Drop all your cnn related screenshots. Let's get them. I'm bored, autistic and ready

Drop all your cnn related screenshots. Let's get them. I'm bored, autistic and ready

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please kind people, tell me that somebody saved the tweet of "I'm proud to be a cuck"

Don't forget to apply and ambush the #factsfirst hashtag.


So CNN thinks that social media should be in the business of restricting free speech, cause they don't like the message


To quote the article "they are publishers - nothing more, nothing less - and should be held to the same standard as other media publishers".

...with one exception; WE AREN'T PAID AUTHORS. We can say whatever the fuck we want, so lobg as it doesn't violate TOS. If I want to get on social media and say that the moon is made out of fucking cheese, its my goddamned right. God I hope this debacle RUINS CNN (I am well aware that it won't, but anything that damages them makes me fully erect).

You miss the point of CNN user. The entire Establishment really. This is not a CNN only issue. Their goal is to use feel good words, but do nothing. When Trump does these things, CNN has to then be against it because they didn't want it in the first place.

Ex. Family leave. The goal is to gaslight women about the oppression of the patriarchy. Trump gives family leave. Now, news media has to explain how it hurts women because Trump is the patriarchy. They didn't actually want Trump to follow through. Jews kvetch.


Anyone who actually believes CNN is clinically retarded by default.

Just the other day they “asked Sup Forums to comment on the recent shootings” or some shit. Bunch of retards with journalism degrees.

they probably contacted the site owner or something


This should do, attack plans?

You see the botton one to the right of CNN It says “opinion”. Its not a news story, its an opinion piece. I know its confusing these days when most news outlets try to push opinion pieces as news reporting, but this one is clearly labled opinion.

CNN is being sacrificed to draw the eye of kek away from the failed Parksdale Gambit. They will let us beat their reputation to a pulp as a bias purveyor of news rather than face a the collective existential threat posed by the exposure of dark truth of Parksdale.

Gentlemen anons, the kids at the wheel of MSM have been sent to bed and the big boys are taking control. These new marching orders come directly from Zbigniew Brezniski and Kissinger now.

Oh no! A news outlet providing more than a single perspective on an issue! Get out your pitchforks!



Anything in this album: imgur.com/a/m0Cvj

Fuck off, Anderson. The only perspective is "Drumpf bad" which is pretty obvious when you see how CNN treated an issue before Trump addressed it and how they treated it after Trump endorsed something they claimed to want.

You're right. However, the people that read this shit take it as facts. Share it like retards, and it just spreads.

The non-opinion parts of CNN are all pushing the "muh Russian hax0rz" narrative too.

