are about to lose your little shooting toys!

Mark my words; you're just about 6 months away from a full gun strip!
Enjoy losing pathetic trumppets!

Is Emma Gonzalez our girl?

this bitch is so ugly not even mohammed wants her as a sex slave

And we’re going to be paying for her college tuition just because she’s a fucking minority

>la goblina

That reminds me, I can't wait for DACA to expire, or has anything changed?

Militant dykes and leftists is what led Trump to victory, this pork bean needs to stfu if she doesn't want right wing politics to gain more momentum.

WTF , "IT"

>A great investment.
I'm sure it will choose a respectable degree that it will use to help advance the species.


Where can I turn in my guns? I’m scared!1!1!

i bet she would still be able to beat up average pollack because you all here look like pic related

nazi cucks



I like how your icon flag

Emma Gonzalez = (((Emma Goldman))), something very kiked about this creature.

It's time to kick this up a notch.

come and get 'em

It’s almost as if they chose some kind of gender-confused freak/dyke to be their figure head. Trying to cash in on that white guilt by finding a member of the permanent victim class.

>when memes become reality

she probably would have punched a reporter grabbing her taint, unlike Brandon Frasier

Fucking checked and kekked!

i hope she is bald because of stage 3 breast cancer

His poo prolly smellz liek rotten enchiladas.

The sad thing is I would still suck those iddy biddy titties. Fuck me.

It sure was funny when they were eating tide pods, or huffing butane..

>Zivi zid voter
>student at Filozofski
>born in faggot capital of Croatia, Rijeka.

There. I probably have guessed 2 out of 3.

Heh, ez.

Oh yay another pushy la creatura lesbiana with a buzzcuts going to lecture us and demand we hand over our rights so her dirty twat can feel free or some bullshit.

What’s the solution? The only legislators that have knowledge about firearms aren’t willing to regulate them. If we are just as dangerous as the school shooters, why everyone is sitting around waiting to be shot? E-activism isn’t working. Their preferences can only be achieved through violence, unfortunately for them, their political opposites have them outgunned.

La pesadilla maligna

mass shooting survivor should be a title only available to those who were shot and survived. she's a mass shooting witness. fuck i'd be so pissed off If I got shot and survived and this cunt was running around stealing my glory.

Why do they always pick the most unrelatable people to be their spokespeople?

Screechy libtards don't look like normal people.


She’s a (((survivor))) goy!