redpill me on this country
Redpill me on this country
Holding the line against Muslims and Russians.
> Backwards
> Poor
> Child brides
> Forced marriages
> Gave the world Stalin and several other commies
> Infrastructure is a disaster
> Buildings in disrepair
Lots of interesting old history and beautiful scenery though.
Also good wine
they have the coolest looking script tho
Caucasus is like Balkans in steroids / 100x worse in terms of ethno and ethnoreligious conflicts plus conflicts against Russian/USSR imperialism.
Literally don't know anything about them.
they call mama - papa and papa - mama
Good wine and they are one of the two countries that like us
wtf they must be exterminated
there is about 56% of total "thieves in law" who's georgian
>some joke about russia invading and everyone thinking niggers in atlanta is tsars and sheeiittt
not sure really
olso Russia basically using same coat of arms
thats nice poem like this one
ვერ დაიჭირავს სიკვდილსა გზა ვიწრო ვერცა კლდოვანი.
მისგან გასწორდეს ყოველი სუსტი და ძალგულოვანი
ბოლოდ შეყარნეს მიწამან ერთგან მოყმე და მცხოვანი
სჯობს სიცოცხლესა ნაძრახსა სიკვდილი სახელოვანი.
it means death will overcome everything
it will make strong and weak equal
and at last king and slave go to same ground
therefore its better to die bravely than live shamed. its from 12th century
Vietnamese people also kinda like us
thats a real problem
Do Georgians like or not like Americans?
and wine, yeah, and poverty thats it
Whitest country in Eastern Europe senpai
its like we fought together against muslims but too much backstabbings happened. also armenians are money concentrated while georgians care much more about immaterial side of things. so we don't like that in armenians. also they claim our lands while holding lori
I think he said "American" as in United States and not Armenia
All the Georgians I know I saying that Georgians are whiter than Italians, while russians are literal chinks.
At first I was skeptical, but then they showed me pictures and now I'm pretty convinced.
you guys will unironically become first world by 2030
they're big guys
>Child brides
for you
he's just a jealous mutt projecting. your comfy mountain countries will flourish while ours become nigger infested hellscapes
we think of you as hedonistic allies . we despise your moral culture but need you and consider you as friend nation
no, papa is only used for grandfather and mostly in specific dialects. mama is deda
oh wait mama in georgian is deda (which is grandfather) really tricky lel
They are not good at war actually
*tfw your children will be half-georgian, but you can`t shitpost about all that neighboring meme-countries*
Pretty accurate description
now we are not. but we were when we still had warrior culture. we grew soft in last century. like in almost every battle in history we killed more enemy than they killed us.
they wrecked us very hard stop shitpost our army is fucking shit and admit it if georgia had bigger population they would fuck us up
>like in almost every battle in history we killed more enemy than they killed us
stop it Vahtang
boy i said we grew soft last century
i was talking about battles before 20th century
"war" our coward, kike shill president ran away, how does that prove that we are bad at it?
only for this they are blessed
and i wish peace between our countries
shouldn't intervined in our personal affairs and we wouldn't have war.
Why do you like to bully such a small corner on the world.
i know that our politics suck and that there is muh putin fetish even in /pol
but i prefer georgians as allies then abkhazians and ossetians if it was on me i would do it another way than it is now
They hactually attacked ossetians, which were russian citizens, that`s not good to attack our citizens, we`ve proved it
It is a great country, poor as fuck, but great in many ways. for instance:
> Great taxation system with low flat taxes.
> Great food
> Beautiful scenery
> Really nice and friendly people, like Americans in the mid west... if they always gave you good moonshine and food, no matter if they know your name
> Really friendly police
> Very christian
> The younger generation have an urge to make something. If you hang out with people between 18 and 35 you are likely to find people who can be useful for startups etc.
There are some drawbacks and there are quite a few scammers, but overall I really like the place. If you're a christian and not in a wheelchair I would urge you to visit their mountainside monasteries and churches.
Tы бы и coбaкy в кaчecтвe coюзникa выбpaл бы
is georgia one of those countries filled with russians?
>redpill me on this country
Warm country filled with nice short people that live in mountains and drink while while eating God tier food.
As an elve I like them, they are like gnomes.
>Tы бы и coбaкy в кaчecтвe coюзникa выбpaл бы
Still a better friend than Russian.
>t.suburb of saint-petersbug
зaчeм этих гaндoнoв oceтин зaщищaть?
Well, ossetians are actually R1a bro-tier, they are descendants of alans and sarmatians, abkhazs are shit-tier
i remember seeing their fans when they played scotland, they were wearing tracksuits from the 70's, they looked like disgusting slavs mixed with mudslimes
Well thank you, at least we have nice places.
