Trump no! Don’t take my games
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Perfect! Less shoot 'em up, and a better version of the Sims!
shills gon ham
Trump promised and failed:
_ "Drain the swamp" (purge the financial and Jewish lobbies of the government)
_Building the wall
_Deport 50 (and not 11 as fakenews says) millions of illegal.
_ investigate hillary for his crimes as defense secretary
_ Revoke (and not substitute for another) obamacare.
_ end the wars in the Middle East for the benefit of Israel
_ Support assad
Do not meddle in international affairs that do not concern the US (northern korea, Palestinian)
_revocate obama executive orders that allow male transsexuals to use women's restrooms and vice versa.
No longer accepting refugees
Decrease the number of green cards category B1 to protect American jobs.
In addition, the Trump government has followed the sexagenarian discriminatory policies that penalize poor whites in accessing universities and employment
NEET perma Sup Forumsirgins BTFO
>dog bites humans hand
They've gotten Trump elected and that was the central focus of Enoch / Peinovich's dailysormer effort. Trump, in turn, was offered the role in exchange for aligning himself and whites with Jewish interests - against the Iran specifically and for Israel generally.
Finally, a really egregious thing from a WN point of view is the program of co-opting White interests into Jewish interests and the enemy enemy distinctions that serves them - in days to come we will elaborate on how this is a huge part of why Trump's Election is not good for Whites and their necessary allies.
But this has been quite deceptive, of course - TRS and others on the Alt-Right have tried to come across the comprehending the most Jew-wise and most anti Semitic of all people in what is effectively, an advertising and marketing campaign - the Tentoshphere - where they stealthily introduce the gray areas, the mischlings, the acceptance of the mischlings and the gradual identification with Jews, as well as with the right ones against the left as it would otherwise tear into their Jewish and right-wing injustice.
Because they are on top now in these crucial niches, "the left" is to be the enemy, and this most of all goy, even if you become aware of this game, what the fuck are you going to about it?
That's chutzpah.
It’s amazing how Trump has managed to get all the “anti-semites” on his side, yet Trump is the most pro-Jew and pro-Israel President in US history.
It’s an amazing victory of style over substance, of perception over reality.
Exactly how Jewish Trotskyite Communists successfully reinvented themselves as “neo-conservatives” or how a gay Jew like Milo has become “right wing.”
Chump is more dangerous than Hillary because people actually trust him. He's the mascot of a fake revolution, nothing more. He's making America great for Israel, not us.
You do understand that as long as there are christcucks worshiping the kike on a stick, Israel will always be in the picture?
Would you rather deal with conservative jews or communist gentiles?
A while back somebody in here piped up about "Israel being our staunchest ally" and someone else responded by asking, "In which wars has our 'staunchest ally' fought side by side with us?" Of course no answer was forthcoming.
Ever since, I've been waiting my chance to ask that same question to another "Israel Firster" - maybe the chance is coming soon!
>Would you rather deal with conservative jews or communist gentiles?
>conservative jews or communist gentiles
Do we have to picK?
no, don't fall for the pilpul
If Trump makes this move to appease boomer-cucks then he should be aware he'll lose the support of any young voters like me. I won't let anyone take my vidya away from me.
nice meme, trump being anti vidya is huge news when half his online support came from gamergate
burgers are so brainwashed and desperate, they just want to believe in trump, doesn't matter what he does.
even pol mental gymnastics are insane,
>by helping israel he is fighting the jews, 4D chess
nu-pol isn't hating on kikes anymore and this is something i would never have thought of, this is 4d Chess you retards.