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There are two UK military bases on Cyprus, the Turks aren't gonna do shit
fucking turks man, didn't believe my friend that they are troublesome individuals but fuck me if it ain't true
Why are Turks poking every country around them at the same time?
World War III: Everyone vs. Turkey?
You know this would actually be a huge step forward for international relations, liberals hate Turkey, conservatives hate Turkey, Russians hate Turkey, Americans hate Turkey, Jews, Arabs, Persians, Japanese, THEY ALL HATE TURKEY! Hell North Korea could come too!
thats what im wondering aswell.
erdogan wants a caliphate, guy thinks he's the next fucking global imam
maybe erdogan is the antichrist and wants to bring ww3.
We got this
they are jealous about the 2vall we pulled off some time ago and want to 1 up the game. or they are just retarded.
yeah, sure you do goy
...oil or gas...nothing new
Their leader is an egomaniac
Again? Is this 1975?
Because Erdogan wants to play big manly sultan.
Ottoman empire 2.0 inc
don't worries bois my unit will the be first in the fight
I for one welcome an independent Kurdish nation ;)
Fuck my engrish
You gotta wait your turn famalam , we hate ourselves the most. So hold your
horses until we murder each other to see who gets to keep anatolia. The answer to the question obviously is:
Erdogan needs that to stay in power , so he , just like the ottomans by the way , taxes the living shit out of the middle class and continiously shitting on our lives. In order to do this you need to get elected and when most of your population is ignorant villagers , all you need is to make them think you are the only way forward although it was also you who got Turkey on this path. Conflict is a must as just like americans , turkish are easy to piss off and quickly distracted from whats at hand. This keeps the show going until it reaches its breakpoint.
I want this to happen.
Isn't half of the island theirs already?
Cyprus is rightful Greek clay. I hope they try this shit. They can get BTFO and Cyprus will be united under Greece again. And then it will give Greece and excuse to invade Thrace and retake Constantinople.
even if Erdogan shits the bed that would never in a million years happen. Fuck the Kurds, they can get a Homeland after Israel is destroyed. I'll allow no more kike puppet states.
No. They are illegally occupying the northern half of it, but that doesn't make it "theirs."
Much nigger navy? das racis...
le 23% white face
Just like you are illegally occupying the kingdom of Hawaii
Turkey has had a diplomat in Cyprus for over 20 years trying to forge casus belli
Fucking t*rks
No we aren't. We annexed it and it is universally recognized as US soil. Only Turkey recognizes the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus as a legitimate state.
Never thought I’d say this but turks are better than greeks these days... greeks are basically gypsies theae days tbqh
This happens pretty often actually.
> tfw Turkey purged the fat after I posted that image originally
Just like you're illegally occupying half of the governments in Europe.
You should thankUSA and its shitty hwite christian alliance against USSR for all that shit
soon will be the time that we move on constantinople. the muslim world will be allowed to exist in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Iran as its centre-points.
Israel will belong to know official religion, but Jews will be welcomed and allowed.
China will be released of economic warfare in exchange for the absolute prevention of military expansion - it will also be given Africa
France and England will be invaded and experience a new Holocaust of all foreign invaders who refuse to go home.
Ukraine will maintain its independence, but will pay massive reparations to Russia, and corruption will be purged.
America will be purged of all illegal immigrants and their families, one way or another. Anyone with endocrine and hormone disruptions will be forcibly converted and cured, or purged as well.
North Korea and South Korea will unify and become peaceful lands.
They're not human. Many ethnicities aren't human too and it turns out that turks are also one of these that are not human
Kek approves... greeks are the new niggers of europe
Non human behaviour is usually correlated with being Turkish so it's correlation not causation
>getting told by a non-country that bends the knee to head of state Queen Elisabeth II
half of turkey is greek and half of greek is turks. obviously youre a retarded romanian.. no surprises there.. youre browner than both of those countries despite being (((ROMAN)))
This. The israelis are exctatic over those finds. Turks must be pissed they cant claim it legally without a small genocide.
Turkey might get this, hopefully they do not. Eitherway, the kikes are planning to get shekels for every drop extracted from those fields.
