I admit. I'm a bit cheesed about this.
Brits are niggers.
Accept it.
Who would want to do that, write history books and tell lies?
>Scientists make discovery
>Gets debunked the next day
Does anyone take (((science))) seriously anymore?
Globalist have an agenda that includes shit-skinning the UK, user.
maybe the british weren't dark skinned in the past, but they're sure as fuck going to be in the future.
Cheddar man BTFO
True, as a History grad, I found the globalist agenda too enticing not to ignore, Sup Forums was right, as usual.
That's why people should learn the scientific method, the difference between a scientific and non-scientific hypothesis, and between a scientific hypothesis and a theory.
This wasn't even science... it was fake data.
It's a nuflag slide thread.
this. it's probably sourced from white nationalists anyway
>may not be true
Bitch do you even know where Cheddar is located?
If you're blacker than the fucking void of outer space, you ARE NOT going to survive in places like England Scandinavia and Russia, you will have nutrient deficiencies that will, absolutely definitely will, result in death.
>He thought cheese people were real
Let me guess you are going to tell me that Swiss people exist. What about Gouda people?
Holy fuck, just look at this shit lads. Almost every different type of nuflag.
This board is getting absolutely hammered by paid shills.
>get degree is history & dont want to teach.
>only thing left to do is write about history.
>all of history has 500+ books on everything
>want to bring something new to the world but are too lazy to do research so you just make some sjw bs up and sell it because you know people will buy it up.
>make millions for being a sell out
even if it were true, skin colour is not what makes you a nigger..chedder man built an empire..what were niggers doing all that time
lol why is my flag in the death pit you faggot
the amerishart flag should be in the pits with the rest.
The British hoaxed a human ancestor for fun and political gain? No. I don't believe it!
>3 children per woman
>implying there's something wrong
well, im actually using a Facist Flag because i hate the current flag of my country.
Black Twitter heads just exploded
yeah but LEL you're such a racist and so MAD if you dispute this in anyway!~
holy shit newscientist is the source
>implying a sane person believed that for a second
It's only going to get worse as we get more "activist scientists".
When the Jews realized the 53% shilling would backfire on the England shills. SHUT IT DOWN!
The entire world wide media esthablisment shilling fake news again.
And some dare to say it itsnt all connected. Nope... just a coincidence...
I've been keeping an eye out for this as a headline on the BBC News homepage but I seem to have missed it.
You will find another article later on BBC stating this scientific report would be fake news instead
I never believed it anyways. Scientists make shit up all the time. If they want it to be true then they will look for anything that suggests it might be true.
Science isn't purely objective and you can definitely rig the results, especially in fields relating to created narratives about the past
Is you angry ,kike?
Gets debunked on places the average person doesn't see. Meanwhile MSN still push it and the majority of the UK people believe they are descended from Cheddar Man.
Making two possibilities a reality,
Predicting the future of things we all know,
Fighting off the diseased programming
Of centuries, centuries, centuries, centuries
Science fails to recognize the single most
Potent element of human existence
Letting the reigns go to the unfolding
Is faith, faith, faith, faith
Science has failed our world
Science has failed our Mother Earth
Science fails to recognize the single most
Potent element of human existence
Letting the reigns go to the unfolding
Is faith, faith, faith, faith
Science has failed our world
Science has failed our Mother Earth.
He already does have genes that are associated with extremely light skin pigmentation and freckles in modern day Europeans namely IRF4 and he was heterozygous for one of the red hair mutations which in and of itself causes a lot of depigmentation. I think the authors overplayed their hand on this new algorithm which is not freely available to the public and rushed to conclusions with a clear political intent. So yes the algorithm might have predicted that the person skin color was the darkest two tones; but the prediction could have been crap! The 10 SNPs panel predicts it to have Black skin based on 4 SNPs; however Loschbour get a vastly different prediction when adding 3 more SNPs in spite of having a similar genetic profile in those SNPs.
The Shitolic church, and then all the nation states?
Idk, it's a gouda feeling to me.
The post
Dammit Carlos!
I could go into the science but think of this.
>pretty well preserved mummies only a few thousand years old
>much debate about their skin color
>10,000 skeleton
>we know the exact skin color!!
DNA from the bones deteriorates over time, to find out the skin color (they made him as dark as possible) would be impossible.
This was political as usual.