Why is your country a joke?


spain is the countr who better sees the omosexuality in the world

and has no borders

and his pepol is stupid
and no etnic homogneity (i mean there is a lot of african and morisco blod)

Not that there is anything wrong with that.

The same is true with inmigration..

But we have, well nationalization is a two year process with latam.

White Community Hating Jews run our Central Bank, Education, Media and Entertainment.

>Getting colonised by a country we had invented

There is some morisco, but not that much and they are culturally spanish.. show me your flag

>Police state

I want to be American and get a traditional American waifu.

>CIA niggers

Thats true almost globally, Maybe russia, china and some asian countries are safe.

How hard is for a british to live in murica?

aunque mi pais no es españa sino navarre




We elected a guy who shits himself and jerks off in it for the first three hours of the day.

>A country
Choose one

one of the biggest jokes


> Unemployment
> Corruption
> Leftards
> National culture BTFOd into oblivion
> huehuehuebrbr


its my nation comon you know what i mean

>European champion in getting demographically replaced
>Ethnomasochism is official state religion
>Highest taxes in the world yet still having an inceasingly crumbling worsening education system, healthcare, police force and military
>Bastion of third-wave feminist indoctrination

I think we won this one guys
Nobody cares about Belgium.

>dysfunctional government
>shithole brussels
>mudslimes infesting all major cities
>fucking walloons

People like this.

Literally every problem is caused by this.

>lack of world war

It’s incredibly easy to make a ton of money money and corruption is low. The general Canadian population is wealthy and happy, I guess that why we can be an armed nation without weekly mass shootings

>let’s just give a bunch of obese angry people who hate their country automatic weapons

its shaped like a person taking a shit.

i would literally trade vienna for south tyrol.
sandnigger infested shithole

>How hard is for a british to live in murica?
Easy if you're a skilled professional such as an engineer or programmer, but the same can be said for any country.
As it is, Anglo countries have no immigration advantage other than getting a few extra points for being native English speakers. Hopefully that will change.


90% of our population is completely retarded

> war
> religion

Gun control.
See this gun in pic? It's a Riverman OAF, a straight pull bolt action rifle chambered in .300 BLK.
It's now been classified as a prohibited import because it is "substantially the same in appearance as a fully automatic firearm".

That's right, it got banned not based on its function but due to the fact it looks like a spooky salt rifle.

Godless leftists.

>let's just give our people the right to suck on canine cock

Read this gentlemen. Never waver on the 2nd admendment.

Ugly borders.

I wonder if Ahmed Hussen's community tolerates third genders.

self destructive

>Thread title: Why is your country a joke?
>Canadian: Huurrr Canada is great and America has mass shootings
Add reading comprehension to the list for the leafs.

I can't really call the current global empire a joke by the mere fact that were on top -- but the fact that we are on top-- with all are faults-- says more about the rest of the world. If ever we fall, which is likely if you know history I'm sure our multicultural society, hubris, corruption etc will be the butt of the jokes by all the people who were hoping for and prediciting it. I'll say right now we're not a joke since the US is the leader of the free world for better or worse. A little optimism and arrogance is required otherwise you're saying that we're only in this position because rest of the world is so shit and incapable

Corruption is very bad in Rossiya unless you are Jewish mafia, V. Putin or oligarchs. Unemployment is low, but wages are still shit-tier.

>Should be shining beacon for world. Yet fail miserably
>Jews plaything and largest tool.
>Elected a nigger over white guilt.
>Use our own constitution as toilet paper.
>Top porn producer, while simultaneously demonizing healthy, normal sex.
>Make it very difficult to immigrate if you're European, yet let all Beaners in, illegally, with 0 fucks given.
>Champion of getting in wars no one wants, or needs, especially our citizens.
>literally spy on and record EVERYTHING in the world including ourselves.
>Export our terrible culture to everywhere else.

There's a lot more. I just can't think of them all right now.

>two party "democracy"
>demoshits trying to take our guns

>fast decrease in white %
>a fucking leaf

Proof that niggers have no sense of originality

Spain is a joke because of


>Identity Politics
>Civil War levels of political polarization
>Growing levels of political corruption
>Literally can't stop shooting each other
>Debts so large it makes Greece look like a joke

My country is great, thank you

Lack of conviction

>even more corruption

Spineless character, deeply feminized culture and an incessant need to compromise over everything in where stakeholders' stake is defined by their ability to shout and virtue signal, leading to ever expanding statism and regulation. Taxes and cost of living is insane and not really worth it. No concept of history of past success without the solicitation of some bullshit notion of shame.

>Thought police
>National apathy
>Lack of any sense of unity
>Culture warfare by all media sources

Impossible unless your employer proves you are irreplaceable, or if you are rich.
Most bongs in the US are probably illegals

You double nigger

It's only ever the Mail that reports on these things

It exists

Same here
Most corrupt shithole in region
7% unemployment.

But heeey we dindu accept sandnogs so we are BASED.