Norway model not possible for anyone in those territories. Another "worthless" oil field.
Turk and Cypriot look alike. Why the beef ?
damn q youre always right jajajajj
The Chad world hegemon vs the Virgin local Roachistan
Erdogan has gone crazy
He's attacking everything around him
Time to take that ridiculous dictator out
He's messing with Russia, the US, the UK, Syria and Iran at the same time
He's virtually dead
Because they can. They have the EU by its balls with the refugees.
Turkey has realized they wont get into the EU so they stopped playing the cuck and started on their quest to become a regional power.
Could this be true? I wanted to go to Cyprus next week for holiday. Should I cancel this or take marching boots with me instead of Flip Flops?
Go, post results here.
that would be ww3 , if you want to intervene try to rig the election , we sure as hell can’t but erdog surely will. So fight fire with fire. If he doesnt get elected he is finished , he either needs to fade or burn. Yeah I guess we could say that he is dead to some degree.
i know right? hes fucking mental. what the fuck is the problem with him?
Maybe, but you're a turk or turk fan lol you fuked up in life
cyprus is Turkish
also with greece.
>visit Cyprus
>Turks attempt to kick in the door of our apartment because retarded mate was mouthing off at people from our balcony
>they phone their friends and a horde appears
>pile furniture in front of the door
>eventually they go away
>speak to the manager
>he chastises me for calling them Turks
>"you must call them Cypriots."
Obviously we were asking for it but I wasn't expecting that.
we need to raid that little shit asap
Go back to the steppes you fucking barbarian, nothing belongs to you.
kek wills it
but... swimming?
make me you weak faggot
Oh fuck you, there's huge crossover between you and the Turks you filthy judas.
When I was there they looked very alike.
The difference between them was religion of peas.
You only exist today because of Israel. You're only here because of someone else, you don't stand on your own legs, someone else holds you up like a puppet.
The t*rkroach army is a joke and is very overextended. Maybe we can team up with based Kurds and attack roaches from 2 sides
The island is already split in two. They could invade the non English half
Turks would be humiliated if they tried anything. Their military used to be okay, but now after purges and shit it's Arab-tier.
You are illegaly occupying north america you fucking mutt.
I would gladly go and fight a war against Turkroaches
Elaborate, how are muzzies a consequence of Israel? Not very logical
I couldn't tell the difference when I was examining the foot prints on the door.
You are illegally occupying Neanderthal territory. Time to go back to the steppes of the Caucasus
just stfu next time, ok.
Roaches need to fuck off. Cyprus is rightful anglo clay
Fighting in rl isnt like playing call of duty.
pic related. it you.
c-checked ?!!!
Or what?
I want a real answer.
Sometimes here are Cyprus anons Where are they? Already dead?
Turkey rammed a Greek navy vessel last week.
NATO sided with Turkey.
There are cucks in charge of "international" organizations like NATO, the EU and the UN, and they will all side with Muslims.
Every time.
In the case of Cyprus, it is Italy being cucked as well, they've won the rights to drill for oil in Cyprus but the Turks do not allow them to.
Does Italy even have a navy anymore or are they too busy running the Libya ferry service for millions of migrants a year?
Or I'm going to sort you out, bucko.
>completely bollocks
wew Hanz
once they will deal with the kurds,greeks will be next.
if they succeed with the greeks expansion,albania and kossovo will be automatically annexed with the approval of the people.
>the non English half
murrican education, everyone
We will smash the Turks, AGAIN!
Compared to to us, you basically invaded that land yesterday, mutt.
>kikes and 10 different goy countries try destroy turkey in world war 1 but fail
>but no no no you only exist because of the kikes
lmao being this retarded, turkey is the only country to exist today that wasn't apart of your kike masters plan
> ((( cucks)))
The Austrian Navy is ready
I'm trained in martial arts but you can always try.
they could invade *from* the non English half
Shut the fuck up, Mohammed.
cypriot genocide when
what happens to xhamster if they do?
its a porn site hosted there
yeah just like in galipoli you sure showed us kike