For the past week i been delivering shit to companies in San Francisco and i keep seeing the same type of men every where i go these very effeminate small built men who all talk one way i dont even think its possible for these men to even have facial hair how is it possible for this many men to be this way it honestly looks like eugenics
For the past week i been delivering shit to companies in San Francisco and i keep seeing the same type of men every...
Interesting. Soy diet probably.
I noticed out in middle america everyone was tall, then i came back to the city and everyone is short. Almost like different species.
This is what happens when you ingest nigger cum
Da 4ever boyz
For sure
I know it's been pointed out on here previously but aren't there statistics that show the average size of an idividual in a population directly relates to the amount of nutrition they get in their diets?
If so then it makes sense that people who live in cities are probably eating garbage walking through clouds of ciggy smoke and staying small while tommy on the farm is getting ripped and buff from all the fresh eggs and farmwork
>absolute soy
>Run on scentence.
>No puctuation.
>All lowercase.
>Reads like an illiterate la creatura wrote it.
Literally kill yourself.
decadent ease, comforts and cattle diets of (((modernity)))
don't you think of escaping the wonderful urban utopia we built for you and go be independent in some farm now. Imagine how much easier everything is in a city...... that's right goy give in to your base nature and eat a big mac with coco cola and go home to watch some interracial porn.
This sounds about right from my experience. I always feel on average or taller when I’m out east, but on average or shorter when out in the countryside. I’d assumed it was for that very reason.
I noticed out in middle america everyone was fat, then i cam back to the city and everyone was slim.
Sort of related, I'm around 6'2 and feel like a giant most of the time here in Bongistan but I went to both Croatia and the Netherlands last year and genuinely felt like a manlet.
I know this is a shitpost, but here’s an honest response.
Nearly everyone you meet in SF is a transplant. All the guys you saw moved there for a tech job of some kind. Techies tend to be scrawny nerds because they code all night and sleep all day. SF basically has absorbed all the nerds from across the country, so you’re seeing a concentration of runts in one area. The food, air, water doesn’t have anything to do with it.
T. Oldfag SF Bay Area native
i can't wait until unless cunts like you are priced out of the city.
Transplant manlet detected.
lmao I'm a NYC transplant. If you can't keep up the city life isn't for you. Leave so someone else with a brain can rent out your shit apt.
excellent analysis of the problem presented
thanks for playing
>gets called a manlet
>doesn’t refute it
Have they finally learned?
>being a butthurt manlet
please don't
>It’s ok for a man to be 5’6 and 150lbs
The absolute state of britcucks. As the great Mark Rippletits once said, no real man should be less than 200lbs
The city has always been filled with fags but they are pumping estrogen into the water supply
Hey man leave asian guys alone they can't help being smaller built, but they are just as manly if not more than white soyboys. They still mainly believe in women being women and men being men.
They're called gays.