Venting thread
Nu/pol/ fucking sucks
too many faggots and /r/the_donald refugees
I'm blackpilled. How do I go back to red?
a gf
Too many soyboys at my work.
you're right
give us an example
Threads here are useless. At least now I know which shoes are redpilled.
I am so sick and tired of jews and niggers. I wish they would just go away
I suffer from intrusive thoughts and I have been diagnosed with OCD and ADHD. I also have some other mental problems that stem from not being diagnosed until my mid 20s. These intrusive thoughts made me doubt: Sexuality, Gender, if I was an animal abuser and so on.
When I was a teenager I was ultra left leaning nu-male. In my early 20s I was hardcore right winger, almost full on 1488.
Now I don't really care anymore. I first came to Sup Forums when Sup Forums was mostly about rustling peoples jimmes (it was /new/ back then.) And I miss that time. Now we have 100% serious trump supporters instead. Honestly most Trump supporters are laughably stupid, I also hate lib-tards, but nothing makes me cringe as much as "cnn is fake news".
Also I can't fucking stand Americans yelling 1488 stuff. There is no such thing as "white". White is only used as an excuse for being a mixed mutt. Be proud of your people instead of creating some brand so that you may feel comfortable with fact that you don't have a pure ethnic background.
Now days, I just want to see the whole world burn to be honest. Fuck everyone, fuck libtards and their delusion of individuality, fuck conservicuck for being triggered about same sex marriage, fuck losers who are proud of their country because they have nothing else to be proud of, fuck niggers, fuck kikes, fuck "white" people. I care about me and my family, the rest of you might as well die, for all that I care.
I'll enjoy the upcoming chaos, just like I enjoyed Trump being elected.
Might be because I'm 50% Jewish though.
Q for you fags:
How many hours do you spend on average on pol? What's a healthy number?
About 5 hours a week. I have no idea what a healthy number is. But anything should be fine as long as it's not hurting your real life relationships or goals.
I'm so fucking frustrated by my life long liberal friends and family.
I have legit felt like these are the best dudes in the world, but now it's an endless barrage of condescending conversations about guns or Trump or whatever.
They all were middle of the road democrats, and all was well, but the modern left has turned them all in to virtue signaling assholes.
I was lectured about white privilege by a blonde cute white girl from the south who was born into a wealthy family, has become wealthy herself, and surrounds her self with other white wealthy liberals...and she gives me shit about privilege?
I have a friend who won't shut up about guns, but never mind the fact that he carries concealed and was gifted an AR15 from his Navy buddies when he retired from the Navy. He "just" decided that carrying just "wasn't him", because CNN issued Democrat talking points.
My sister told me that I have blood on my hands post Vegas.
My father is bonafide genius. He was one of the world's leading neuroscientists, but all he watches is MSNBC and gets angry when I say that Mueller isn't going to pan out the way he thinks.
My Niece is obsessed with the patriarchy and is tumblr tier. She quit an Ivy league school because she was seen as a country girl by the snobby super rich girls, and she went to a state school where by most standards, she is now the wealthy snobby girl. She literally thinks men should be barred from law school, because they waste seats because they just go because their dad was a lawyer, and aren't as noble as she is (wants to be a civil rights activist lawyer).
These were good people. I have no idea how to explain to them that they have become far left pawns, and when I do, they just laugh me off as listening to Alex Jones (I've never even been to infowars, but I do watch PJW occasionally).
Speak quickly outlander or go away!
I’m an alpha male but am lactose intolerant and drink soy milk regularly. It’s funny how people blame being a pussy on the bean water
Let's not make this official, outlander. Move along.
Knew my friend had a crush, confessed to her cause I was 99% sure it was me.. Turns out it wasn't me...
Just been banned from twatter for stating that there are only 2 genders and it is wrong to go against nature. This is the sixth twatter account already. They want my phone number to unblock but throwaway cell phones have been banned here since our enrichment.
Fucking despise these assholes so much.
I make 20k euros a month on average, travel 5 times a year but last month I was attacked by a stray dog who bit off my testicles... went to a renowned urologist and he said there’s nothing he can do... I blame the jews
Give your offering of chaos to Lord KEK my son.
