Hey pol, answer this

>had a gun

tell me again how arming teachers with a concealed carry weapon will prevent school shootings when they are cowards?

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dont care

not an argument, thanks for playing

According to this logic it's useless to give guns to cops, they might be cowards too

>That thing

We'll make the armed teachers play violent video games and watch violent movies so this wont happen

they shouldn't have guns.

How is your preposterous queery at all relevant to the "discussion"?

In other words-
Fuck Off, Shill.

Mayb he didn't go in because they said surveillance footage was on a 30 minute delay and cops were not aware of this. Or maybe it's because the whole thing was a fake drill, the 2nd of the day, and he was bored ready to go home

So we are literally where only criminals should have guns?

The cop wasn't protecting his own ass. He was outside. A teacher in a room is protecting his own ass. Difference.


He didn't go in since its not the job his kike ass got hired to do

He wouldn't have heard the shots. FBI/CIA/Mossad were using suppressors when shooting up the school

>im in the union, I ain't clicking that shit nigger. Gonna retire later anyways

Just relocate police stations next door to high schools.

cause that worked so well in europe right?

>has home guarded
help me with a joke here please. brain no work so good

I'll answer it for them, ignorant people fear the world so they hang onto their guns because they have no other skills to protect themselves with. You would too if you were worthless.

Should arm everyone in desu


>well except the FBI
>and this guy, fuck em

Arming teachers is better than doing nothing. Banning guns will equal doing nothing, and let me explain.

Let's keep out of the discussion the fact that banning guns and taking away constitutional rights is criminal, because apart from that, the issue of gun regulation can be explained purely in economic terms.

Unfortunately, libtards are unable to understand basic economy, so I'll be as clear as possible: economy always stands over law, i.e. you can't just take a market and make it go away magically (ever heard of that thing called drug war your country has been fighting since the '70s? And which has accomplished absolutely nothing?).

That's because if there's demand, there will always be supply, it's a straight fact. Now, given that the US is the most armed country in the world, and there are literally millions of patriots wanting to be armed (because it's their fucking right to be) do you think that simply saying "guns are now illegal, because we have decided so!" will put the problem away? Short answer: no, it fucking wont.

The only thing that will accomplish is create an underground black market with even less regulations and checks where a 12yo could buy a fucking RPG.

Trump knows economy and knows this, so the solution he and others proposed is actually the more sane thing to do: you should arm teachers and enforce more background checks while selling guns, end of the argument.

A teacher has nowhere to run or hide. Their only options are shoot back or be killed.

>arming marxist teachers

really great idea, I hope it's about arming their suicide vests

>do what armed services do
>on top of your full time job
>on top of your 45k salary


Cops are mostly pussies, they only sign up for the power and ego trips

Gotta admit, Trump as acting disgracfully by blaming this poor man.

When faced with 1 or more people with ar 15's and perhaps body armor, the deputy did exactly the right thing.

>home guarded
Is this true? The guy who failed in his duty to guard is now being guarded?