Is there any precedent for a sports anime to get so much attention from the top athletes in the sport it portrays? Will any sports anime be able to top having a two-time Olympic champion gush about it at an anime convention?
Yuri on Ice
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Captain Tsubasa even made some soccer athletes pay attention to the anime, but it was a small thing
>Is there any precedent for a sports anime to get so much attention from the top athletes in the sport it portrays?
I doubt anytime soon.
I hope Sayokan sees this.
There's this (I believe he was Argentinian) soccer player who got into soccer thanks to Captain Tsubasa.
Most shounen sport shows over exaggerate the sport they portray to unrealism. Sayo said she wanted to keep things real and that helped the influence. All skaters praising it say how accurate it is to the sport and how some of the characters remind them of themselves.
Yes, a number of football players have won the design of Captain Tsubasa's author, and some even started playing anime inspired football when they were children
I think with YOI it's happening more or less this
A bunch of football players have said Captain Tusbasa was an influence for them
I don't think YOI will produce any famous skaters because it's aimed at a demographic too old to get far in the sport, but I bet a lot of people have started because of it (including myself) and I think the OST is gonna be used for a lot of programs in the future.
>Two-times Olympic champion
Johnny Weir.
Oh, he's a two-time Olympic competitor but not champion, my bad.
Anyone post the Weir panel at Crunchyroll Expo?
>johnny: rhe skating is great, but really watched it for the love story. the twinkle in his eyes when he has his pants on his head
I know someone who does not agree
>Will any sports anime be able to top having a two-time Olympic champion gush about it at an anime convention?
Slightly different, but Captain Tsubasa and Slam Dunk have both been explicitly honored by their sports' respective nip organizations as having caused booms in their sports. The chairman of the Japanese Football Foundation literally said that the Japanese professional league was possible because of Captain Tsubasa.
YOI has attracted more fans to the sport though. Yuzuru twitter fans were annoyed over it. While it may not be able to get people in due to how exspensive and young you have to be to start YOI is bringing in regular people.
>The ISU has an official collab with Yuri on Ice for the WTT
It seems like people forget that this happened.
I swear there was something with Prince of Tennis.
No other sports animu had Cao Bin in them. They lose without his greatness
Nishigori watched it.
Oh, f**, Nishikori, I mean.
>Is there any precedent for a sports anime to get so much attention from the top athletes in the sport it portrays?
It's happened before, though only decades ago as far as I know.
Why was OP's picture deleted?
Probably because of IRL people, this has happened some other times on this threads recently
Wherever you came from, fuck off back there forever.
>they just added Kudo Kazuma and Matsubara Rinko to the list of performers for Yuri!!! on CONCERT omg that means Stammi Vicino duet LIVE
Hikaru no Go.
>the twinkle in his eyes when he has his pants on his head
does he mean his tie? because he only had pants on his head in the chihoko drama
Yes he surely means the tie.
I wonder if he knows about the two live stages and the dramas though.
Someone should link him the yt video of the chihoko drama at least
>According to Russian journalist Vasily Konov, Julia Lipnitskaia has retired from competitive skating.
I've just read the news.
When will Fairy?
SayoKubo will do Lipnitskaya justice by making Fairy win gold again in the movie and S2.
Can't wait to see how Fairy will break his leg and retire in the movie
Wait, this chick is super young. I wonder why.
Will Fairy retire young and persue a DJ career with Bike
Lbr, that's most likely what's gonna happen to Bald
Is Go considered a sport?
Bald is an alien. He'll be fine
Strategy board game
When Russia will produce dozens of even more young and talanted fairys.
>Wait, this chick is super young.
Nah, she's a babuska by russian standarts. Russian girls jump quads at 13.
What about that young girl with the makkachin tissue box? I think I saw some nips discussing her scores, is she good?
He'll intentionally break his own leg to be Yuuri's lovely wife and housewife forever.
She's the youngest ever to win JGP event beating Lipnitskaya's record. She's 13 and has 4S. She's quite good. But Russia has better juniors. You never know who will be next big thing.
Yulia's problem, for example, was too much competition. RusNats are bloodbath, very few can survive.
With his big body and his heavy 14 inch cock it might be happen.
I want to break both of Fairy's legs. He just seems so small and fragile. I imagine the cracking sound and his screams will be so satisfying.