It has helped me greatly.
PS: It's all a computer program. Once you understand that, they have no power over you anymore.
The election ruined this board for good.
Growing up in Portland as a republican is really rough. All day people slander my views and call my people names. If I dare speak up I’m silenced by the mob. I feel very alone in my beliefs.
Yuh. Too many comedians with nothing to say
I'm beyond blackpilled. I feel like there's no hope for our civilization and the widespread degeneracy is just too much for me, even here in Sup Forumsand. I'm a semi-NEET who goes to school and works part-time while wasting most of my free time collecting trophies on ps3/ps4/vita and browsing Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /r9k/ and 8/pol/. I can't talk to people without revealing my power level. I feel like this entire Polish death camp thing will end in some form of disaster for us, the Jew is everywhere and we'll pay the price for being defiant to the Zionist cabal. They'll try to push us to war against Ukraine or Russia, I'm sure of it. I'm thinking about packing up and leaving for east Asia to teach English once I'm done with uni. If it weren't for my vidya addiction I'd probably be an alcoholic
I'm a good, honest, gun toting, god fearing white man....but i smoke a lot of weed.
I have had 406 threads hidden in the past 2 days because of FUCKING guns!!!! Where’s the fucking politics???
Ten Hail Pepes and and offering of chaos my son.
Knowledge is a burden. We all learn too late, after the Red Pill, that we begin to feel very "Alone". That is why we come to the base of this mountain for fellowship, unhindered by identity.
My path is much like yours. I've lost many friends to the eternal Blue Pill. With this recent shooting event, I've just shut it all off. I just don't get involved anymore. It's just a tape machine that presses "play". It's all arranged beforehand. Nothing organic about it. I hide my power level at work and when out in society. For the Blue Pills, I may as well be Deaf, Dumb and Mute.
Find strength in yourself and find strength in our Lord KEK. May the chaos guide you.
PS: For all the questions you may ever have, no matter how complex, the answer can be found in nature. You just need to know where to look and how to ask.
That sucks man
luckily my best mate is completely politically oblivious. Only problem is that hes kind of a normalfag, and regularly shows me stale memes that i feel rude not to smile at. not to mention that his gf is a needy bitch who is constantly tripping over her bottom lip for attention.
I'm in higher education, so i expect my classes to teach me something. yet all of my classes are taught by commies and they always manage to inject feminism and white guilt. Even in sports, its all equality this, sexism that, ethnic minorities this, racism that - in fucking sports! The one thing that blacks do really really well in.
>but nothing makes me cringe as much as "cnn is fake news".
>Might be because I'm 50% Jewish though.
oy vey
Did they really shutdown t_d? It’s only going to get worse now that CNN put us on Page 1. Our days may be numbered boys. They may shut us down too
i have spent hours upon hours making videos and memes and all sorts of propaganda for the last few years, some of my videos got over 20 million views and i worked with top ecelebs. I think I helped Trump get elected like many here. AND SHE'S NOT FUCKING LOCKED UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sometimes 4 till 12. Depends on the happenings
I understand your quarrel my son.
You must understand that you are directing your energy into the "Broken System" and it's a complete waste.
Trying to "fight" on Twatter is simply wasting your energy as it's a system (((they))) control.
Let your inner chaos Flow and give these streams to Lord KEK. Embrace the chaos and the Power Of Meme. You will be rewarded greatly as I have. Y
ou must now leave a printed paper with your thoughts on the mirror of ten Normie public places. Do this, and Lord KEK will redeem you with the eyes of somebody ready to Red Pill.
The Dems have blood on their hands, the shooters have all been leftists. Secondly, the blood is on their hands for all of these FF’s. If you’re still angry, blame our Constitution
Drink water
The mind of the average American is an enigma. They live to indulge in decadent abuses of substance, mind, and body. Their priorities are vain personal relationships grounded by sexual deviancy or desire for pleasure in the act. They are egotistical and behave predictably in an urban environment, one that is designed to keep them vice addled, distracted and weak. It is the death of nation and soul.
i think i'm a furfag somebody please help me
>the Jew is everywhere
My son, you must remember that The Clever Jew is a coward and works in the shadows like a parasite. He is a hook nosed blood sucker with no real fortitude or spiritual strength.
