>President Trump: Year One
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump w/state+local officials on school safety 2/22/18
>VP Pence/2nd Lady @CPAC 2018 2/22/18
>Eric Trump @CPAC 2/22/18
>CPAC Day 1 (Pence/Loesh/LaPierre/LePen/others) 2/22/18
>Marion LePen @CPAC 2018 2/22/18
>FL AG Bondi after meeting Pres Trump 2/22/18
>AG Sessions on Elder Fraud 2/22/18
>AG Sessions Elder Fraud Roundtable 2/22/18
>USDASec Perdue salutes Natl FFA Week 2/22/18
>WH Press Brief (Raj/CEA Chair Hassett) 2/22/18
>DoD Press Brief (Dana) 2/22/18
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 2/22/18
>WH Video: FLotUS Melania visits Children's INN @NIH 2/22/18
>WH Video: 2nd Lady in Music Therapy 2/22/18
>Pres Trump/EdSec Devos host students & teachers @WH 2/21/18
>Natl Space Council full meet 2/21/18
>VP Pence @Natl Space Council meet 2/21/18
>UN Amb Haley bitchslaps the UNSC some more 2/21/18
>WH Video: Pres Trump awarding Medal of Valor 2/21/18
OP pastebin:
/ptg/ President Trump General - Memeball Edition
Why are Finns the way they are?
>waiting on the knockout IG report that will take down obama once and for all
any day now........ a-any...... day.......
Hello /ptg/ in light of our beloved President Donald J Drumpf’s reading of The Snake at CPAC I’d like to take a moment to share with you about the dire threat feminism poses to the Western world.
Did you know that feminists act they way they do because they are infected with a virus? It’s made worse because all contraceptives (pill, IUD etc) cause hormonal and mental damage which can accelerate the infection process.
Well. Guess that idea's out then.
to hydrat
1st for Israel! Go trump!
Do you feel it?
Most likely some pog, no?
This is Scott, governor of Florida. He wants to violate your Amd2 rights and have you pay for the pleasure through the baker’s act. Press S to spit on him.
Hey boys, I’m looking for someone with IQ >90 to have an intelligent discu—
OOPS my bad, I didn’t see I was in /ptg/!!!!!!!
So white thots are referred to as snow bunnies??? Sounds too nice for those trashy hoes.
does their beenies say "europoor"?
Local law enforcement, even the armed officer of school fails to even go face the shooter
And 18-21 pop of FLORIDA gets disarmed as a response
And barred from practicing 2A
While they can sign up to die in middle east
Absolute state of Florida.
>The streets of Beijing will know fear.
/mlp/ here, we play in a bit
Pls send some energy
The only part that's terrible is raising the min age to 21, and that part will kill the entire thing.
I want to lick her eyebrows.
give guns
i remember this post from earlier
They have to honey the trap user. It plays on the thot's emotions gets them to associate niggers with tenderness so when the time to pay the toll comes they can't escape when the trap snaps shut.
>in study with a bunch of other lads
>say I'm not sexually attracted to non-europeans
>have every lad autistically call me a racist and they all attempt to show me attractive indians, arabs, mutts etc
>you're a racist then!
Today was a hard day
Me too. I can actually just walk to the grocery store a block away from my apartment and buy a gun and while the FFL is going through I can go buy some milk and eggs upstairs and come back downstairs to pick up.
Dog bless this country.
Were you also aware that the CIA has weaponized this virus in the past? They used it to decimate the black population in the US during the 60’s and 70’s.
Before you go off about how it’s ok because they were nigs, viruses spread to white people (who are actually more vulnerable). Have you checked birth rates recently and studied when they first began to decrease?
Ironically the Jews pushing total degeneracy makes them susceptible to it as well, the leftist Jews will eventually cause an implosion in Israel if the infection spreads like it has been.
>Actual marine
You know females don't have combat rolls right?
> leftist baby boomer says fuck Drumpf
Sending negative energy for /mlp/ loss
god fucking damnit Florida man
what are you doing?!
>What if Based Poos were the master race this entire time?
They're turning the freakin frog gay!
>sure you have a hundred experience people who agree with you BUT THIS ONE PERSON...
>former Marine
Obviously was never one, or MSNBC doesn't know shit
>The same law that legalized recreational cannabis and set the stage for a cannabis industry that kicked off this month also gives local governments authority to regulate or ban most marijuana activity inside their borders.
>That’s led to a rapidly evolving patchwork of rules that can vary widely from one city to the next, making it tough for Californians to know where they can shop for legal weed, open a marijuana business or even what they can do in their own homes.>“It’s impossible to follow,” said Herzberg, who’s law firm represents the marijuana industry and has stakes in cannabis ventures throughout Southern California.
>“It’s just too hard to keep up with everything.
There's no public database of what places have banned cannabis in Commiefornia. According to mine, about 75% of the state's counties have banned it.
Joe Derangement Syndrome (JDS) - Characterized by, despite all reason, an outright denial that Joe Scarborough is /yourguy/, and an inability to accept the fact that Lori Klausutis died of natural causes.
>pic related
The meme is real! Everything is an AR-15!
I thought the first ever female marine was only recently dicking around but she quit in the end?
Gov Scott's Proposal
21 and older
if you've been baker acted you need to petition the courts to restore your access to guns.
Minimum 60 days before petition is possible
Cop needs to sign sworn testimony to your danger and will face criminal charges if they lie.
Prohibit purchase if injunction for :stalking, cyber stalking, dating violence, repeat violence, domestic violence, sexual violence.
Penalties for Sellers who violate
Completely ban purchase and sale of bumps
Mandatory LEO in every school, 1 cop per 1k students.
Additional funds for training for school staff, by sherriff's offices if local school boards deem it proceed.
