Hey Sup Forums, /bant/ here. Just wanted to request nicely that you remove the like to our board from your sticky, that is all.
Sincerely /bent/
Oh and please never visit again.
Hey Sup Forums, /bant/ here. Just wanted to request nicely that you remove the like to our board from your sticky, that is all.
Sincerely /bent/
Oh and please never visit again.
>Is not of burning man sticks
Are you schooltreated badly, mentally retarded or both?
>b-but it lowers life years
So? Was life a contest to see who could enjoy the years long?
>It's a hooking you!
It's not so long as you are not a minor and can burn reasonably
Who makes you burn a pack a day, fucking gravel-cudgel?
Just noticed, link not like.
Good stuff my friend
Disregard what OP said, please just remove your board entirely and go back to
Fuck off nigger. /bant/ is a containment board for the shitty posts newfags make on here.
check this out man I got these burgers. man, they some double cheeseburgers. come on man hook me up. i'll suck your dick
Sounds good my man
Send it to Sup Forums, we don't want it.
I don't think you understand. You exist because of Sup Forums
Nu-Sup Forums makes shitty threads. It became a huge problem so a new board was added. And that new board is yours.
>Sup Forumsdditors actually believe this
>bragging about wearing a diaper
And that new board is tired of faggots. Sup Forums doesn't give a shit about anything, throw it over there. Or just fucking delete it like a sane and logical person would.
this lol
were /bant/ users even around when the board was created?
stop screenshotting my posts, it's unsettling
Fuck off, faggot
Evidently not... Maybe that's why they are so shocked to see pol so similar is structure.
You telling me you enjoy imptrash?
Sweet heart, bant was created to funnel the overspill of filth here your way.
I'm not trying to claim any superiority here lad, if you don't like it then don't like it but if you want to post bullshit go to Sup Forums.
do not listen to this britbong he does not represent us
oh shit
im on your side lol
>claims "filth" gets moved to /bant/
>Sup Forumsdditors always get upset because the threads that get moved are the ones they want to keep
Oh sorry lad, misread ur're post.
Fuck you representing?
>we don’t want it
Yeah instead you soy faggots want are posts of anime
/bant/ is a nu/pol/ containment board. sorry sweetie
What's wrong with enjoying threads that aren't political LARPs? Sorry that your pathetic life revolves entirely around politics and "triggering leftists". I'd feel bad for you faggots if you weren't so obnxious.
I mean personally I don't but I'd much prefer it to soyposts.
nu/pol/ can fuck off to Sup Forums
>/bant/ is containment board for bad threads!
>*thread gets moved*
If /bant/ is a trashcan, it gets filled with your favorite toys. Crybaby Sup Forumsdditors