Then break his leg and be written off the show
Things to do to fairy
All of this appeals to me except the fish and chicken part. Too messy. My Fairy will only eat kibble.
>1st place in ISU rating.
>Confirmed animufag.
>Used Sailor Moon's opening for exhibition skating.
2018 Winter Olympics will be fun.
Love she got balls but did anyone else cring in second hand embarrassment watching the sailor moon skate
Of course not, she's a young girl and it's only natural for her to enjoy such things. I'd cringe if she was a 40 year old woman skating to Sailor Moon.
I want Pig and Fairy to cutely talk about cooking their baes out of the blue. Fairy talk about how good Bike would taste if he cooked him in Piroshki. Pig one night saying how good Bald would taste in Katsudon. I wonder how Bald, Bike would react.
I wonder which would be tastier, Bike pirozhki or Bald katsudon. I'm a Rusfag so I'm going for the pirozhki. Then again I've only had them with beef or chicken, so I can't imagine how long pork would taste in them. Maybe the katsudon then? I just don't know.
>implying it's not cringey to still be like that at that age
>your age
>implying it's not cringey to still like yuri on ice at that age
Fuck off skatefag. Take your fugly Tulpa with you.
I'm a massive YoI fan. I'm just pointing out how retarded you sound when you say it's cringey for a 17 year old girl to like Sailor Moon while at the same time discussing anime on a Polish mental health awareness board.
She's an all star athlete I think she can get away with skating to Sailor Moon. I mean Jesus Christ, Johnny Weir went to anime convention this weekend to gush about yuri on ice at a panel and show off his yoi merch on his Channel purse.
Is Johnny actually gay, or is he just being a campy athlete?
He's gay..
Not that user but yoi isn't targeted at teenagers. Also there's a difference between flaunting your powerlevels than just watching and discussing a show. Buyfags are embarrassing.
The idea that all these beautiful and elegant skaters go home to have their boipussies reamed by some Chad makes me a little bit melancholy.
I dunno man. Does getting married to a dude and then having a nasty divorce not count as being gay or is that just being a campy athlete?
Gee sorry user, I genuinely didn't know. I didn't know who Johnny Weir even was until 2 days ago.
Was his husband at least attractive?
He went through a pretty horrid time for being as flamboyant as he is, you wouldn't just be putting something like that on
>a two-time Olympic champion
But he was married to russian dude. The were just buddies. Kissing like an old ruskie friends and such...
>thread is full of fagskatefags
No wonder it's so shit
They were bro-married? Did they get eachother clubmate rings?
I guess the thing is we are all weebs. She did this infront of thousands of normalfags, not fellow weebs.
Shes a cute gaijin so nips don't mind.
kys, leaf
Fairy will have a long and successful career.
People that aren't mentally ill know better than to flaunt that in public
But she has a gremlin nose
Where exactly do you think you are?
He is Russian and his name is Victor, of course he is attractive.
Medo-chan is the reason that Johnny Weir got into yoi.
Most Russians with the name Victor are ugly fucks. I know a Victor who's an obese alcoholic.
So? Who cares if he never had? It's not like SayoKubo seem to care anymore.
His husband was a Russian guy called Victor Voronov who actually used him for his money. The whole divorce was messy.
He seems to have connections to fagskate despite not being a skater.
>was engaged to German ice dancer training in burgerland
>broke up because he said the ice dancer only wanted him to get citizenship
>talking about skatefag shit
Go start a thread on
C-can we please discuss YoI again? The last thread got deleted and I'm scared this one will be too.
Here you go.
Ugly as shit
YoI puts forward an unrealistic beauty standard for Russians.
Is teen Bald a shotacon?
I'm so jealous. I never want to read about whining nips again.
I was never interested in figure skating. Until now, that is. I will be cheering for her.
>I know a Victor who's an obese alcoholic
Sounds like Victor after 10 years of marital life with piggy.
They appear to be really good friends
Teen Bald is just a thoughtful big brother. And sometimes, being a big brother involves showing your little bro in which hole he's supposed to put his chin-chin when he's married someday.
YOI threads got deleted at random even before 'lawlrules' if it happens it happens
Did Bald read the Tale of Genji and believe all nips practice spouse husbandry?
I have to read that. I hear it's got cute boys.
Good luck user. Editors weren't invented yet.