Rick Scott, the governor of Florida, just raised the legal age of purchasing/owning a gun to 21.
Rick Scott, the governor of Florida, just raised the legal age of purchasing/owning a gun to 21.
dumbest fucking shit ever - this will mean more unregistered weapons.
Imagine being a homeowner at 18-20 and NOT being able to protect your home?!?!
It's pretty much already been infringed. At least in Florida.
You can't do that, there has to be a state-wide vote. Does matter how many fags want to virtue signal
>Imagine being a homeowner at 18-20
cool, guess they cant serve in the military until 21 either
Why can't you buy a gun purchased in the name of your mom, dad
first 18 robbed and injured will make bank off suing the state.
>not knowing that you already have to be 21 to buy a handgun
He's a piece of shit. Florida deserves him.
I guess you also don't have the right to freedom of speech or a fair trial until you're 21, either. Better tread on eggshells in the meantime.
Holy shit, you found out the only exploitable flaw in this otherwise perfect plan to prevent school shootings.
You can. In fact, that’s what most people in America do anyway. I got my first weapon at 15, registered under my father. Now, it’s registered to me. All this means is more unregistered weapons and for those who want to obey the law, waiting 3 more years to register.
Why can't you buy alcohol purchased in the name of your mom, dad
I was, not everyone here is a do nothing neet faggot
This now applies to all firearms, dumbass.
Also, wasn't the guy that shot up that high school like 17-years-old or something?
good point
>Also, wasn't the guy that shot up that high school like 17-years-old or something?
does it even matter? he did't use a bump stock either, but that won't stop the endless kvetching
Best case the law would get overturned, sovereign immunity would preclude cash awards.
/k/ BTFO
that plus mental health checks means most of /k/tards will have to surrender their weapons or go to jail
best day ever
No, he’s 19.
Pathetic to watch these faggots buckle like a belt. Controlled opposition is really worse than actual opposition.
As a Floridian living in Georgia currently I am really upset.
I had a house at 20. Not everyone is a stupid NEET who spends all day on Sup Forums. Get a skill and get a job.
What i mean to say is that your parent can buy alcohol in the shop using their Id and after it is purchased they can hand it over to you
>I had a house at 20. Not everyone is a stupid NEET who spends all day on Sup Forums.
I bought a condo at 19 figuring it made more sense than renting and throwing money out the window
>I had a house at 20.
More like the bank had your house at 20.
His plan actually is coherent enough to work. So long as they don't have pussy guards (like in Parkland). The question I wonder is this. Will the future school shooters still target schools or will they go after a new target?
Daddies money fuck off
Also, is anyone else shocked that in this day and age we don't see more shooters filming the attacks in real time?
He just banned bump stocks as well. This is virtue signaling at it’s finest.
this ginger governor has my vote now instagram.com
Damn... I guess this means they can only shoot up fag nightclubs now
>everyone who isn't a complete loser like me is a spoiled rich kid
Anyone with a halfway decent monthly income can get a mortgage on a house. Even a 20 year old.
Remember when he demanded the FBI director resign?
why all this shit now? Did they get to him?
The state senate will never pass this.
Too young to die for your country as well. Military should be 21+
Is trying to lose!
Man they just keep taking our rights away, little by little so that normies don't even realize it. This shit is fucked.
Gov. Scott is a candidate and this is pandering. He ought to be ashamed.
possible, but i assume illegal? not sure what would happen if a 19 year old (if age limit is 20) in florida has a gun bought and registered to his dad, then uses it in a home invasion against him, perhaps killing intruder in stand your ground.
Confirmed for NEET fag.
You can get a loan at an insanely reasonable rate with only 3% down. Can you really not save up 6 grand?
The governor can't just write this into law without the state government and the people voting on it. And no one would ever vote on it. This is just another faggot politician virtue signaling for pity votes but he'll end up losing more then he's gaining. Nothing can be done about this, no one is raising the age limit
He posted, from his tiny flat he could barely afford while being forced to walk everywhere.
Finally. Special Interest Lobbyist Republicans kept delaying and denying that shootings were even an issue. Dems ask how many more children must die from senseless gun violence?
Apparently enough children have died for Republicans to act.
>muh guns
Will die in committee. Gov Dick Slott will get his ass thrown out next election.
Look on his twitter these retards still arent happy. They want the AR 15 banned. Once it's banned they wont stop untill we are sitting with our dicks out.