His only power is manipulation and subversion. It is right to stand up to the lies of the Clever Jew. His Illusion is no more powerful than a wet paper bag.
Lord KEK will help us with the Power of Meme, but you must be willing to have FAITH in our enterprise. Give the Clever Jew chaos and watch his demise!
May we keep our guns this day and lure normies into our ways with red pills and memes. These things we pray in the name of KEK.
Praise Kek
my wife no fuka me but also no fuka oders so no cucka me and I no wanna fuka her either
trut be told we are all ugly af
we just got together so that we are no alone and loser
we somehow made a child because drunk enough to fuka
she not ugly
maybe she will be free from curse and find a fuka attraktiv man
The Frankfurt school was right about one thing: life in modernity is psychoanalysis in reverse.
>They live to indulge in decadent abuses of substance, mind, and body
You are stuck in suburbia. You must plan a road trip now to the rural lands. Not redneck shit holes but some of the ancient ruins of America like GSMNP. Walk to the deep heart of the forest and set up camp. Often you will find a like mind....a conduit to sanity.
Stay away from Social Media as it's a Ghetto and the influence of Lord KEK is limited there by their faraday cage.
Find the Red Pill Peoples in the pockets and crevices of this Great Nation. We are here. We are quiet but still exist.
Lay out on a cot one night and see the stars. Right your mind. Clear it of the influence of the Clever Jew. Give your offering of Chaos to Lord KEK each night and you will be rewarded, As Have I.
So Meme We All.
a good idea, thanks
Yet we persisted. Want some adderall?
I workout every 2nd day and keep my body in shape yet every yet 99% of the women of my generation are fat pieces of shit who still think they're entitled to a mr. perfect for some fucking reason, easily the worst thing about woman's lib. I can't wait until they all collectively die of heart attacks, statistics will tell you that it's biggest cause of male mortality in the west but the tables are going to turn real fucking soon if these hamplanets can't stop eating like fucking hippos everyday
Since this guy just vented about his own non political bullshit, I am going to take this opportunity to share that my neighbor made me star in pervy videos when I was little. And I feel disgusting inside.
Thanks for reading
>my family is dumb because they don't get their propaganda from Sup Forums like me
you and and your entire family are complete retards
Lork KEK works in Mysterious Ways my son. You can direct the Power of Meme as it's a hurricane of force!
Praise KEK! Whwadeegadippolack!
One single event like HRC being locked up is not your vindication. You must see the Matrix Illusion collapsing around you like pieces of concrete falling from the Berlin Wall when it collapsed. Or like that guy in Shawshank Redemption that kept scratching a hole in the wall for his master escape.
The Clever Jew's illusion can be torn down with the Power of Meme and the Chaos of Lord KEK. Never forget that. Do not work within (((their))) systems. That is how they take your energy. Work within the Power of Meme and chaos so you are untraceable and tear down the Clever Jew's power structure. By using the Spiritual Force of Meme, your energy is redirected back to your heart. I promise you this!
OH, Praise lord KEK!!! Fuck I feel his Meme Energy Now! Assandifacipoo!
>I workout every 2nd day and keep my body in shape yet every yet 99% of the women of my generation are fat pieces of shit
And you must continue to take care of your body as it's the vessel for your mind.
But believe me brother when I tell you to let the "reason" for fitness be for your own good and not for the woman. Do not live for the woman. Do not let women be your reason for living. Improve your body and health for *you*. The more you ignore the hambeasts the closer we will get to the Hamsplosion! Oh it will be GLORIOUS. Lord KEK commands it! Blessed be his name.
We need you for the upcoming Meme War. Keep /fit/ and keep your mind Strong and Pure by avoiding social media and hopeless bluepilled minds. Avoid even looking at the Hambeast woman as it's Visual Poison to even see them. It hurts your eyes with the Matrix poison of the Clever Jew. Plan your trips into society accordingly to avoid even seeing the beasts. Research on places to visit where the women are beautiful and inspirational. Just seeing them gives you hope and peace.
PS: When you feel weak, find nature. There is an energy there that can feed you.
So Meme We All.