>virtue signalling cuckery


That pic isn't even the UK, ya fanny

You rejected Christianity

>people living too comfy
>naive sheeple

I don't know. Communism maybe.

That just isn't true. As long as your job title is on the "specialty occupation" list, than your employer can sponsor you for an H1-B visa. The employer doesn't even need to prove that there are no eligible Americans. How do you think silicon valley is poaching all of the talent in Europe and Asia?
I actually had an employer interested in hiring me in the UK, but the Visa process there is much worse. In the UK you have to prove that there are no eligible candidates in all of the UK or EU.

i feel like i have won by just posting here

Do people leave your country en masse because of no work, low payment etc.?
Do you have most famous gypsy ghetto?

Cmon stop being crybabies westerners few sandnogs aren't that bad. You could always be born a slav.

System skewed in favor of those less qualified
Jewish tricks industrial complex

I'm very sorry Lars. I visited Sweden once right before the immigration got out of hand and it was beautiful. If it serves as a painful reminder for me I can't imagine what it's like for you.

Stupid, retarded and braindead culture.
Crab mentality.
No sense of culture so every time they hear "Filipino" or the "Philippines" outside the country they overreact.
Fucking dubbed K-dramas.
God damn fucking squatters.

Run by jews

Not for long.

My turn
>Welfare state not contribution based
>Public housing not contribution based
>NHS not contribution based
>No ID system
>Anyone can abuse #1,2,3 by claiming a greater "need"
>One guy in Grenfell Tower was white British, the rest were living in subsidised luxury in a high-class area
>Women encouraged financially to be single mums
>Parents encouraged to live apart, work 16 hrs/wk and claim tax credits
>Actual population around 80 million
>Population guessed at using International Passenger Survey in airports, the ONS staff make the paperwork up (I have seen this)
>Mfw we don't even know how many illegals we have here
>Hard for Burgers, syrupnigger, Bruces and Saffas to live here
>Easy for poos, pakis and nigs to live here
>Mfw the media think Piotr the Plumber is the problem
>This post is being read by my govt
>We mostly live in tiny boxes; govt supported mortgage borrowing to speculate on house price rises
>Mfw any attempts to rectify the madness that is 10x incomes for a rabbit hutch will crash the economy

>our country is transforming into the embodiment of a zealous sjw subreddit
>retarded prime minister who is solely concerned about appearing inclusive and progressive. he makes up words like peoplekind
>weak populace who are happily watching our demographics flip
>we are constantly told we have no culture. even though we are descendants of hard men: fur traders, hunters, explorers, men and women of european origin who came together to form a perfect mixture values and traits, pioneers who built a nation through the devastation of an entire race.
>we cuck ourselves with immigrants and say we are a multicultural harmonious society but all we really create are parallel societies with increasing tension.
>we are like the toothless hillbilly who is worthless but comforts himself with the thought "least I ain't a nigger", our nigger is america.
>our flag is a fucking leaf

It is true, as you point out your employer has to sponsor you. So unless you have a job offer (which would mean you'd have to be better than the locals, or cheaper) you would have to transfer with your existing employer. So it's almost impossible.

UK is either ran by a bunch of airheaded nonces or maniacally evil sons of bitches.

Either way it doesnt look good.

It's both. Women were a mistake.

It's not my country anymore

Everyday life is pretty comfy, we're being slowly boiled like a frog. That's why nobody does anything. Biggest current drama is KFC running out of chicken

More out of the city lad, it's the only way you get to keep your sanity.

Yeah but then you get boiled more slowly. I've got no non-whites within a ten mile radius so I'm laughing, but my country is still being destroyed so I know what he means.

the only politicians we have that are populist and or anti muslim are unsophisticated and are holding the movement from going further

We have that problem too
> EDL (now disbanded) highlights rape gang problem
>Viral interview with young drunk EDL lad
>He said "muslamic ray guns! Haha what a tard!"
>Except he meant to say "rape gangs"
>Nobody is laughing now


The H1-B process is so cheap and easy, that employers gladly sponsor foreigners. British engineers and programmers ARE cheap by American standards (sorry), so if you are qualified, an American employer would gladly sponsor you. Just apply for jobs in the US which you are qualified for, you might be surprised and get an offer. I know several British nationals who have come on H1-B visas.

If you look at their flags they are literally the same 3 colors but in different ordinations

Looks like a dodge for cheap Indians to me. But I'll look into it (again)

>due to russia being spoopy, we are ameriboos.

Too many spics taking up the jobs

go away uxue barkos, why aren't you at the Operacion Triunfo concert?

So you could say that USA imported thwir problems because they were&are too lazy to do their own agricultural jobs.

>1.8 percent of world economy
>HIV epidemy

because most countries are a joke

Yeah but it's your Africa tier flag really, be honest.

its full of 89 iq turk subhumans and libtards

> The state is everywhere
> People don't understand the difference between a nation and a government.
> Also shitskin