Hahahahahahahhahahahaha this
Retarded fucking redneck fucking faggots LOLOLOLOL
We don't register guns in Florida.
Once the transaction is done records must be destroyed in 24hrs.
This is just for purchases. Not for owning. I got my first handgun at 18 however my dad purchased it for me.
Also these measures must pass Florida legislative branch which is unlikely to happen.
Lol in this day and age owning a home at 18-20 is like winning the lottery
This is because mass shooters are all under 21 years of age.
His term is up.
Doesn't change the fact he is the best Governor Florida ever had.
Florida has a heavy jewish population comparable to California and New Jersey. Maybe even New York.
Hey, grandpa! Didn't know you knew how to use Sup Forums. How's life been since retiring to Florida?
They all live in Miami-dade.
Fill in the blank
>disarming schools caused schools to get shot
>disarming minors caused minors to get ____
Not him but I got my first house at 22.
It's almost paid off right now but Florida houses are cheap. I'm considering buying 13 acres about 30 mins away for about 180k. My house only cost me 65k. I paid about 20k down on my mortgage and got a 5% rate.
>worked threw highschool and every summer
>saved 15K
>condo was 85K
>put 15k down
>had job making 55K/yr and excellent credit
This is how life is when you aren't a NEET or a nigger
checked....so the jews are a-okay with giving up their guns? didn't they do that 80 years ago? have they all forgotten the shoa? the 6 gorillian?
Oh noooooo
He violated the Constitution (document).
What do they care.
They vote exclusively Democrat and most are highly affluent and can even afford personal security.
Politicking bastard. Hopefully the legislature or the courts embarrass him.
Are they allowed to, user.? Pretty sure it would be in violation of the Constitution (document), the same document that says sodomites must be allowed to marry each other.
Funny enough is that he could possibly save Republicans when he runs for Senate in November.
See you at the supreme court. That shit won't stand
Guess you better stay home for a few years.
There are many other vulnerable D seats.
>West Virginia
>North Dakota
>Minnesota special election
In many states you can drink alcohol underage under parental supervision. This is valid.
If that's true, congrats man, I'm glad not everyone's getting fucked by this housing market.
Still, at 22 you'd still be able to defend your home under this new law, so it seems reasonable to me.
There is no registry. Florida actually has state statue forbidding it
that's not enough.
reduce the mag size to 10 (which isn't enough, but has the best chance of being made law)
Then you better raise the minimum age for military service and the draft to 21 too.
Yeah it's typically kids from broken families. Once their brains work a little better they'll realize it's better to buy a gun to kill themselves rather than other people
jeez, is it this easy to pass gun control? why didn't people do this sooner?
Fucking hell what is going on??? more more gun control, NOW.
>Imagine being a homeowner at 18-20
Treasonous he needs to be hanged
Every Able bodied male 18-45 is a member of this countries unorganized milita and has a right to rifle
>guy who shoots up school is a literal fucking inbred retard that you can tell his is mentally unwell from one look at him
>"all gun owners are evil"
Congratulations. You wasted your money on a shitbox or your parents helped you buy a shitbox.
If Scott runs he will effectively force Dems to spill loads of money in Florida negelecting other states.
Undocument firearms have just as many rights as documented ones.
This. We need to shill hard and get the normie 2A vote out
>condo was 85K
That's about 1/4th of the usual price for owning a condo.
No he didn't
as not a burger i love this, cucks and rednecks fighting each other.
thats fake news
the age for buying a handgun was already 21, only rifles were 18.
Also i am sure the exemptions are still applicable.
In short, it changes nothing.
Paddock was in his 60's. How about barring anyone over 60 from owning a gun.
Then again, the Pulse shooter was in his mid-30's, so we can't have that. Also the VTech shooter was 23, so we should take that in to account.
So you should only be able to own a gun between 24-32. Then we'll finally be safe. After all, it's just common sense.
Just have a family member buy the gun for you
why do you need to be older to buy a less deadly weapon?
How long ago was this? In my area, I can't buy a house for less than 500k that isn't a shack. Plus, NJ has the highest property taxes in the country (at least, I think that's true). My fiancee and I are both engineers with good jobs, but we don't want to move to the shitty hick areas of NJ so there's really no option right now.
Ya I have more respect for the gommunists at least they beleive in something even if it's stupid. Our side are just traitor JV team meat puppets.
The constitution says age 17-45 I believe, not 18