This man is a fucking genius. He’s making it about the school shootings and gun free zones and that alone, he is completely fucking destroying the (((Gonzalez))) narrative
Not even chess anymore
>inb4 the pic is upside down op is a drunk faggot
Yes I’m drunk
it's glorious -- Snek coming up
We appreciate it.
How can you breath with Trump's cock so far down your throat? I realise you didn't have a strong father, but that doesn't mean Trump is perfect. Go back to the_donald... please.
i wonder whats kushner doing in india
more money taken out of your ass
The real jews are here for you.
Would have said inb4 the shills kike up the thread with d&c but of course they’re already here
Muh russian guns and shit
Jesus Christ dude it's not even noon get it together
he's been on 5D mahjong all along
insomnia is a bitch. need some knock out
jesus christ Woods is a savage if real
Harder daddy
the date rape drug?
ill have you know sir, my pops is a saint
Honestly Magnesium supplements knock me out. Might give them a try. I'm also weird though because creatine gives me nightmares so ymmv.
Unnnfff, yeah tell me how bad I am. I knew "she" was the right choice, but I can't help being bad. ;)
You'll have to tell us what the other side of the wall looks like pedro. I hope it's a picture of Trumps ass so you can kiss it.
>Yes I’m drunk
explains your retarded statement of Trump being a genius
ooooh yeeeah, now suck my jaggon
No one has ever used GHB to rape anyone, ever.
It's tastes like salty buttery ass, anyone that drank something would need their tongue removed to get date raped. That said, get it, it's super dank, releases growth hormone turning fat into muscle, gives you the best sleep. etc.
advice taken user
beat me to it
My dad is in his 70s and I'd put money on him to put you in the hospital if he ever was called weak.
what is the gonzalez narrative?
He was a jew, and adopted dad was fbi.
Trump is controlled opposition.