That's a pretty picture, Sven. Thanks for the rundown.
>R1a bro-tier,
You really don't understand how haplomemes work do you?
The real question is how attractive are their women?
You forgot to mention all of them secretly lo e bumsex plus can go from 0 to full chimpout in seconds. Food and wine is nice
Churches are not worth it, if you have seen one you have seen them all.
not this one lol
Nice towel you have there
>redpill me on this country
hopeless shithole. I guess in 50-100 years there won't be Georgia.
Pretty good.
Kinda short and more hairier than average whyte wuminz.So she will probably invest a lot of time shaving.
Their personalities are fucked though, they are either princesses or overly down to earth. No in between.
poo in a loo
WTF did you do, those are trips.
t. have the same sentiments about my country.
we are doomed
which cow should moo
which places have you visited, I think central-south western regions have relatively tall people, I'm from those regions and am 190cm tall, lot of my relatives are also 180cm+
kek. Ossetian are competently native people and they have more haplogroup G than we have, we have more R1a than them. they are not descendant of alans,they are plebs that were ruled by them.
nobody will let you up there and only special thing about that is the place.
they are ugly and for us only
There was a Georgian guy in my boxing club when I was 18, he was a beast. I also know they drink a lot of alcohol
The money concentrated ones are the geogian government who ally with the turks and azerbaijanies for oil. Lori and javakh have an armenian majority population but i dont really care about the territory as long as the armenian in georgia arent being mistreated or forced to assimilate.
boy we survived from 1200 b.c to modern day and i think we can survive this to
Pretty cool folk music:
>they are ugly and for us only
fuck you, my gf is georgian, and she is qt af
thanks for your opinion armenian diaspora
>Churches are not worth it, if you have seen one you have seen them all.
It's not the churches alone. It is just as much, or more, about the scenery around it, the effort to get to them and understanding the history behind it. It's about understanding the struggles of previous generations who have pulled every single rock up the same mountainside.
The pillar house above is a great example of this.
If you really want to go soul searching and get an emotional connection to the cultural roots of christianity this is how to do it.
But you are correct, visually there isn't much difference. But, as an example, visiting Shavnabada Monastery and getting the unfiltered wine from the monks is quite different from just walking up to say, Mtatsminda or Mtskheta and looking at the ceilings.
I have to say I've never heard of being extremely down to earth being a bad thing.
How's Stalin viewed there? He was the only really successful guy from there
>which places have you visited,
I forgot its name that place by the black sea, you know that resort semi-country next to Turkish border.
>i was a too much of a beta male to attract Russian women so I got myself a neanderthal ugly, georgian gf
but roots of Christianity is in Israel.
Batumi? it's full of turkroaches and batumi is an ugly kike city. the region Adjara is not much better either, Adjarians are ugly and inbred. should have gone to superior Guria, Samegrelo and Svaneti.
>as long as the armenian in georgia arent being mistreated or forced to assimilate.
Man, it is like you need another Caucasus yolocaust to learn things.
lol they are fucking everywhere xD
No. Your growth is better than all neighboring countries and the political reforms your country has done the past 10 years are beyond impressive.
Have hope, within a few years you will pass South Africa in GDP/Capita, and a decade later you will be on European levels. When the younger generation starts to get things going you will be in for a ride. learn English and math, perhaps engineering and programming, and you'll be golden.
I'll keep that in mind.
Yes, and the true roots of western civilization was in Greece. But you'll find the best embodiment of it in places like the US.
I think Armenia is decent as well, but Georgia as a nation has better potential.
well i can guess who is behind this post
there are many jews in georgia too
No, there aren't most of them left for Israel and our Jews don't engage in that kind of kikery as much.
Sorry that I hurt your feeling with truth. Christianity is a Jewish religions, I LARP as a fireworshipper
Every Russian I’ve met looks like a Mongolian
American over here working for a Security org. You're way off, man. However:
>Shitty air in the capitol
>Strange-looking ex-KGB oligarch puppet master lives in evil overlord fortress
>Forced marriages? Child brides? Lol, too much Borat, bruh. Try Dagestan or Chechnya, maybe
>Infrastructure: What infrastructure? Decent rails, no highways, though
>Buildings in disrepair: Wut? Chinks getting ripped off, new shit everywhere, old shit falls, Chinks build new shit
yeah surely
They accept white south africans. The only country in europe to accept them.
>All the Georgians I know I saying that Georgians are whiter than Italians
These guys are are they whiter though ?
Agreed. Especially Svaneti.