So my mom took a dna test, and it turns out she is 0.9% black, making me .45% negroid. Also I am 4% north African Arab. So I guess I violated the one drop rule. The rest is various white European and I look like an Aryan/viking god at 6'5" with blonde hair and blue eyes. I also have a 135 iq. But I mean rules are rules I guess ill take my degenerate genes and go. Ill hand in my /pol issued swastika flag and tiki torch on my way out and never post here again. Its over. I'm sorry. Good bye m80s.
Holy shit I'm a negro
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Dude, more than one of those DNA tests always say < 1% Jew or black just to fuck with you.
It was confirmed all these DNA test agencies add 1% negro for white people because "hehe fuck you racist white suoremacist we are all black"
this, it's just the "out of africa" theory being fucked into your subconscious mind
>North African Arab
>North African
Only answer: Gas your mum then yourself.
Nice purity spiral meme, shareblue. I thought you guys stopped using that one.
That would be a huge relief if it was all some Jewish scam. I want to believe was kind of suspect at first it came back 100% euro then changed after about a day and a half when she checked again. Shes English so it was weird. She's white as a sheet too and blonde like me.
Dude dont be paranoid this is true. I cant go to my moms right now and take a pic of her computer screen, but it was (for her)
85% UK
10% west europe (German and French)
4% Egypt/morocco/libya Arab dna which is very distinct from black. (yes north Africa, have you heard of it? )
And .9% "Nigerian" eww it makes me feel dirty even typing it. But no I'm not a shill. My father is pure American/Chicago polish for generations I know that for sure.
>6'5", blond hair, blue eyes
Go back to shareblue.
North African =/= Arab
>fucking normies
I wish I could post a picture for proof but I know how that is akin to throwing chum to sharks so to speak. No thanks. Honestly being this tall is kind of a burden. Its hard for me to buy clothes and shoes. I'm just barely into freak of nature territory. Its not glorious. And I have had shitty vision all my life to make up for my blue eyes. Don't fetishize my genetics bro. Being Aryan does not make me any type of superman, in fact I'm all too human.
Forgive me I use Arab to mean "middle eastern" or "brown arabic speaking Muslim" is that more clear? My apologies.
OP you know what this means. You have to convert to Islam now and lead the Muslims to victory. You have to be their Freeman.
C'mon m8 couldn't gas me own mum could I?
Wew, you are aware the population of North Africa was much higher than the Arab peninsula during the Islamization? Once upon a time North Africa was just as much a part of Europe as Italy, Greece, and France; it was the breadbasket of the Roman Empire
God Damn it... Fine, hold my beer.
No they add 0.9% Negro to every DNA test because of the inaccuracy of the test and to fight le racism.
that pic reminds me of wendy williams and her husband
That's actually interesting. I'm not an history expert obviously.
The only known cases for that are Richard Spencer and Millennial Woes, they don't bother with random small fries.
Get yo gibs, nigga!
>135 iq
I see where your negro blood went to