School Hardening plans including Metal Detectors, Upgraded Locks, Bulletproof glass.
Restrictions on funds for hardening and stops funds if Hardening does not take priority.
Hotline, website, app, for reporting
Each school must have a state funded Shrink
Each school needs a threat assessment board Including: Prinicpal, teacher, LEO, HR, DJJ.
Crisis intervention Training.
50M for Sicko Services
DCF employee in every sherriffs office.
Oh wow someone disagrees with a plan of action? Scrap it. It's all over. Take the constitution, you win
Some saviors gen z turned out to be.
Feminism is a major problem anons, you should probably spread the word about how dangerous it is before it reaches critical levels.
Have you been following the growth of the Women’s Marches?
Chinese are into scat play themselves. Look it up, shitting in elevators, or in the store or other public places is a thing in china
US pressure and amicable support for India is allowing them to do this.
I'm still waiting for some horrific disease to wipe out a large chunk of India's population. That population density with that terrible sanitation is asking for a pandemic.
Don't they have to pass fitness tests even for a desk job?
lefty logic
>Trump: "I moved on her actually. You know she was down on Palm Beach. I moved on her, and I failed. I'll admit it. I did try and fuck her, she was married."
>Unknown: "That's huge fucking news there."
>Trump: "No, no, Nancy. No this was [inaudible] and I moved on her very heavily in fact I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said I'll show you where they have some nice fucking furniture. I treated her like a bitch. I couldn't get there and she was married. Then all-of-a-sudden I see her, she's now got the big ass fucking tits and everything. She's totally changed her look."
>Bush: "Your girl's hot as fuck. In the purple."
>Multiple voices: "Whoah. Yes. Whoah."
>Bush: "Shit. The Donald has scored. Whoah my man."
>Trump: "Look at you. You are a fucking pussy."
>Bush: "You gotta get the thumbs up."
>Trump: "Maybe it's a different one."
>Bush: "It better not be the fucking publicist. Shit, it's, it's her."
>Trump: "Yeah that's her with the gold. I better use some fucking Tic Tacs just in case I start fucking her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful... I just start fucking them. It's like a magnet. Just fuck. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything."
>Bush: "Whatever the fuck you want."
>Trump: "Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”
Your response, /ptg/?
>uses a fucking m249 as the picture
Who could do such a thing?
Free Melania
UGCH, this is on my FB feed too.
Hello Roosya!
>former marine
Not a thing.
gun rights are tied to voting age in the federal constitution. this will go to supreme court if anyone objects
This. The Florida legislature won't let the age increase. I could see the bump stock ban happening but not the age. Scott said in 2 weeks he hopes to have passed legislation; we'll see
He did say military service exempts one from the 21 year old rule. I don't see that provision passing in the Legislature
>This is the best the Dems have to offer in my area this election
Nice to see they're at least admitting they're children
wish i had a twitter account but i need to verify a phone number...
Lol based. I don’t see a lot of negroes or coal burners but I have seen them IRL. One was a fat girl who was taller then her negroe boyfriend but still had a nice shiner on her left eye. Thankfully people are intimidated by my presence so I was able to get a good look. I’m a broad shouldered Arab so many people don’t even return at my glance.
>friends calling you -isms
>not just friendly banter
Hydrate on my dik
>Neither the mother nor the Girl Scout were injured, but the suspect was able to flee through the store’s parking lot. He’s described as a black male between the ages of 16 and 19 who is around 5-foot-5 with a thick build. He was wearing dark clothing when the robbery occurred, the news station reported.
Don’t let the low IQ Slav IC agent who is running this thread distract you, feminism and the virus that causes it is a big deal that’s why Trump referenced it today
Snakes are a symbol for it, go look at how snake symbology and it’s appearance in ancient mythology
This dude sounds like a pedo.
Kek, shut up Boland
>should we bring babies to the battlefield
CNN been learning from Dwarf Fortress i see.
That would be an interesting case to see in the court but given the supreme courts cowardice on gun issues lately I'd bet they would decline to hear the case.
Service guarantees citizenship.
Seriously though 18-21 year olds not in military service should not be voting.
$300 sounds quite cheap right now
Where did you get it?
BREAKING: Florida Man Absolutely Kills His Chances For Reelection.
seriously... is this real? i cannot tell, this is beyond the capability of a parody account or something else. pls archive me
A true gung ho leatherneck I see. I bet she knows exactly what a silver bullet is and has never heard the term "keyboard jockey".
I'm not a retard, they were actually serious. I've been called ism's as banter, and I've done the same to others. But they were deadly serious that it was bad to only be attracted to europeans.
>Lol my classmates were butchered.
Wait, what?
Most Finns get their water from their great lakes, and for years they have been dumping chemicals in it. This naturally shy people have been poisoned and then any hopes for social skills have been destroyed by smartphones and social media.
Just tell them you were born that way.
Doing well today?
This is like when Professor Umbridge got mad and tried to stop defense against the dark arts to disarm the children.
Damn...Miller said that?!
Impeach now!
Who is speaking next at CPAC?
This isn't Africa, sanitation has been steadily growing, even their campaign to implement toilets and use them but the rural and poor are the last hold outs who are resisting.
And remember anons (so important!) don’t fuck feminists whatever you do, the virus can be transmitted like an STD
Ever seen what happens to guys who fuck rabid feminists raw dog? Many such cases!
>in the future every infantry squad will have their mobile source of milky to satisfy every soldier
Pretty bold, i like it
Only 1 post telling me to turn in my guns now so I don't have to later? You need to step it up, you got 12 last thread.
> Current year +3
Not having a racist penis
this is my favorite picture
More or less. I got stock with some javascript crap that doesn't wanna work so i hatted fifty things in the previous threads to cope.